Stanford in the News
USA Today 1.11.13Cory Booker forms Senate campaign committee
Feature on Stanford alumnus Cory Booker
Bloomberg Businessweek 1.10.13How Oscar nominations affect the box office
This piece cites a report by statistics graduate student Edmund Helmer on impact of Oscar wins.
Bloomberg Businessweek 1.10.13Can Meg Whitman reverse Hewlett-Packard's free fall?
This piece quotes Leslie Berlin, project historian for the Silicon Valley Archives at Stanford.
New York Times 1.9.13A step backward in bank regulations
This editorial quotes Graduate School of Business Professor Anat Admati.
The Atlantic 1.9.13'Forsaken by the West': Obama and the betrayal of democracy in Bahrain
Larry Diamond, senior fellow at Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies and at the Hoover Institution, wrote this opinion piece.
Forbes 1.8.13How a subtle difference in attitude transformed a small store into a global brand
Article cites research by Stanford psychology professor Carol Dweck.
U.S. News & World Report 1.7.13Uncertainties of medical marijuana make it unsafe for children
Seth Ammerman, clinical professor of pediatrics, wrote this opinion piece.
Newsday 1.7.13Ponnuru: Why a debt-ceiling fight is good for the country
This opinion piece quotes John Cogan, senior fellow at Hoover Institution and professor in the Public Policy Program at Stanford Institute for Public Policy Research.
Los Angeles Times 1.7.13Some corals are 'always prepared' to take the heat
One of a few articles that describe work by Stephen Palumbi, professor in marine sciences and senior fellow at the Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment.
Forbes 1.7.13Audi follows Google's lead, gets pass for driverless cars
One of a few articles on the Audi TTS, which was developed jointly by the Volkswagen Group Electronics Research Lab in Silicon Valley and Stanford.
San Jose Mercury News 1.7.13New performance halls expected to change cultural landscape
Feature story on the Bing Concert Hall quotes Jenny Bilfield, executive and artistic director of Stanford Live.
60 Minutes, CBS News 1.6.13Design thinking
Feature piece on d. school founder David Kelley.
Scientific American 1.4.13Fact or fiction: Does a spoon in the bottle keep champagne bubbly?
Article quotes Richard Zare, professor of chemistry.
New York Times 12.31.12Knowing you carry a cancer gene
Student Emma Pierson wrote this first-person piece.
Washington Post 12.20.12Ballet isn't rocket science, but the two aren't mutually exclusive, either
Retired dancer Aaron Thayer, who is a bioengineering student at Stanford, is among the people featured.
New York Times 12.20.12Tensions between Japan and South Korea complicate picture for U.S.
Article quotes Daniel Sneider, associate director for research, Asia Pacific Research Center, Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies.
Bloomberg Businessweek 12.20.12California Republicans target top U.S. public-worker pay
Article quotes David Crane, research scholar at Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research and lecturer in public policy
MIT Technology Review 12.20.12Flexible solar cells can stick to just about any surface
This piece features research of Xiaolin Zheng, assistant professor of mechanical engineering at Stanford.
Chicago Tribune 12.19.12Is Gen Y delusional about how to have a successful career?
Article cites Tina Seelig, executive director of the Stanford Technology Ventures Program.
Harvard Business Review 12.19.12How to manage your former peers
Post to the Best Practices blog quotes Robert Sutton, professor of management science and engineering.
Times of India 12.18.12US policy gridlock may not be holding back economy
Article quotes Nicholas Bloom, professor of economics
National Geographic 12.17.12Stanford innovation: Self-healing skin, easier drink pouring, and a new kind of jump rope
This piece describes research by students Ben Tee, Joe Gettinger, Daniel Haarburger and Agatha Bacelar.
New York Times 12.17.12South Korea vote will change policy toward North
Article quotes David Straub, associate director of the Korean Studies Program at the Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center.
LiveScience via NBC News 12.16.12Mystery of mass squid deaths possibly solved
This piece features research of William Gilly, professor at Hopkins Marine Station.
Los Angeles Times 12.16.12A collection that identifies California as a world apart
This feature article on Stanford's acquisition of McLaughlin map collection quotes Julie Sweetkind-Singer, map librarian.