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VERGHESEPRIVATE  Name: Abraham Verghese MD, MFA, MACP, DSc (Hon) Professor of Medicine, Stanford University Senior Associate Chair for the Theory and Practice of Medicine Department of Medicine 300 Pasteur Drive, S102 Palo Alto, CA 94305-5110 650 721 6966 650-725-8381 fax Date of Birth: May 30, 1955 Education: 1990-1991 Master of Fine Arts, University of Iowa 1983-1985 Fellow in Infectious Diseases, Boston University School of Medicine 1982-1983 Chief Resident, East Tennessee State University, College of Medicine 1980-1982 Resident in Medicine, East Tennessee State University, College of Medicine 1979-1980 Intern, Government General Hospital, Madras Medical College, Madras, India 1974-1979 MD, Madras University, Madras, India Faculty Appointments: 2009- present Director, Internal Medicine Residency Program, Stanford University 2007-present Professor of Medicine (tenured), Senior Associate Chair for the Theory and Practice of Medicine, Stanford University 2005-2007 Joaquin Cigarroa Jr. Distinguished Chair, University of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio (UTHSCSA) 2002-2005 Director of the Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics, UTHSCSA Professor of Medicine (tenured) and Marvin Forland Distinguished Professor of Medical Ethics, UTHSCSA 2000-2002 Grover E. Murray Distinguished Professor, Texas Tech University 1991-2002 Professor of Medicine (tenured), Texas Tech University School of Medicine 1991-1995 Chief, Division of Infectious Diseases, Texas Tech, El Paso, TX 1990-1991 Visiting Associate, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IO 1988-1990 Associate Professor of Medicine (tenured), East Tennessee State University and Assistant Chief of Medicine, VA Medical Center, Johnson City, TN 1986-1990 Chief, Infectious Diseases, VA Medical Center, Johnson City, TN 1985-1988 Assistant Professor of Medicine and Special Fellow in Pulmonary Diseases, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN 1983-1985 Teaching Assistant in Medicine, Boston University School of Medicine, Boston, MA 1982-1983 Instructor in Medicine, East Tennessee State University, Johnson City, TN Certifications: American Board of Internal Medicine: (Geriatrics 1990 [expired]; Pulmonary Diseases 1989; Infectious Diseases 1987; Internal Medicine 1983) Royal College of Physicians of Canada: (Internal Medicine 1987) Honors: Honorary Degrees: Doctor of Science, Swarthmore College, 2001 Doctor of Humane Letters, University of Northern Illinois, 2007 Other: Bloomfield Award for Excellence in Teaching Clinical Medicine, 2009; Department of General Internal Medicine Teaching Award, 2008 (Stanford University) John P. McGovern Medal, Osler Society, Montreal, 2007 Presidential Teaching Excellence Award, 2006; Invited speaker, Student Clinician Ceremony, class of 2006, 2007; Faculty Teaching Award, class of 2006, 2007(all at UTHSCSA) Master, American College of Physicians, 2005 Member, Association of American Physicians, 2005 Presidential Citation, New York University, 2004 John P. McGovern Medal, Duke University School of Medicine, 2003 John P. McGovern Medal, Texas A&M School of Medicine, 2003 Taraknath Das Foundation Award, New York, 2002 Nicholas Davies Humanities Award, American College of Physicians, 2000 Vanderbilt University Microbes and Defense Society Medal, Vanderbilt University, 1998 John P. McGovern Award, the American Medical Writers' Association, 1997 Book-of-the Month/ Quality Paperback Club's New Visions Award: My Own Country, 1995 Lambda Literary Award for My Own Country, 1995 President's Excellence in Teaching Medal, 1995, Texas Tech University Outstanding teacher award, Medical Students, Class of 1993, 1994, and 1995; Graduation Speaker, Class of 1996, 1997, 1998; Outstanding Clinical Teacher, Combined Housestaff of 1993, 1994 (all at Texas Tech University, El Paso) Finalist, National Book Critics Circle Award for 1994 for My Own Country The James Michener Fellowship, Writer's Workshop, The University of Iowa, 1991-1992 Alpha Omega Alpha, 1989 Teacher of the year, Internal Medicine, 1989; Residents Teaching Excellence award, Medical students, 1989; Resident of the year: Medical students, 1982, 1983; Excellence in teaching award, 1982, Department of Medicine (all at East Tennessee State University) Sundaram Medal in Internal Medicine, Madras Medical College, India, 1979 Commencement Speaker: 1995, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine 1998, East Tennessee State University; Loyola University Stritch School of Medicine 1999, University of Connecticut School of Medicine; Medical College of Georgia 2000, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio; Northwestern University, Chicago 2001, Swarthmore College 2002, University of Texas Health Sciences Center, Houston 2003 Southern Illinois University; 2004, New York University 2006, UTHSCSA 2007, University of Maryland; University of Northern Illinois Memberships: Association of American Physicians (elected 2005) Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Canada Fellow of the Infectious Diseases Society of America Fellow of the American College of Physicians Fellow of the College of Chest Physicians Committees: (Selected) 2005-present Board of Directors, Humanities Texas 2004-2008 Board of Directors, American Board of Internal Medicine 2003-2006 Board of Directors, Gemini Ink 2002-2003 Chair, Task Force on Professionalism, UTHSCSA 2000- 2002 Chair, Faculty Development Committee, Department of Internal Medicine, Texas Tech 1996-1997 Chairman, Infection Control Committee, Thomason Hospital 1994-1996 American College of Physicians Publications Committee 1991-1992 American College of Physicians Human Rights and Medical Practice Subcommittee 1990 American College of Physicians: Committee on Human Rights. Invited guest for testimony on South Africa 1987-1988 Chairman, Research and Development Committee, Veterans Administration Medical Center, Johnson City, TN Editorial Board: Pharos, The Bellevue Literary Review Reviewer (ad hoc): Annals of Internal Medicine New England Journal of Medicine Journal of the American Medical Association American Journal of Medicine New York Times Book Review Washington Post Book World Contributor (ad hoc): The Atlantic Monthly The New York Times Magazine The Wall Street Journal Texas Monthly Columnist:  TheAlantic.com Publications: Verghese A, Haws CC, Thomas E. Thrombosis and pancreatic carcinoma revisited. J Natl Med Assoc. 1982 Jan;74(1):85-7. Verghese A, Berk SL, Boelen L, Smith JK. Group B Streptococcal pneumonia in the elderly. Arch Intern Med. 1982 Sep;142(9):1642-5. Verghese A, Berk SL, Holtsclaw SA, Smith JK. Enterococcal Pneumonia. Am J Med. 1983 Jan;74(1):153-54. Verghese A, Berk SL. Bacterial pneumonia in the elderly. Medicine. 1983 Sep;62(5):271-85. Verghese A. Dreams of a medical resident. Piece of my mind section. JAMA 1983 Dec;250:690. Berk SL, Verghese A, Dison C, Smith JK. A survey of physician acceptance of the pneumococcal vaccine. South Med J. 1984 Apr;77(4):450-4. Ridgeway N, Perlman P, Verghese A, Berk SL. Epiglottic abscess due to group B streptococcus. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol. 1984 May-June;93(3.1):277-8. Verghese A, Noble J, Diamond RD. Scleredema. A cause of the recurrent cellulitis syndrome. Arch Dermatol. 1984 Nov;120(11):1518-9. Verghese A. Old men. Ad Libitum Section. Ann Intern Med 1984 Dec;101(6):407. Stampffl D, Verghese A, Parrino T. Group B Streptococcal cellulitus in an adult. Postgrad Med. 1985 Apr;77(5):253-4. Sweeney K, Verghese A, Needham C. In vitro susceptibilities of isolates from patients with Branhamella catarrhalis pneumonia compared with those of colonizing strains. