The White House issued a press release March 16 announcing that President Barack Obama intends to nominate SUSANNA LOEB, professor of education and director of the Center for Education Policy Analysis, to the National Board for Education Sciences.
The National Board for Education Sciences consists of 15 voting members appointed by the president and confirmed by the U.S. Senate. The board’s duties include advising the director of the Institute of Education Sciences.
Loeb specializes in the economics of education, and the relationship between schools and federal, state and local policies. Her work focuses particularly on school finance and teacher labor markets.
In the press release, the White House noted that Loeb “also serves as a Senior Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research, Director of the Institute for Research on Education Policy and Practice and Co-Director of Policy Analysis for California Education. In addition to her work at Stanford, Dr. Loeb is currently a policy council member with the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management, co-editor of Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis and a Faculty Research Fellow with the National Bureau of Economic Research.”
Read the White House press release.