Moneyhun and Buffington headed to Boise

February 19th, 2010

CLYDE MONEYHUN and NANCY BUFFINGTON will be leaving Stanford for new jobs in Idaho.

Clyde, currently director of the Hume Writing Center and associate director of Stanford Introductory Studies, will take over as director of the Boise State University Writing Center and will teach in the English Department’s new doctoral program in rhetoric and composition. Nancy, a lecturer in the Program in Writing and Rhetoric and director of PWR’s Community Writing Project, also will teach in the English Department and continue work she started at Stanford on a series of children’s books, among other projects.

Clyde and Nancy came to Stanford in 2004 and became resident fellows at Branner Hall in 2006, establishing it as a public service theme house this year. They’ll make the move to Boise with sons Jesse (15) and Gabriel (7) in late summer.