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1985 Apr;27(4):499-502. Smith B, Verghese A, Gutierrez C, Dralle W, Berk SL. Pulmonary strongyloidiasis: diagnosis by sputum gram stain. Am J Med. 1985 Nov;79(5):663-6. Verghese A, Arbeit R, Woodrich W. Venographically documented suppurative phlebitis of central veins - the role of nonsurgical treatment. Medicine 1985;64:394. Verghese A. The typhoid state revisited. Special Article. Am J Med 1985 Sep;79(3):370-2. Berk SL, Alvarez S, Ortega G, Verghese A, Holtsclaw-Berk S. Clinical and microbiological consequences of amikacin use over a 42-month period. Arch Intern Med. 1986 Mar;146(3):538-41. Verghese A, Sugar A. Herpes zoster ophthalmicus and granulomatous angitis - an ill-appreciated cause of stroke. J Am Geriatr Soc. 1986 Apr;34(4):309-12. Verghese A, Mireault K, Arbeit R. Group B streptococcal bacteremia in men. Rev Infect Dis. 1986 Nov-Dec;8(6):912-7. Verghese A, Dison C, Berk SL. Courvoisier's law - an eponym in evolution. Am J Gastroenterology. 1987 Mar;85(3):248-50. Verghese A. Journal Club. Chest. 1987 Jun;91:117. Berk SL, Verghese A, Hall K, Alvarez S. Clinical and epidemiologic features of of strongyloides infection. A prospective study in rural Tennessee. Arch Intern Med. 1987 Jul;147(7):1257-61. Modica L, Verghese A. Infectious complications of tracheoesophageal voice restoration. J Tenn Speech Lang. Hear Assoc. 1987 Sep. Hicklin H, Verghese A, Alvarez S. Dysgonic fermenter 2 septicemia. Rev Infect Dis. 1987 Sep-Oct;9(5):884-90. Hager H, Verghese A, Alvarez S, Berk SL. Branhamella catarrhalis respiratory infections. Rev Infect Dis 1987 Nov-Dec;9(6):1140-9. Verghese A, Gallemore G. Kernigs and Brudzinski's signs revisited. Rev Infect Dis. 1987 Nov-Dec;9(6):1187-92. Verghese A, Hamati F, Berk SH, Franzus B, Berk SL, Smith JK. The susceptibility of dysgonic fermenter 2 to antimicrobial agents in vitro. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1988 Jan;32(1):78-80. Ekenna O, Verghese A, Karnad A, Basil P, Berk SL. Isolation of beta hemolytic streptococci from the respiratory tract - serotypic distribution and clinical significance. Am J Med Sci 1988 Feb;295(2):94-101. Verghese A, Sugar A, Diamond RD. Mixed fungal and bacterial septicemia - a marker for the critically ill surgical patient. Am Surg. 1988 May;54(5):276-83. Verghese A, Arbeit R, Cantanese, A. Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia in hamsters with elastase-induced emphysema--the virulence enhancing activity of mucin. Proc Soc Exp Biol Med. 1988 May;188(1):1-6. Williams J, Verghese A, Nunley D, Dralle W, Berk SL. Diagnosis of pulmonary strongyloidiasis by bronchoalveolar lavage. Chest. 1988 Sep;94(3):643-4. Lutrell R, Verghese A. Kluyvera soft tissue infection. J Clin Microbiol. 1988 Dec;26(12):2650-1. Verghese A, Haire C, Franzus B, Smith JK. LY146032 in a hamster model of Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia - effect on in vivo clearance and mortality and in vitro opsonophagocytic killing. Chemotherapy. 1988;34(6):497-503. Verghese A, Franzus B, Stout R. Characterization of bronchoalveolar lavage cells and macrophage-derived chemoattractant activity in pancreatic elastase-induced emphysema in hamsters. Exp Lung Res 1988;14(6):797-810. Massengill R, Verghese A. Infectious Diseases as they apply to the Speech/Language and Hearing Professional. J Tenn Speech Lang Hear Assoc. 1988;30:10. Mack DL, Hopson VW, Taylor SE, Verghese A. Foreign-body aspiration presenting as recurrent pneumonia. Respir Care. 1988;33:1027-9. Berk SL, Verghese A. Emerging pathogens in nosocomial pneumonia. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infect Dis. 1989 Jan;8(1):11-4. Sarubbi F, Verghese A. In vitro activity of cefpodoxime proxetil (U-76,252; CS-807) against clinical isolates of Branhamella catarrhalis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1989 Jan;33(1):113-4. Soto JL, Verghese A, Hall BD, Cole CP, Cupp HB. Secondary adrenal insufficiency presenting as an acute febrile illness. South Med J. 1989 Mar;82(3):384-5. Smith JK, Chi DS, Guarderas J, Brown P, Verghese A, Berk SL. Disseminated echovirus infection in a patient with multiple myeloma and a functional defect in complement. Treatment with intravenous immunoglobulin. Arch Intern Med. 1989 Jun;149(6):1455-7. Verghese A, Berk SL, Sarubbi F. Urbs in Rure: HIV Infection in Rural Tennessee. J Infects Dis. 1989 Dec;160(6):1051-5. Krish G, Beaver R, Sarubbi F, Verghese A. Corynebacterium xerosis as a cause of vertebral osteomyelitis. J Clin Microbiol. 1989 Dec;27(12):2869-70. Verghese A, Berk SL. Bacterial pneumonia in the elderly: an update. Clinical Report on aging. 1989;3:1-5. Verghese A, Krish G, Stonecipher M, Howe D. The harlequin nail - a marker for smoking cessation. Chest. 1990 Jan;97(1):236-8. Verghese A, Fernando C, Diaz T, Robeson D, Farnum J. The foul-smelling removable tonsillar concretion: a poorly appreciated manifestation of colonization with actinomyces. J Tenn Med Assoc 1990 Feb;83(2):71-3. Chi DS, Verghese A, Moore C, Hamati F, Berk SL. Antibody response to P-protein in patients with Branhamella catarrhalis infections. Am J Med 1990 May;88(5A) 25S-27S. Verghese A. Editorial comment: Branhamella catarrhalis: A clinical and microbiologic update. Am J Med. 1990 Jun;88(5A) -1S. Verghese A, Roberson D, Kalbfleisch J, Sarubbi F. Cefixime versus Cephalexin in acute bacterial exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1990 Jun;34(6):1041-4. Verghese A, Berro E, Franzus B, Berro J. Pulmonary clearance and phagocytic cell response in a murine model of Branhamella catarrhalis infection. Journal of Infectious Diseases. 1990 Nov;162(5):1189-92. Musgrave T, Verghese A. Clinical Features of Pneumonia in the Elderly. Seminar Respir Infect. 1990 Dec;5(4):269-75. Verghese A. Writing Well. Ad Libitum section, Ann Intl Med. 1990;113:811. Verghese A. Auditorium Maximus. Ad Libitum Section. Ann Intern Med. 1990;112:152. Hossler FE, Douglas JE, Verghese A, Neal L. Microvascular architecture of the Elastase emphysemic hamster lung. J Electron Microsc Tech. 1991 Dec;19(4):406-18. Verghese A. Life in Death. Ad Libitum section, Ann of Int Med 1991;114:833. Verghese A. The use of oral antibiotics in daily practice. Drugs. 1991;42 Suppl 4:1-5. Sarubbi F, Franzus B, Verghese A. Comparative activity of Meropenem (SM-7388) against major respiratory pathogens and amikacin-resistant nosocomial isolates. Eur J Clin Microbiol Infec Dis. 1992 Jan;11(1):65-8. Verghese A, Karnad A, Krish G. Ludwig Traube. The Man and His Space. Arch Inter Med. 1992 Apr;152(4):701-3. Verghese A. "AIDS-ology": an interventional specialty Clin Infect Dis. 1993 Apr;16(4):459-62. Guerra LG, Neira CJ, Boman D, Ho H, Casner PR, Zuckerman M, Verghese A. Rapid response of AIDS-related bacillary angiomatosis to azithromycin. Clin Infect Dis. 1993 Aug;17(2):264-6. Mandell LA, Marrie T, Yu V, Fleming M, Forward K, Gleckman R, Gold R, Gribble M, Grossman R, MacFarlane J, Nicolle LE, Niederman M, Ortqvist A, Sarosi G, Schlech W, Turgeon P, Verghese A, White M. The Canadian Community Acquired Pneumonia Consensus Conference. Can J Infect Dis. 1993;4:25-28. Stocker E, Cortes E, Pema K, Meza A, Verghese A. Streptococcus milleri as a cause of antecubital abscess and bacteremia in intravenous drug abusers. South Med J. 1994 Jan;87(1):95-6. Meza A, Bin-Sagheer, Zuckerman M, Morales CA, Verghese A. Ileal perforation due to cytomegalovirus infection. J Natl Med Assoc. 