
The numbers are in: Reunion Homecoming attracted 8,553

November 29th, 2010

LESLIE WINICK, director of alumni and student class outreach, reports that Reunion Homecoming 2010, held in October, attracted 6,070 alumni and 8,553 total attendees. That’s a 3 percent increase in alumni from last year and a 4 percent increase in attendees.

Winick credits the success of the annual event to the efforts of more than 1,100 Stanford Alumni Association class volunteers.

Of the many other numbers worth mentioning, there were:

  • 77 class reunion events
  • 70 Classes Without Quizzes
  • 350 mini-reunion outreach efforts
  • 30 multicultural events
  • 50 school, department, athletic and campus-wide events
  • 1,800 attendees at Dinner on the Quad

Nine of the Reunion classes met or exceeded attendance from last year’s reunion, Winick said.

“Interestingly, as much there was a question about whether the Facebook/social media effect would affect attendance from the younger classes, clearly it did not, as the 5th and 10th were respectively 4 percent and 19 percent ahead of last reunion’s attendance,” she said. “As well, we saw our Recent Grad Reunion program come in strong with over 600 attendees celebrating their zero through 4th reunion.”

Following are the top classes in terms of percent of class and actual numbers of attendees:

  • ’05 for 5th = 47 percent of class; 674 alumni/789 total
  • ’00 for 10th = 44 percent of class; 681 alumni/906 total
  • ’85 for 25th = 42 percent of class; 644 alumni/1,028 total
  • ’90 for 20th = 37 percent of class; 569 alumni/1,035 total