Annual Report on Undergraduate Education highlights scholarships

December 16th, 2010

arue_cover_flattenedThe newly posted Annual Report on Undergraduate Education 2009-10, created by the Office of Development, introduces viewers to recipients of Stanford scholarships and illustrates how the university invests support given by alumni, parents and friends.

In 2009-10, 31,892 donors gave more than $20.2 million to The Stanford Fund. Seventy-seven percent of the gifts were allocated to undergraduate financial aid, 15 percent to student life and 8 percent to academic experience.

Among the students featured is BEN AREVALO, Class of 2011, who submitted a report from the new Bing Overseas Studies Program in Cape Town, South Africa. That program received start-up funding from The Stanford Fund and the vice provost for undergraduate education. A feature on Student Life highlights Blackfest 2010. The committee that organized the event is one of the more than 100 student groups supported by The Stanford Fund. A feature explaining athletic scholarships profiles SHAYNE SKOV, Class of 2013, who is one of more than 500 student-athletes supported by endowed athletic scholarships and Buck/Cardinal Club Scholarships.

Also listed are endowed scholarship funds established in 2009-10, along with testimonials from students who thank the donors who supported their educations. Individual class-giving results are also listed. Kudos to the Class of 1959 for a 59 percent participation rate in 2009 and the Class of 1984 for the most Stanford Fund dollars raised.

Faculty who were named Bass University Fellows in Undergraduate Education in 2009-10 are listed, including computer scientist DAPHNE KOLLER, the Rajeev Motwani Professor in the School of Engineering and the Oswald G. Villard University Fellow. She is quoted as saying, “Receiving this fellowship helped cement even further my long-standing involvement in undergraduate education at Stanford.”

Visit the Annual Report on Undergraduate Education website.