1994 Feb;86(2):145-8. Al-Samman Mounzer, Zuckerman MJ, Verghese A, Boman D. Gastric ulcers associated with Herpes simplex esophagitis in a nonimmunocompromised patient. J Clin Gastroenterol.1994 Mar;18(2):160. Verghese A. Quitter's Nail. N Engl J Med. 1994 Apr 7;330(14):974. Pema K, Diaz J, Guerra L, Nabhan D, Verghese A. Cutaneous cryptococcosis in the AIDS and pre-AIDS era. Arch Intern Med. 1994 May;154(9):1032-4. Bin-Sagheer ST, Pema K, Verghese A. Recurrent pneumonia in relapsing polychondritis. West J Med. 1994 Aug;161(2):171-2. Verghese A, Al-Samman M, Nabhan D, Naylor A, Rivera M. Bacterial Bronchitis and Bronchiectasis in Human Immunodeficiency Virus Infection. Arch Intern Med. 1994 Sep 26;154(18):2086-91. Verghese A. The Internist's Reading: One Kind of Success. Ann Intern Med 1994 Nov 15;121(10):821-822. Verghese A, Nabhan D, Casner P, Guerra LG, Ho H, Berk M. Profile of HIV Disease in an American Border City. South Med J. 1995 Apr;88(4);429-32. Kohler C, Gonzales E, Rowley P, Malamud F, Verghese A. Primary pulmonary T-cell lymphoma associated with AIDS: the syndrome of the indolent pulmonary mass lesion. Am J Med. 1995 Sep;99(3):324-6. Ho H, Zuckerman MJ, Ho T, Guerra L, Verghese A and Casner P. Prevalence of Associated Infections in Community-Acquired Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis. Am J Gastroenterol. 1996 Apr;91(4):735-42. Meadows R, Verghese A. Medical Complications of Glue Sniffing. South Med J. May 1996;89(5):455-62. Lowry T, Verghese A. Mastoiditis, lymphoma, and AIDS. West J Med. 1998 Sep;169(3):173-5. Meza AD, Verghese A. Upper body lipomas in an HIV-infected man. Hosp Pract (Minneap).1999 Apr 15;34(4):130, 135. Clark K, Eledrisi M, Verghese A. Skin Rash, Fever and Malaise in a Young Man. Hosp Pract (Minneap). 1999 Oct 15;34(11):111-4. Eledrisi MS, Verghese AC. Adrenal insufficiency in HIV infection: a review and recommendations. Am J Med Sci. 2001 Feb;321(2):137-44. Verghese A. The Physician as Storyteller. Ann Intern Med. 2001 Dec 4;135(11):1012-7. Nattakom S, Serrato P, Bright T, Anaya A, Stubbers S, Verghese A. Amebic liver abscesses masquerading as pyemic abscesses. Clin Infect Dis. 2001 Dec 15;33(12):E145-7. Epub 2001 Nov 8. Aboud FC, Verghese A. Evarts Ambrose Graham, empyema, and the dawn of clinical understanding of negative intrapleural pressure. Clin Infect Dis. 2002 Jan 15;34(2):198-203. Epub 2001 Dec 7. Verghese A. Physicians and Addiction. N Engl J Med. 2002 May 16;346(20):1510-1. Jones T, Verghese A. On Becoming a Humanities Curriculum: the Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics, University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio. Acad Med. 2003 Oct;78(10):1010-4. Verghese A. What is In a Word. Editorial Commentary. Clin Infect Dis. 2004 Apr 1;38:932-33. Verghese A. Resident Redux. Ann Intern Med. 2004 June 15;140(12):1034-6. Cauchi AA, Patel VV, Verghese A. The femoral gateway. South Med J. 2004 Aug;97(8):778-9. Verghese A. The calling. N Engl J Med. 2005 May 5;352(18):1844-7. Eledrisi MS. Verghese A. Intensive care of patients with HIV infection. N Engl J Med. 2006 Oct 12;355(15):1619; author reply 1619-20. Verghese A. The Gordon Wilson lecture: The Doctor in our own time: Fildes famous painting and perceptions of physician attentiveness. Trans Am Clin Climatol Assoc. 2008; 119:117-26. Verghese A. Culture Shock: The Patient as Icon, Icon as Patient. The New England Journal of Medicine Perspective. N Engl J Med. 2008 Dec 25;359(26):2748-51. Verghese A. A touch of sense. Health Aff (Millwood). 2009 Jul-Aug; 28(4):1177-82. Verghese A. and Horwitz RI. In praise of the physical examination. BMJ. 2009 Dec 16; 339:b5448. Charlton B. and Verghese A. Caring for Ivan Ilyich. J Gen Intern Med. 2010 Jan; 25(1):93-5. Verghese A. Beyond measure: Teaching clinical skills. J GME. 2010 March; 2(1):1-3 Kugler J. and Verghese A. The Physical Exam and Other Forms of Fiction. J Gen Intern Med. 2010 May 26. Audio: Verghese A. AIDS in the Heartland. Audio-Digest. Internal Medicine.1996 June 5;43(11). Books: Verghese A, Berk SL. Infections in Nursing Home and Long Term Care Facilities. S. Karger Publishers, Switzerland, 1990 Verghese A. My Own Country: A Doctor's Story of a Town and Its People in the Age of AIDS. Simon & Schuster, New York, NY 1994. (Published under the title "Soundings: A Doctor's life in the age of AIDS" by Orion Press, England). Selected by the Book of the Month Club and the Quality Paperback Club and a winner of the New Visions Award from those clubs. Paperback rights to Vintage. It was picked as one of the top five books of the year (1994) by Time magazine, and for notable mention by the New York Times Book Review. It won the Lambda Literary Award and was a finalist for the National Book Critics Circle Award (1995). It is now a Showtime television movie (first aired 1998 Jul 12) directed by Mira Nair (Mississippi Masala, Salaam Bombay, Kama Sutra, and The Perez Family) and starring Naveen Andrews (The English Patient), Glenne Headly, Marisa Tomei, Swossie Kurtz, and Hal Holbrook. Sections of My Own Country were excerpted in On Doctoring: Stories, Poems, Essays, edited by Reynolds R and Stone J, Simon & Schuster, New York, NY, 1995; in Home Works: A Book of Tennessee Writers, edited by Tickle P, Swanson A, University of Tennessee Press; in Academic Medicine, 1997 Feb;72(2):128-129.It is taught in several medical schools and colleges. Verghese A. The Tennis Partner: A Doctor's Story of Friendship and Loss,1998 Aug. (Harper Collins in the USA, Vintage in the UK, Penguin in India). A selection of the Book of the Month Club. Picked as a notable book of 1998 by the New York Times Book Review, and one of the top 10 books of 1998 by Bookreporter. Abridged Audio version, recorded by the author. 1999 Oct Paperback version (by Harper Perennial in the USA and Vintage in UK) Verghese A. Cutting for Stone. 2009 Feb. (Alfred A. Knopf in the United States; Vintage paperback, published in the U.K. by Chatto and Windus, and in India through Random House , Quality Paperback main selection, Indie list main selection for Feb 09. Translations appearing in Dutch, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, German, Italian, French, Hebrew, Portuguese and Mandarin; Audiobook in English and German) Verghese A. Cutting for Stone. 2010. A novel published by Vintage Books Edition, NY. Chapters: Verghese A, Cowan JA. "Frederick Banting," in Great Lives from History. Magill et al. Editors. 157-162. British and Commonwealth Series, Salem Press, 1987. Cowan JA, Verghese A. "William Bayliss," in Great Lives from History. Magill et al. Editors. 185-189. British & Commonwealth Series, Salem Press, 1987. Cowan JA, Verghese A. "Ernest Starling," in Great Lives from History. Magill et al. Editors. 2370-2374. British and Commonwealth Series, Salem Press, 1987. Berk SL, Verghese A. Parasitic pneumonia, in Seminars in Respiratory Disease. 3:1 2-171. 1988. Krish G, Verghese A. "Albert Calmette," in Great Lives from History. Magill et al. Editors. 351-356. British and Commonwealth Series, Salem Press, 1989. Karnad A, Verghese A. "Virchow" in Great Lives from History: Renaissance to 1900 Series. Magill et al. Editors. 2450-2454. British and Commonwealth Series, Salem Press, 1989. Jaffar A, Verghese A. "The Complement System," in Encyclopedia of Life Sciences. Magill et al. Editors. British and Commonwealth Series, Salem Press, 1989 (in press). Nunley D, Verghese A, Berk SL. Pneumonia in the nursing home patient, in Infection in the Nursing Home. Verghese A, Berk SL. Editors. 95-111. S. Karger Publishers, Switzerland, 1990. Cowan J, Verghese A. Economics of antibiotic administration in the Nursing Home, in Infection in the Nursing Home. Verghese A, Berk SL. Editors. 221-229. S. Karger Publishers, Switzerland, 1990. Berk SL, Verghese A. Antibiotic use in the nursing home, in Infection in the Nursing Home. Verghese A, Berk SL. Editors. 203-219. S. Karger Publishers, Switzerland, 1990. Berk SL, Verghese A. Pericarditis and Myocarditis, in Current Treatment in Infectious Diseases. Kass e et al, 267-269. B.C. Decker, Philadelphia, 1990. Verghese A, Berk SL. Demographics of aging and the emergence of the nursing home and extended care, in Infection in the Nursing Home. Verghese A, Berk SL. Editors. 1-10. S. Karger Publishers, Switzerland, 1990. Berk SL, Verghese A. General Appearance, in Clinical Methods. edited by Hall W, Walker HK and Hurst W. 987-989. Butterworths 3rd edition, 1990. Williams E, Verghese A. Common and Uncommon pathogens causing pneumonia in the elderly, in Respiratory Infections in the Elderly. Niederman M, Editor. 