On Bike to Work Day 2011, which took place Thursday, May 12, 1,117 bike commuters were counted passing a campus Energizer Station, according to ARIADNE SCOTT, Stanford bicycle program coordinator. Here are some other numbers Scott shared:
- 539 Stanford bike commuters officially checked in/signed in at one of the nine Energizer Stations on campus and reported miles ridden.
- For the nine Energizer Stations on campus, Stanford commuters reported riding a total of 3,611 miles, averaging 6.7 miles per trip for 539 riders that reported their miles.
- The 3,611 miles of avoided car trips resulted in 1,556 kg (or 3,430 pounds) of CO2 emissions avoided. The per mile emissions factor used for automobiles is 0.431 kg CO2/mile or 0.950 lb. CO2/mile. This is based upon an average passenger vehicle fuel economy of 20.4 mpg, the 2006 figure from the U.S. Bureau of Transportation Statistics.

Medical School students Anthony Kaveh, a.k.a. Sprocket Man, and Sneha Shrestha greeted riders and promoted helmet use at the Energizer Station near Stanford Hospital.
Scott added that “all of the riders who signed in will be entered into a drawing to win one of five sets of ‘platinum’ bike bags to celebrate our recent designation as the only platinum-level university by the League of American Bicyclists.”
And always thinking safety first, Scott noted that riders who take the Stanford Bike Safety Pledge by May 31 will be eligible to win a free bike donated by the Campus Bike Shop.
Scott said that this year her office also tracked walkers for the first time. Those who signed in are eligible for one of two $100 gift certificates to the Walking Company. All winners will be announced June 6.