SLAC’s Lance Lougée gives local firefighters tours of the lab

July 21st, 2011

LANCE LOUGÉE, assistant fire marshal/emergency management coordinator at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, spent the early part of this week showing firefighters from local organizations such as the Woodside Fire Department and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, better known as Cal Fire, around the lab. Lougée’s tour included some of the usual SLAC highlights such as the Klystron Gallery, but also included places that would not make the cut during a typical tour.

Lougée’s tours were intended to familiarize the firefighters with SLAC’s unique environs and its risks and resources. He pointed out gates, water supplies, hazards and internal response capabilities. These special tours have a very important purpose – should a fire break out or a natural disaster strike, these are the people SLAC will turn to for help, in addition to the on-site Palo Alto Fire Department.

“We’re just trying to make this a safer place for everyone,”Lougée said.

Read the full story on the SLAC News Center.

— Lori Ann White