157-183. Raven Press, New York, 1991. Verghese A, Berk SL. Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis, in Infectious Diseases Clinics of North America. 5: 523-539. R Wallace, Editor. 1991. Ho H, Verghese A. Community acquired gram-negative pneumonia, in Respiratory Infections: A Scientific Basis for Management. Niederman M, Sarosi G, Glassroth J, editors. 359-365. Guerra L, Ho H, Verghese A. New Pathogens in Pneumonia, in Medical Clinics of North America. M. Niederman, editor. 78:967-986. 1994. Verghese A. Approach to the Asymptomatic HIV-infected Patient, in Kelley's Textbook of Internal Medicine. 3rd and 4th editions, 1996, 2000. Verghese A. Moraxella (Branhamella) catarrhalis, in Infectious Diseases and Antimicrobial Therapy of the Ears, Nose and Throat. 1997. Raj R, Verghese A. HIV infection in Adolescents, in Adolescent Medicine, State of the Art Reviews. 11: 2, 359-374, edited by Schydlower M, Lampe R. 2000. Published Fiction/Essays: 1. Verghese A. "Roaches and Fireballs." Humor. MD Magazine, 1982 Jan. 2. Verghese A. "On Carlos." Essay. Modern Medicine, 1984 Jan. 3. Verghese A. "In Graceland." Fiction. North American Review, 1989 Mar. 4. Verghese A. "Old Men." Essay. Now and Then, 1989 Summer. 5. Verghese A. "Back Home." The Indian Post, Fiction Supplement. 1989 Summer. 6. Verghese A. "Grand Mal--Reflections on the 6th International Conference on AIDS. Non-fiction. North American Review, 1990 Sep. 7. Verghese A. Malachi Awaits." Fiction. MD Magazine, 1990 Sep. 8. Verghese A. "Knives in the Dresser." Fiction. Bluff City Magazine, 1990 Fall. 9. Verghese A. "Physicians Writers and Iowa." Non-fiction. MD Magazine, 1991 Jan. 10. Verghese A. "T'ain't the Racket What's Important." Fiction. Aethlon: The Journal of Sport Literature. 11. Verghese A. "Lessons with a Legend." First Person Section. Sports Illustrated, 1991 Mar 11. 12. Verghese A. "The Agent of His Death is a White Woman.*" Fiction. The Black Warrior Review, 1991 Spring/Fall;17:2. (Anthologized in THE WAY WE WRITE NOW, Susan Oden Warner, Editor. Citadel Press, 1995; Foreword by Abraham Verghese). 13. Verghese A. "Lilacs.* The New Yorker, 1991 Oct 14 (Anthologized in NEW STORIES FROM THE SOUTH -1991 Shannon Ravenel, Editor. Algonquin Press, 1992. Also anthologized in WAVES, Vintage Press, 1995). 14. Verghese A. "Soundings." Essay. GRANTA, Penguin, England. No 39. 1992. 15. Verghese A. "Tizita." STORY, 109, 1992-1993 Winter. 16. Verghese A. Reports from the Front Lines. The Washington Post -- Book World, 1993 Apr 25. 17. Verghese A. "A Child's Book of Death and Dying" Essay. GRANTA, Penguin, England. No 48. 1994. 18. Verghese A. The Mystery Plague. Esquire (England), 1995 Mar;5(2):31-36. 19. Verghese A. My Hospital, Dying a Slow Death. The New York Times. Op-Ed Section. 1996 Nov 30. 20. Verghese A. Foreword i-iv; Two poems: Empty Spaces & Untitled. Contours of the Heart:South Asians Map North America. Edited by Sunaina Maira and Rajini Srikanth. 208-10. Asian American Writers Workshop 1997, New York, NY. (Winner of the 18th Annual American Book Awards of the Before Columbus Foundation). Verghese A. The Cowpath to America. The New Yorker, Special Fiction Issue. 70-88. 1997 Jun 23, 30. Verghese A. Last Acts. The New Yorker, 76-89. 1997 Sep 22. Verghese A. Pathology of Sex. The New Yorker, 9 Feb 1998 (Anthologized inUnder the Influence: The Literature of Addiction. Edited by Rebecca Shannonhouse.The Modern Library. New York, 2003.). Verghese A. Showing Doctors Their Biases. Op-Ed. The New York Times, 1999 Mar. Verghese A. Death and Desire. Mirabella, 117. 1999 Apr. Verghese A. While the World Wasnt Watching. TALK, 95. 1999 Dec. Verghese A. One Kind of Success. The Eleventh Draft, Edited by Frank Conroy. Harper Collins, 1999. Verghese A. Foreword to Anatomy of Anatomy in Images and Words by Meryl Levin. 1-5. Third Rail Press Inc, New York, 2000. Verghese A. The Bandit King and the Movie Star. Atlantic Monthly, 2001 Feb. Verghese A. Cell Block - The Way We Live Now. New York Times Magazine, 2001 Aug 19. Verghese A. Changing Hearts - The Way We Live Now. New York Times Magazine, 2002 Mar 10. Verghese A. The Healing Paradox - The Way We Live Now. New York Times Magazine, 2002 Dec 12. Verghese A. Hard Cures - The Way We Live Now. New York Times Magazine, 2003 Mar 16. Verghese A. If Brains Was Gas. Fiction. The Bellevue Literary Review, 2003 Spring; 3(1):14-22. Verghese A. Vital Terrors. The Way We Live Now. New York Times Magazine, 2003 Apr 20. Verghese A. Metaphor of Blight. The Wall Street Journal, 2003 May 13. Verghese A. Pains Gains - The Way We Live Now. New York Times Magazine, 2003 Jul 7. Verghese A. The Way We Love Now. The Wall Street Journal, 2003 Sep 3. Verghese A. Hope and Clarity - The Way We Live Now. New York Times Sunday Magazine, 2004 Feb 22. Verghese A. On Death and Dying. The Wall Street Journal, 2004 Aug 31. Verghese A. Change of Heart. Cover Story. Life Magazine, 2005 Jan 7. Verghese A. Close Encounter of the Human Kind. New York Times Magazine, 2005 Sep 18. Verghese A. Aids at 25: An Epidemic of Caring. Op-Ed. New York Times, 2006 Jun 4. Verghese A. My History with the Rope. Wall Street Journal, 2007 Jan. Verghese A. Bedside Manners. Texas Monthly, 2007 Feb. Verghese A. None-A-Day. Texas Monthly, 2007 May. Verghese A. Seasons. Illness in the Academy: A Collection of Pathographies by Academics, edited by Kimberly R. Myers. Purdue University Press, 2007. Verghese A. What Patients Need. Op-Ed. The New York Times, 2007 Jul 12. Verghese A. A Prize Tarnished. Commentary. Forbes. 2008 October 6 Verghese A. My Witness Wakes Up Outlook India Magazine. 2008 Oct 20 Verghese A. Why Isnt Obama White? Op-Ed. The San Francisco Chronicle, 2008 Oct 27 Verghese A. The Myth of Prevention. The Wall Street Journal, 2009 Jun 19 Verghese A. Who Speaks for Medicine? The Wall Street Journal, 2009, July 24 Verghese A. Mending the Hospital Safety Net. The Wall Street Journal, 2009 Aug 7 Verghese A. When Stories Trump Facts in Health Care. The Wall Street Journal, 2009 Sep 2 Verghese A. Once Upon a Life. London Guardian-Observer. 2010 Apr 11 Verghese A. Reward Doctors for Spending Time with Patients Commentary. The San Francisco Chronicle. 2010 Aug 10 Verghese A. Treat the Patient, NOT the CT Scan. Op-Ed. The New York Times, 2011 February 27 (* = stories picked as finalists for BEST AMERICAN SHORT STORIES, 1992) Book Reviews: Verghese A. The Pathophysiology of Combined Injury and Trauma, Management of Infectious Complications in Mass Casualty Situations. JAMA. 1987 Dec;258(21):3176. Verghese A. Harrison's principles of internal medicine, 11th Edition, 1987. J Gen Intern Med. 1988;3:100-1. Verghese A. The Health Consequences of Nuclear Warfare. JAMA. 1988;260:708. Verghese A. Clinical Problem Based Learning: A Workbook for integrating basic and clinical science. JAMA, 1989;261:3036. Guerra L, Verghese A. Costs of Poor Health Habits. JAMA. 1992;267:2534. Verghese A. Not all of us are Saints. Book World, Washington Post. 1994;B(2,3). Karnad A, Verghese A. Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine, 13th Edition, JAMA. 1994;272:642. Verghese A. Shattered Dreams. Review of "How we Die" by Nuland S. Nature. 1994;370:340. Verghese A. A time bomb in his chest. Review of "Raising Lazarus." New York Times Book Review. 1994;7:19 Verghese A. Beware the Killer Viruses. Review of "The Hot Zone" by Preston R. The World and I, Book World Review. 10(2):330-4. Verghese A. Do You Believe in Magic? Review of "Spontaneous Healing: How to Discover and Enhance Your Body's Natural Ability to Maintain and Heal Itself" and "Expect A Miracle: The Miraculous Things That Happen to Ordinary People" by Dan Wakefield. New York Times Book Review. 