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Emergency Information

Kannan Soundararajan has received the 2011 Ostrowski Prize, awarded every two years to “a mathematician or group of mathematicians who have produced the best result in the field of pure mathematics or in the foundations of numerical mathematics.”

Further information is available at the
Ostrowski Foundation's website.

There is also a short announcement on the AMS website.

Stanford Undergraduate Research Institute in Mathematics (SURIM)
June 25–August 17

Workshop on Kinetic Theory and Gas Dynamics
July 8–28
(details coming)

MMDS 2012: Workshop on Algorithms
for Modern Massive Data Sets

July 10–13

West Coast Algebraic Topology Summer School (WCATSS)
July 16–21

Algebraic Topology: Applications and New Directions
A Conference in Honour of Gunnar Carlsson,
Ralph Cohen, and Ib Madsen

July 23–27
On-line registration has now closed. You are still welcome to register for the Symposium by writing directly with your full name and affiliation to

Workshop and Conference on Holomorphic Curves
and Low Dimensional Topology

July 30–August 11

Automorphic Forms, Representations and Combinatorics
A Conference in Honor of Daniel Bump
August 13–17


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