Freshman attends State of the Union address

January 27th, 2010
Gabriela Farfan   Photo credit: White House

Gabriela Farfan Photo credit: White House

The White House announced on Wednesday that freshman GABRIELA FARFAN from Madison, WI, would be a guest of First Lady Michelle Obama during the president’s State of the Union address. Here is what the White House said in a press statement:

“Gabriela is a 19-year old from Madison, Wisconsin whose passion for geology started at a young age – collecting rocks as a seven-year old with her father. In 2009, as a senior in high school, her hard-work and research won her one of the top awards in the Intel Science Talent Search, winning a scholarship for her independent research describing why certain gemstones appear to change color when viewed from different angles—a finding that directly affects the gemstone industry and may have applications in the nano and materials sciences. Gabriela is now in college as a freshman at Stanford University, and a declared geology major.

Gabriela is also a National Hispanic Scholar award winner, has two very proud parents, Abigail Farfan and Carlos Peralta, and has a real dedication to the arts: singing, drawing, painting, speaking French and Spanish, and following operas and musicals.”
Read Gabriela’s White House Blog entry.