1995 May 28;22. Verghese A. Seeing the World in Shades of Gray. Review of "The Island of the Colorblind" by Oliver Sacks. Book World, Washington Post. 1997 Jan 19;27(3). Verghese A. Intensive Care. Review of "Judith's Pavilion: The Haunting Memories of a Neurosurgeon" by Marc Flitter and "A Measure of My Days: The Journal of a Country Doctor" by David Loxterkamp. The New York Times Book Review. 1997 Jun 8. Verghese A. Review of "Hospice: A Photographic Inquiry" by Marilyn Webb and Jane Livingston. DoubleTake Magazine. 1997 summer. Verghese A. Review of "Healing Lessons" by Sidney J. Winawer and Nick Taylor. New York Times Book Review. 1998 July 5. Verghese A. Review of Afterwards Youre a Genius. Vogue. 1999 Feb;158-9. Verghese A. Review of WOMAN An Intimate Geography by Natalie Angier. The New York Times Book Review. 1999 May 23. Verghese A. Review of Blind Eye by James Stewart. Chicago Tribune. 1999 Sep 19. Verghese A. Review of Elegy for Iris by John Bayley. Los Angeles Times. 1999 Aug. Verghese A. Crashed. Review of Diagnosis by Lightman A. New York Times Book Review. 2000 Sep 24. Verghese A. Pulling the Plug. Review of Who Owns Death by Lifton R, Mitchell G. New York Times Book Review. 2000 Dec 10. Verghese A. Anatomies of Melancholies. Review of Malignant Sadness by Wolpert W and Prozac Backlash by Glenmullen J. New York Times Book Review. 2000 July. Verghese A. Wars Are Made Not Born. Review of War is A Force That Gives Us Meaning. New York Times Book Review. 2002 Sep 29 Verghese A. Sawbones. Review of The Dressing Station. New York Times Book Review. 2002 Mar 3. Verghese A. Review of Mountains Beyond Mountains by Tracy Kidder. New York Times Book Review. 2003 Sep 13. Verghese A. Life Choices. Review of Absolute Convictions by Eyal Press. Washington Post, Book World. 2006 Apr 9-15;4. Verghese, A. Review of 'Leaving India,' by Minal Hajratwala. SanFranciscoChronicle, 2009 May 15. Verghese, A. Not a Day Over Infinity. Review of Long for This World by Jonathan Weiner. The New York Times, 2010 August 1. Verghese, A. Five Best. Review of The Life of Sir William Osler by Harvey Cushing, Mortal Lessons by Richard Selzer, The Puzzle People by Thomas Starzl, Adventures in Two Worlds by A.J. Cronin, Henry Kaplan and the Story of Hodgkin's Disease by Charlotte Jacobs. The Wall Street Journal, 2010 July 10. Verghese, A. Alien Nation. Review of Salvation City by Sigrid Nunez. The New York Times, 2010 October 3. Web: Verghese, A. The Daily Beast.  HYPERLINK "http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-02-12/portrait-of-the-writer-as-a-young-doctor/" Portrait of the Writer, 2009 Jan 16. Verghese, A. The Daily Beast.  HYPERLINK "http://www.thedailybeast.com/blogs-and-stories/2009-03-24/and-now-for-my-next-crisis/" Health Cares Next Crisis. 2009 Mar 24. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/just_like_the_very_first_time.php" Shall We Begin? 2009 May 5. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/nose_to_nose_and_other_rituals.php" Nose to Nose and Other Rituals. 2009 May 6. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/just_like_the_very_first_time.php" Just Like the Very First Time. 2009 May 7. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/has_google_killed_the_riddle.php" Has Google killed the Riddle? 2009 May 11. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/if_evidence_based_medicine_is_like_sex_based_intercourse_then_comparitive_effectiveness_is_like.php" If "Evidence Based Medicine" is like "Sex Based Intercourse," then "Comparative Effectiveness Medicine" is like . . .? 2009 May 14. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/more_on_evidence_based_medicine_and_sex-based_intercourse.php" More on "Evidence Based Medicine" and "Sex-based intercourse". 2009 May 16. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/was_lincoln_dying_before_he_was_shot.php" Was Lincoln Dying Before He Was Shot? 2009 May 20. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/memorial_day_memories.php" The Bivouac of the Dead and Other Memories. 2009 May 26. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/empathy_good_for_doctors_and_bad_for_judges.php" Empathy: Good for Doctors and Bad for Judges? 2009 May 27. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/empathy_good_for_doctors_and_bad_for_judges.php" Meet Me in the Library. 2009 June 2. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Special Theory of Attentivity. 2009 June 10. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/empathy_good_for_doctors_and_bad_for_judges.php" Its Not about You. 2009 June 12. Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Obama to AMA, Telling it Like It Is. 2009 June 16 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Dogs and Hearts and Time and Space. 2009 June 19 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Obama and Gov Sanford Being and Nothingness. 2009 June 25 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Medical Tests, Does it Work Matters less than Does it Pay. 2009 July 7 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Irrational Belief Breaks Down the Rational Mind. 2009 July 12 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com.  HYPERLINK "http://correspondents.theatlantic.com/abraham_verghese/2009/05/empathy_good_for_doctors_and_bad_for_judges.php" Its Not about You. 2009 July 17 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.om. Nature, Nurture and Wickedly Smart Bears. 2009 July 27 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. The Practice of Medicine and the Color of Money. 2009 July 30 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Tina Brown Shapes the Next Ten Years. 2009 August 3 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. If We Cant Measure It, It Doesnt Exist. 2009 Sept 22 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Incentilomas and When Less is More. 2009 Dec 7 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Slow vs. Fast Knowledge. 2009 Dec 14 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Spiraling Empiricism. 2009 Dec 17 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Health Reform Magnificent Xmas Present. 2009 Dec 25 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Bookworms, Imperialist Nostalgia. 2009 Dec 30 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. You Dont Get Yemen. 2010 Jan 3 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. A Walk to Beautiful. 2010 Jan 11 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. The Catching Kind of Cancer. 2010 Jan 20 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Airports and the Science of Observation. 2010 Jan 27 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Phenome Not Genome. 2010 Feb 3 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Health Care Reform, the Third Option. 2010 Feb 12 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Stay the Course, With Edits. 2010 Feb 19 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. The Drama of Health Care Reform. 2010 March 20 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. The Dour and Monolithic. 2010 March 21 Verghese, A. The Atlantic.com. Moving Slow in the Fast Lane. 2010 April 19 Letters: Verghese A, Berk SL, Verghese G. Efficacy of the pneumococcal vaccine. JAMA. 1981;276:2155. Verghese A. Amebic liver abscess. Arch Intern Med. 1981;141:1102. Verghese A, Berk SL. Is "normal throat flora" causing pneumonia in your patient? Am Rev Resp Dis. 1982;125:783. Massengill R, Verghese A. Training of hospital representatives. J Med Ed. 1982;58:32. Verghese A, Berk SL. Moxalactam/Amikacin versus Ticarcillin/Amikacin in granulocytopenic patients. Am J Med. 1982, 1983;74. Verghese A. Correct characterization of Barter's syndrome. Am J Med. 1983;74:1092. Verghese A, DeMaria A. Diagnosis of Pneumocystis carinii by gram stain. Ann Intern Med. 1984;100:321. Verghese A, Berk SL. Courvoisier's law. Lancet. 