University Affairs
1.18.13Stanford engages consulting firms to help with Searsville study
Members of the media invited to an information session and Jasper Ridge Biological Preserve tour learn that the 120-year-old Searsville Dam is a "champion sediment producer" whose future requires careful study and consideration, given the complicated environmental issues involved.
Authors sharing royalties make a difference for first-time authors at Stanford University Press
Book royalties can be small - but just the right size to help young, first-time authors at Stanford University Press.
Stanford University reports FY 2012 financial results
Trustees talk about exciting changes in Stanford's arts landscape
At its Dec. 10-11 meeting, the Stanford University Board of Trustees heard presentations about the university's longstanding commitment to the arts. They also engaged in early discussions of an interdisciplinary neuroscience institute.
Stanford offers early admission to 725 students
Stanford has sent acceptance letters to 725 high school students who sought admission to the Class of 2017 under the university's early admission program, according to the Office of Undergraduate Admission.
Stanford Board of Trustees chair says serendipity and people key to success
Steven A. Denning, who earned an MBA at Stanford in 1978 and became chair of the university's Board of Trustees last summer, says serendipity and people have played a major role in his success in the world of private investment.
Stanford moving ahead with 50-year conservation plan
Stanford is beginning the process of implementing a 50-year Habitat Conservation Plan under the auspices of the Endangered Species Act. The extensive plan includes permanent conservation easements focusing on habitats of the California tiger salamander, California red-legged frog and San Francisco garter snake.
Santa Clara County awards $10 million to Stanford and Palo Alto for new trails
The Santa Clara County Board of Supervisors Tuesday voted to allocate $10 million to fund proposals made by Stanford and the City of Palo Alto to expand area bike and pedestrian trails.
Three words sum up the Stanford journey: Integrate, innovate and inspire, Elam tells Faculty Senate
At the third meeting of fall quarter, the senate heard an update on the redesign of undergraduate education that the faculty approved last spring.
Stanford campus to honor its past and present veterans
The Stanford community will celebrate Veterans Day with several events beginning Friday and culminating with the placement of floral wreaths in Memorial Court and Memorial Auditorium on Monday.
Faculty Senate to hear progress report on new undergraduate requirements
Starting this year, freshmen are required to take a Thinking Matters course, and the class entering in the fall of 2013 is required to take 11 courses in eight Ways of Thinking/Ways of Doing categories to earn a bachelor's degree.
Video tells students with disabilities that Stanford is ready to help them navigate the Farm
A new video, Welcome Students with Disabilities at Stanford, made its debut Wednesday night at the third annual welcome dinner hosted by the Office of Accessible Education.
Faculty Senate grapples with the possibilities and challenges of online learning
John Mitchell, vice provost for online learning, outlines progress in online teaching and learning and hears both praise and skepticism.
Chi-Chang Kao named SLAC director
Chi-Chang Kao, an associate laboratory director at SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, has been named the lab's fifth director, succeeding Persis Drell. Kao starts in his new position Nov. 1. SLAC is operated by Stanford for the U.S. Department of Energy.
Stanford releases fiscal year fundraising results
] Stanford University reports a record year in fundraising, both in the dollar amount raised and the level of donor participation.