In the category of “world’s shortest commute,” STEPHEN STEDMAN, a senior fellow at the Center for International Security and Cooperation in Encina Hall, can roll out of bed in Crothers, where he and his wife are the new resident fellows, and stroll to work in two minutes. However, his wife, CORINNE THOMAS, has got even that beat. Since last October, she’s been a residence student affairs specialist in Res Ed in Toyon, a mere minute away – 30 seconds if she runs. But, as Thomas notes, “The traffic can be just horrendous! All those bikes and students – it’s hard to cross Arguello Way sometimes!” Stedman maintains a positive perspective, saying, “Now, if they would just build a Whole Foods in the Toyon parking lot, we’d be all set!”
—Lisa Trei

Steve Stedman, Corinne Thomas and their family.