1986;1:99. Verghese A, Berk SL. Study of bacterial pneumonia in the elderly. J Am Geriatric Soc. 1986;34:618-9. Verghese A, Alvarez S. DF-2 septicemia: an update. Rev Infect Dis. 1988;10:1064-5. Verghese A. Suppurative phlebitis of central veins. J Intensive Care Med.. 1988;3:129. Verghese A. Community Hospitals and Graduates of Foreign Medical Schools. Ann Intern Med. 1991;114:1062. Verghese A, Franzus B. Berk SL. Susceptibility of Capnocytophagae. Antimicrob Agents Chemother. 1993;37:1206. Cortes E, Diaz J, Verghese A. Antibiotics: too many names. N Engl J Med. 1993;328:1047. Majeed H, Verghese A, Rivera R. The Cat and the Catheter. N Engl J Med. 1995;332:338. Masih RB, Verghese A. Kaposi's sarcoma of the tip of the nose as a sentinel sign for Kaposi's sarcoma of the lung. Chest. 1996 Aug;110(2):576. Verghese A, Eledrisi, M. Intensive care of patients with HIV infection. N Eng J Med 2006;355(15):1619. Non-peer-reviewed publications: Verghese A, Berk SL. Diagnosis of bacterial pneumonia in the elderly. Geriatric Med Today. 1982;2:90. Verghese A, Smith B. Hemodynamic monitoring in the critically ill elderly patient. Geriatrics. 1986;41:39-46. Verghese A. Synchronous fungal and bacterial septicemia. Infect Dis Dig. 1:4-5 Myers J, Verghese A. Decisions in bronchitis therapy: emergence of B. catarrhalis as a significant pathogen. Mod Med. Verghese A. Pneumococcal pneumonia still a big problem in the elderly. Intern Med News. 1989;22:23. Verghese A. Sorting out the bronchitides. Emerg Med. 1989;21:68-75. Smith R, Verghese A. Treating acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. Intern Med. 1991;12:4-8. Verghese A. Efficacy of cefixime in respiratory tract infections. Respir Dis Dig. 1991;2:15. Meza A, Verghese A. The role of Moraxella catarrhalis in Chronic Bronchitis. Pharm Times. 1991 Nov;74-9. Pema K, Verghese A. Antibiotic therapy of sepsis. Contemp Intern Med. 1992 Oct;59-69. Verghese A. Update and Review of New Oral Antibiotics for Respiratory Infections. Clin. 1993;11(3):12-7. Ismail H, Verghese A. Acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis. Postgrad Med. 1994;96:75-89. Masih R, Verghese A. Infectious disease case & comment: A complicated simple infection. Patient Care. 1994;28:99-100. Proceedings and Abstracts: Verghese A, Massengill R. Myasthenia Gravis: Use of cinefluorography in diagnosis. Proceedings of the Tennessee Speech Language-Hearing Association, Memphis, TN. 1981 Apr 1. Verghese A, Berk SL, Boelen L, Smith JK. Group B Streptococcal pneumonia in the elderly. Proceedings of the National Student Research Forum 23rd Convention, Galveston, TX. 1982 Apr 28. Verghese A, Berk SL, Holtsclaw SA, Smith JK. Increasing amikacin usage and its effect on aminoglycoside resistance to gram negative bacilli. Abstract # 894. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 23rd Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Las Vegas, NV. 1982 Oct 22. Shagan B, Verghese A. The use of long acting insulin together with preprandial regular insulin as a practical means of controlling otherwise difficult to control diabetics. Diabetes. 1984;31:6. Sweeney K, Verghese A, Needham C. In vitro sensitivities of clinical isolates of Branhamella catarrhalis compared to colonizing strains. Abstract # 1194. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 24th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Washington, DC. 1984 Oct. Smith B, Verghese A, Gutierrez C, Dralle W, Berk SL. Utility of the sputum gram stain in the diagnosis of pulmonary strongyloidiasis: report of four cases in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Proceedings of the 78th Annual Scientific Assembly of the Southern Medical Association, New Orleans, LA. 1984 Nov. Verghese A, Catanese A, Arbeit RD. Staphylococcus aureus pneumonia in the hamster elastase-induced emphysema model. Abstract # 212. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 25th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Minneapolis, MN. 1985 Sep. Smith B, Verghese A, Berk SL, Alvarez S. Pulmonary strongyloidiasis, clinical features. Am Rev Resp Dis. 1986 Apr;133:A-127. Verghese A, Franzus B, Haire C, Reynolds S, Chi DS, Smith JK. The mechanism of action of mucin as a virulence enhancing factor in animal models of pneumonia. Clin Res. 1987;35:1,22A. Verghese A, Franzus B. Chemotactic influences in neutrophil recruitment in the elastase induced emphysematous hamster lung. Clin Res. 1987;35:1,30A. Chi DS, Verghese A, Moore CG, Berk SL. Development of an enzyme-linked immunoassay for detecting antibody to Branhamella catarrhalis. Abstract #C261. 87th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA. 1987 Mar 1-6. Verghese A, Berk SH, Franzus BW, Chi DS, Smith JK. Bactericidal activity of serum against the DF-2 bacillus. Abstract #B255. 87th Annual Meeting of the American Society for Microbiology, Atlanta, GA. 1987 Mar 1-6. Verghese A, Shell C, Steppe-Good A, Broome J, Hamdy R, Berk SL. Epidemiology of transfer of the nursing home patient to the acute care hospital; correlation of outcome with performance index. Abstract #P7. American Geriatric Society/AFAR Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 1987 May 14-17. Quinn B, Alvarez S, Verghese A, Berk SL. Epidemiology and clinical features of bacteremia in a nursing home. Abstract #P29. American Geriatric Society/AFAR Annual Meeting, New Orleans, LA. 1987 May 14-17. Verghese A, Haire C, Franzus BW. Activity of LY 146032 in a hamster model of S. aureus pneumonia. Abstract #163. Proceedings and Abstracts of the Twenty-sixth Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, New York, NY. 1987 Oct 4-6. Mack D, Steppe-Good A, Verghese A. Technique of nasotracheal intubation to obtain satisfactory sputum samples in pneumonia. Abstract. Respir Care. 1987 Sep;32:896. Verghese A, Franzus B, Chi DS, Soto JL, Berk SL. Sialic acid is the receptor mediating adherence of B. catarrhalis to red blood cells. Clin Res. 1988;36:3,474A. Verghese A, Franzus B. Study of the interaction of Branhamella catarrhalis and human red blood cells: definition of the receptor site. Molecular mechanisms of microbial adhesion, Gulf Shores, AL. 1988 May 6-8. Verghese A, Roberson D, Franzus B, Kohlbrenner V. Comparison of Cefixime versus Keflex in bronchitis. Abstract #940 Proceedings and Abstracts of the 27th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Los Angeles, CA. Hossler FE, Douglas JE, Verghese A. Microvasculature of the elastase-emphysema hamster lung. American Association of Anatomists. 1988. Verghese A. Branhamella catarrhalis pneumonia in a murine model of infection. American Thoracic Society, Cincinnati OH. 1989. Salazar SA, Williams J, Shell C, Kalbfleisch J, Verghese A. Bacteremic pneumonia over a two year period at a Veterans Hospital. Abstract #22. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Southeastern Section. 1989;18. Hossler FE, Douglas JE, Verghese A, Baisden R. Microvascular architecture of the elastase-emphysemic hamster lung. Abstract #15. Proceedings of the Society for Experimental Biology and Medicine, Southeastern Section.1989;14. Neira C, Tran M, Whittaker M, Soto M, Guerra L, Verghese A, Dudrey E, Boman D. Response of a patient with AIDS and visceral bacillary angiomatosis to azithromycin. Proceedings and Abstracts of the 30th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy, Anaheim, CA. Ho H, Zuckerman M, Norte A, Guerra L, Al-Samman M, Verghese A. The Treatment of spontaneous bacterial peritonitis with imipenem cilastin. Abstract #280. Am J Gastro. 1993:88:1551. Casner P, Zuckerman M, Sandoval E, Shaffer M, Ho H, Verghese A. Gastric Hypoacidity in HIV-infected patients. Am J Gastro. 1996;91:1905. INVITED LECTURES: (Selected) International Symposium on Nosocomial Infection. Emerging pathogens causing pneumonia in the elderly. Freiburg University, 1988 Sep 3. Freiburg, West Germany. American Thoracic Society Special Symposium on Pneumonia in the elderly. Emerging pathogens causing pneumonia in the elderly. 