
Neukom accompanies World Series trophy to campus

April 15th, 2011

Stanford alum BILL NEUKOM, managing general partner and chief executive officer of the San Francisco Giants, brought the Giants’ World Series trophy to the Stanford Alumni Association yesterday, and University Photographer LINDA CICERO was there to document the event.

First in line to be photographed with the trophy was junior Sam Birer.

First in line to be photographed with the trophy was junior Sam Birer.


Stopping by on Thursday to visit the San Francisco Giants World Series Trophy are members of Stanford's softball team from left, catcher, Madison Hanten; pitcher Ashley Chinn; Coach Trisha Ford; shortstop Ashley Hansen and outfielder Corey Hanewich.

Posing with the San Francisco Giants' World Series trophy are members of Stanford's softball team: from left, catcher Madison Hanten, pitcher Ashley Chinn, Coach Trisha Ford, shortstop Ashley Hansen and outfielder Corey Hanewich.


Max Brucato, 8, got to pose with his dad, Frank, the trophy, and the diamond encrusted championship ring that Managing General Partner for the Giants Bill Neukom placed on his finger for the photo.

Max Brucato, 8, posed with his dad, Frank, the trophy and the diamond-encrusted championship ring that Giants Managing General Partner Bill Neukom placed on his finger for the photo.












Managing General Partner for the Giants Bill Neukom, second from right, was on hand to talk to fans. Karen Lee, Jody Nyberg and Dean Eyre, III, congratulated the owner on his success.

Giants Managing General Partner Bill Neukom, second from right, with Karen Lee, Jody Nyberg and Dean Eyre III from Undergraduate Advising and Research.



Striking a pose that Giants' pitcher Brian Wilson made famous are staff members Lee Dukes from the Bing Overseas Studies Program and Laura Thal of the Hume Writing Center.Striking a pose that Giants’ pitcher Brian Wilson made famous are staff members Laura Thal, left, of the Hume Writing Center and Lee Dukes of the Bing Overseas Studies Program.