If you were unable to attend the peace and justice conference sponsored by the Martin Luther King, Jr. Research and Education Institute on July 16 and 17, you still have an opportunity to hear some of the dialogue that took place that day. Audio of the session hosted by television and radio personality Tavis Smiley on July 16 is now available online.
The panelists included Vincent Harding, adviser to the Rev. King and director of Veterans of Hope; Dorothy Cotton, former director of the Southern Christian Leadership Conference’s Citizenship Education Program; Mary King of Costa Rica’s University for Peace; educator Kiran Sethi, founder of India’s Riverside School; Michael Nagler, founder of the Metta Center for Nonviolent Education in Berkeley; Eric Mann, director of the Labor/Community Strategy Center in Los Angeles; and Clayborne Carson, director of the King Institute.
The theme of the panel was “Achieving Global Peace with Justice in a Sustainable Environment.”
Carson noted that often activists view their work through separate lenses—peace, civil rights or the environment, instead of viewing them as interconnected movements.
“I just really thought that it would be productive to bring together some people who have spent their lifetimes working with these issues and see what they have to say. How do we have a holistic conversation about the issues that are very important for our collective destiny?” Carson said.
The full two-hour conversation is available on the Tavis Smiley Show website.