1989 May 14. Cincinnati, OH. Vanderbilt University and Hospital Corporation of America Infectious Diseases Update. Fever and hemorrhagic rash: a diagnostic imperative. 1989 Apr 12. Nashville, TN. Gainesville VA and GRECC Symposium on Infections in the elderly. Pneumonia in the elderly. 1989 Sep 8. Tarpon Springs, FL. East Tennessee State University and Beecham Pharmaceuticals Symposium on Branhamella catarrhalis. Symposium organizer and Chairman. Paper presented on Clinical features of Branhamella catarrhalis infection. 1989 Sep 15. Houston, TX. Phi Kappa Phi Honor Society, Chapter 112, Induction Ceremony. Keynote Speaker. AIDS as a metaphor for life. 1989 Nov 28. Johnson City, TN. Boston University School of Medicine, Infectious Diseases Symposium to honor William McCabe. Urbs in Rure: HIV infection in rural Tennessee. 1990 June 14. Boston, MA. American College of Physicians. Update on Physical Diagnosis. The Typhoid State and Meningeal Signs Revisited. 1990 Oct 19. Boston, MA. American College of Physicians: Update on Physical Diagnosis. Workshop session on the Directed Chest Examination. Oct 19, 1990. Boston, MA. American Thoracic Society, Tennessee Chapter. Exacerbations of Chronic Bronchitis. 1990 Nov 2. Fairfield Glade, TN. American Thoracic Society/American Lung Association. Pneumonia in the Elderly, Post-graduate course on Pneumonia. 1991 May 11. Anaheim, CA. International Conference on Chemotherapy. Keynote address for session on oral antibiotics in daily practice. 1991 June 25. Berlin, Germany. Symposium on Branhamella catarrhalis. 1991 Oct 18. Lisbon, Portugal. Dalhousie University. Consensus conference on the treatment of pneumonia. Conference chairman, Dr. Tom Marrie. 1991 Nov 24. Halifax, Canada American Thoracic Society/American Lung Association. Post-graduate course on Pneumonia. Niederman M, Glassroth J, conveners. Pneumonia in the Elderly. 1992 May 17. Miami, FL. Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine, Akron City Hospital. Visiting Professor in Bedside Medicine. Grand Rounds, Signs of Meningeal Irritation; Noon conference, What's new in Infectious Diseases; Bedside demonstration, Examination of the chest: a paradigmatic approach. 1992 May 20. Akron, OH. University of Iowa, Iowa Summer Writing Festival and Writer's Workshop. Fiction writing for the Health Professional. 1992 June. Iowa City, IA. American Thoracic Society Post-graduate course on diagnosis and treatment of pneumonia: Verghese A, Niederman M, Pingleton S, Glassroth J, Davies SF, Rose RM. Emerging pathogens in pneumonia. 1993 May 15. San Francisco, CA. American Thoracic Society Symposium on respiratory infections. Verghese A, Sande M, Whitley R, Dunlap N. Special considerations in treatment. 1993 May 19. San Francisco, CA. International Congress on Chemotherapy. Overview of cephalosporin use in respiratory tract infection. 1993 July 1. Stockholm, Sweden. University of Iowa AIDS Symposium. Stapleton J, Chaisson R, Verghese A, Nauseef W, Helms C. AIDS 101. 1993 Sep 3. Iowa City, IA. American College of Physicians/Tennessee Society of Internal Medicine. After Dinner speaker on The Hero Myth in the Context of Osler's Life, following Laureate Award presentation to J. Kelly Smith MD, FACP. 1993 Oct 22. Gatlinburg, TN. East Tennessee State University, Alpha Omega Alpha lectureship. The threshold for adventure in a medical life. 1994 Mar 25. Johnson City, TN. Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. AIDS symposium, closing speaker. AIDS, Fiction and Medicine. 1994 Apr 8. Baltimore, MD University of Iowa Infectious Diseases Symposium. AIDS, Poetry and Medicine. 1994 July 21-22. Iowa City, IA. American Thoracic Society Post-Graduate course. Respiratory Infections: New Concepts in Treatment, Prevention and Pathogenesis. 1994 May 19-21 Boston, MA. Southern Voices Conference with Pat Conroy and Dori Sanders. 1995 Feb 18. Birmingham, AL. The Georgia/Alabama Rural Institute on HIV/AIDS. With Greg Louganis, Callaway Gardens Resort. Learning to Live with HIV/AIDS: Rural Communities Meeting the Challenge. 1995 Aug 13-15. Pine Mountain, GA. Harvard University Medical Humanities Course. 1995 Oct 10-13. Cambridge, MA. Baylor University. The Medical Humanities Course: The Doctor and the Patient. 1996 Sep 25. Houston, TX. Akron City Hospital, the Kelly Memorial Lectureship, The Search for Meaning in the Life of a Physician. 1996 Apr 10. Akron, OH. Organized by Northwestern University, 5th Annual HIV Update. AIDS and Art Update. 1996 May 5. Scottsdale, AZ. Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Hospital, Nathan Sidel Memorial Lectureship. The Art of Medicine. 1996 June 25. Boston, MA. Newton Wellesley Hospital. Grand Rounds: Arts and poetry as applied to medicine. 1996 June 26. Boston, MA. 36th ICAAC American Society for Microbiology. Treatment of Chronic Respiratory Infections in Managed Care. 1996 Sep 15. New Orleans, LA. Washington Cathedral Symposium on AIDS, on the occasion of the display of the AIDS quilt. Searching for Meaning. 1996 Oct 10. Washington, DC. Harvard University Medical Humanities Course. 1996 Oct 16. Cambridge, MA. Association of American Medical Colleges Medical Humanities Section. Writing and Medicine. 1996 Nov 8. San Francisco, CA. San Francisco Library Forum, sponsored by Parents & Friends of Lesbians and Gays (PFLAG). AIDS in the Heartland. 1996 Nov 13. San Francisco, CA. Texas Heart Institute. American Medical Writers' Association, McGovern Lectureship. Writing in Medicine. 1997 Jan 22. Houston, TX. University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston. The Elizabeth Leake Lectureship in the Humanities. 1997 Jan 23. Galveston, TX. University of Texas Medical School at San Antonio. Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Medicine Grand Rounds. Literature and Medicine. 1997 Jan 28. San Antonio, TX. University of Texas at Austin. The Gilbert Endowment Distinguished Lecture Series. A Medical Life Observed. 1997 Jan 30. Austin, TX. The Key West Annual Literary Seminar. With Tony Kushner, Larry Kramer, Ann Beattie, Rafael Campo. Literature in the Age of AIDS. 1997 Jan 9-13. Key West, FL. Wellesley College. AIDS in the 90s. 1997 Feb 19. Wellesley, MA. Holy Cross College. How Then Must We Live? 1997 Feb 20. Auburn, MA. University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. With Robert Coles and Rafael Campo. Telling Bodies. Chapel Hill, NC. Johns Hopkins AIDS Symposium. AIDS and Literature. 1997 Apr 18. Baltimore, MD. Medical College of Augusta. Robert Wood Johnson Visiting Professor. The Non-Plague. 1997 May 7. Augusta, GA. American Medical Student Association Annual Meeting. The Jack Rutledge Memorial Lectureship. The fully imagined medical life. 1998 Mar 12. Washington DC. Emory University. Alpha Omega Alpha Induction Ceremony. Keynote Speaker. 1998 Mar 19. Atlanta, GA. Northeastern Ohio University School of Medicine, Alpha Omega Alpha Visiting Professor. 1998 Apr 1-3. Akron, Youngstown and Canton, OH American Society of Addiction Medicine, Keynote Speaker. Doctors and Drugs. 1998 Apr 16. New Orleans LA. Delaware Academy of Medicine 35th Annual Infectious Diseases Symposium. The Armine T Wilson Oration. 1998 May 16. Wilmington, DE. Baylor University School of Medicine, Compassion and the Art of Medicine Lecture Series, Humanities Section. 1998 Aug 27. Houston, TX. University of Texas Medical Branch, Institute of Medical Humanities. Healing the Healer. 1998 Aug 28. Galveston, TX. Davison College, Freshman Convocation. Searching for Meaning. 1999 Sep 9. Davison, NC. Illinois Department of Public Health AIDS Symposium, Keynote Address. AIDS in Rural America. 1998 Nov 3. Springfield, IL. Georgia Area Health Education Conference on AIDS, Keynote Address. Doctors and Drugs. Nov 19. Athens, GA. Racing Toward the Millenium. The Los Angeles Public Library and the Museum of Contemporary Art. 1999 Feb 9. Los Angeles, CA. Medical College of Virginia. Visiting Professor. 1999 Mar 10. Sacred Heart University. Humanities Lectureship. 