Celebrating SLAC’s first 50 years

November 20th, 2012

Nobel physicist and SLAC Director Emeritus BURTON RICHTER and NORBERT HOLTKAMP, an associate lab director at SLAC, will be the featured guests at an event Nov. 28, hosted by the Commonwealth Club of California. Richter, SLAC’s director from 1984 to 1999, and Holtkamp, who has held his position since 2010, will lead a discussion about SLAC’s 50-year history and its bright future.

Their talk, “SLAC: 50 Years of Scientific Discovery,” begins at 7 p.m. in the Oshman Family Jewish Community Center, at 3921 Fabian Way in Palo Alto. The Commonwealth Club is a national forum for public issues ranging from culture and society to politics and the economy.

Registration for the event is required – the cost is $15 for non-members, $10 for members and $5 for students with a valid student ID. Reservations also may be made by calling (408) 280-5530. Visit SLAC Today for more details.