Stanford’s connection to ‘Dancing with the Stars’

November 17th, 2010

Dancing with the Stars may not be the height of intellectual fare, but in some corners of the Stanford campus it’s must-see TV, or at least a guilty pleasure. As of last night, the finalists in the competition included Bristol Palin, daughter of former Republican veep candidate Sarah; somewhat grown-up child actor Kyle Massey; and actress JENNIFER GREY. To most of America, Grey is probably best known for her role in Dirty Dancing. Some may even know that she is the daughter of actor, singer and dancer Joel Grey. Many may not know that she is the daughter-in-law of BOB GREGG, professor emeritus of religious studies and former dean for religious life at Stanford. Jennifer is married to Gregg’s son, CLARK GREGG, an actor, director and writer who has been featured in numerous supporting roles on the big and small screen, including Iron Man, Iron Man 2 and The New Adventures of Old Christine. He also wrote the screenplays for What Lies Beneath and Chuck Palahniuk’s Choke.
“The Jennifer run on DWTS has been intriguing to watch, knowing her as we do!” Bob Gregg wrote in an email.

—Elaine Ray