1999 Mar 25. Hartford, CT. University of Madison. Phi Beta Kappa Lectureship. 1999 May 8. Madison, WI. American University. Visiting Writer Series. 1999 Aug 27. Washington D.C. New York University School of Medicine. Medicine and Literature Lectureship. 1999 Sep 28. New York, NY. University of Illinois. Medical Humanities Lectureship. 1999 Oct 5. Chicago, IL. American Gastroenterological Society. Keynote speech, Phoenix Convention Center. 1999 Oct 18. Phoenix, AZ. Butler University. Visiting Writer Series, with Richard Preston and Laurie Garrett. 1999 Oct 21. Indianapolis, IN. Infectious Diseases 2000. International AIDS Society Meeting. Keynote Speech. 1999 Oct 29. University of Utah. The Cowan Lectureship. 1999 Sep 10. Salt Lake City, UT. University of Texas, Southwestern Medical School. Medical Humanities Lecture. 1999 Nov 29. Dallas, TX. American College of Physicians. Nicholas Davies Memorial Lectureship. The Physician as Storyteller. 2000 Apr 12. Philadelphia, PA. Johns Hopkins Annual AIDS Course. Literature and AIDS. 2000 Apr 10. Baltimore, MD. Oklahoma State Medical Society. Keynote Speaker. 2000 May 5. Oklahoma City, OK. University of the South. Visiting Writer (My Own Country given to all entering freshmen as part of the Summer Reading Program). 2000 Aug 29. Sewanee, TN. Mayo Clinic. Lectureship in the Humanities. 2000 Sep 8. Rochester, MN. Yale University School of Medicine. Visiting Professor. 2000 Nov 2. New Haven, CT. University of South Florida. Visiting Professorship in Humanities and Infectious Diseases. 2001 Feb 8. Tampa, FL. Ithaca College. Health and Public Policy Group. 2001 Apr, 5. Ithaca, NY. University of South Carolina School of Medicine. Capstone Lecturer. 2001 Apr 24. Columbia, SC. Vanderbilt University School of Medicine. Felts Lectureship. 2001 Apr 20. Nashville, TN. University of California San Francisco School of Medicine. AOA Visiting Professor. 2002 Apr. San Francisco, CA. University of Michigan. Visiting Professor, Department of English and History of Medicine Section. 2002 Oct 16. Ann Arbor, MI. Duke University. John McGovern Lectureship. 2002 Oct 28. Durham, NC. Brown University. Harriet Sheridan Endowed Lectureship in Medicine and Literature. 2003 Mar 1. Providence, RI. Temple University. AOA Visiting Professor. 2003 Mar 23. Philadelphia, PA. American Association of Physicians, 116th meeting. After Dinner Speaker at the Presidents Dinner, Imperial Ballroom, Fairmont Hotel. 2003 Apr 26. Chicago, IL. Stanford University School of Medicine. Program in Humanities. Guest lecturer. 2003 May 8. Palo Alto, CA. Sloan Kettering Memorial Hospital. Program in Humanities. Guest Lecturer. 2003 Nov 14. New York, NY. New York University School of Medicine. Trubek Lectureship. 2003 Nov 15. New York, NY. Cornell University School of Medicine. Grand Rounds. 2003 Nov 16. New York, NY. Yale University. Internal Medicine Resident Writing Workshop. 2003 Nov 6-8. New Haven, CT. Howard/Keegan lectureship. Scott and White, Temple, TX, and the John McGovern Lectureship, College Station, TX. 2003 Sep 8-9. Yale University School of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine. Grand Rounds. What the Pen Teaches the Stethoscope. 2003 Jan 15. New Haven, CT. Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine. 2nd Annual Professionalism Lecture. 2004 Jan 28. Cleveland, OH. Piedmont Hospital. 13th Annual Nicholas Davies Lecture. 2004 Mar 15. Atlanta, GA. Kenyon College. Visiting Lecturer. 2004 Sep 13. Gambier, OH. 12th Annual American Academy for Emergency Medicine Scientific Assembly. Keynote Speaker. 2006 Feb 16. San Antonio, TX. St. Johns Health Center Foundation. Chatauqua 2006. Keynote speaker. Black Death to Bird Flu: Pandemics and Their Implication for Society and the Delivery of Health Care. 2006 May 6. Ojai, CA. The University of Oklahoma. Annual John Flack Burton Lecture. 2006 Oct 4. Oklahoma City, OK. Western Kentucky University. What the Pen Teaches the Stethoscope. The Search for Meaning in a Medical Life. 2006 Nov 14. Bowling Green, KY. Medical College of Wisconsin. Inaugural lecture. In Search of the Medical in Medical Humanities. 2006 Dec 7. Milwaukee, WI. 33rd Remington Winter Course in Infectious Diseases. Quarantines: History and Effectiveness. Whats in a Name: Diseases and Metaphors. 2007 Mar 11, 14. Vail, CO. University of Maryland. Commencement. The Search for Meaning in a Medical Life. 2007 May 18. Baltimore, MD. Osler Society. John McGovern Lectureship. Touching Where It Hurts: The Role of Bedside Examination in a Technological Age. 2007 May 1. Montreal, Canada. Arnold P. Gold Foundation and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Featured Speaker at White Coat Ceremony. 2007 August 24. New York, NY. Association of American Physicians (AAP) Presidential Dinner Speaker. Lost in Transition. 2010 April 24. Chicago, IL. George Washington University Medical Center. George Washington Frontiers in Medicine Lecture. Touching Where It Hurts: The Role of the Bedside Clinician in a Technological Age. 2010 April 26. Washington, DC. Johns Hopkins Bayview Medical Center. The 7th Miller Lectureship. Rituals and Their Place in the Genomic Era. 2010 April 27. Baltimore, MD. Stanford Alumni Association, Stanford University. Leading Matters Bay Area. Touching Where It Hurts: The Physician in a Technological Age. 2010 May 22. American College of Chest Physicians (ACCP). CHEST 2010. Percussing the Chest in the Era of Homo Technologicus. 2010 November 1. Research Grants: Veterans Administration Research Advisory Group grant (RAG). Bacterial pneumonia in the hamster elastase-induced emphysema model. 1986-87. Principal Investigator. ($25,000) Eli Lilly & Company. Study of LY-146032 (Deptomycin) in an animal model of pneumonia. 1985-86. Principal Investigator. ($10,000) Lederle Labs. Study of Cefixime versus Keflex in bronchitis. 1986-1988. Principal Investigator. ($110,000) Eli Lilly & Company.Ceftazidime-Piperacillin versus Amikacin-Piperacillin in serious gram negative infection. 1987-1988. Co-investigator. ($60,000) Pfizer-Roerig. Study of Sulbactam versus Cefamandole in H. influenza and B. catarrhalis pneumonia. 1987-1989. Co-investigator. ($100,000) Smith Kline and French. Cefonicid-Cost effectiveness of use in nursing home infections. 1987-1990. Principal investigator. ($25,000) Smith Kline and French. Cefonicid in vitro MICs to 250 Branhamella catarrhalis strains. Principal investigator 1988. ($20,000) Glaxo. Comparison of cefuroxime versus Augmentin in bronchitis. 1988-1990. Principal investigator. ($120,000) Veterans Administration Merit Review Application. Branhamella catarrhalis pneumonia and bronchitis: study of virulence factors and host defenses. 1988. Principal investigator. Approved. ICI Pharmaceuticals. Susceptibility of B. catarrhalis, respiratory pathogens and nosocomial isolates to Meropenem and other antibiotics. 1989 Sep. Co-investigator. ($20,000) National Institutes of Health. AIDS in a rural area -health care utilization. Co-investigator along with Project Hope and West-Stat. (approved and funded) National Institutes of Health. Branhamella catarrhalis: mechanism of disease production. 1989. (approved) Coldwell Foundation, El Paso. Epidemiology of AIDS. 1992. ($5000) Texas Department of Health AIDS consortium grant. ($70,000: renewed 1992, 1993, 1994, 1995) John Templeton Award for Teaching Spirituality in Medicine. 2002. ($20,000) Delmar Foundation. 2002. ($5000) Miscellaneous Awards, Grants, Gifts for Program support for the Center for Medical Humanities & Ethics: Mind Science Foundation, Piper Foundation, Houston Harte Foundation, San Antonio Area Foundation, Jeremiah Fund, South Texas Funds, etc. ($700,000 to date) UT System Collaborative Grant for Ethics and Service-based Learning, from UT Vice Chancellor Dr. Ken Shine with matching grant from UTHSC San Antonio. 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