var NREUMQ=NREUMQ||[];NREUMQ.push(["mark","firstbyte",new Date().getTime()]);  Libraries | Stanford University Libraries                        Skip to main content Skip to navigation       Secondary menuMy Account Login          Home AboutHours & locationsPeople Contacts News Blogs Projects & innovations   LibrariesArchive of Recorded SoundArt & Architecture Biology (Falconer) Business Chemistry & ChemEng (Swain) Classics Earth Sciences (Branner) East Asia Education (Cubberley) Engineering (Terman) Green Hoover Hoover Archives  Law (Crown)Marine Biology (Miller) Math & Statistics Medical (Lane) Meyer Music Philosophy (Tanner) SAL1&2 SAL3 SAL Newark SLAC Special Collections   Using the libraryAccess & privilegesBorrow, renew, return Connect from off campus Interlibrary borrowing Places to study Print, copy, scan Access for persons with limited mobility   GuidesCourse guidesTopic guides   Research supportResearch servicesSubject Librarians Academic Technology Specialists  Search toolsSearchWorks Databases eJournals   Ask us        Search          You are hereHome › Libraries  Libraries          The Stanford University Libraries include Green Library (the main campus library), Meyer Library (technology services & study spaces), 14 specialized branch and department libraries, and 3 auxiliary libraries housing less-used or overflow materials. Five coordinate libraries, connected to graduate schools and other organizations, have their own websites and policies. The collections of all these libraries are indexed in SearchWorks.

       See also  Map of libraries on campus (PDF)Searchable campus mapPeople

          Libraries Hours & locations               All   Branch libraries   Auxiliary libraries   Coordinate libraries   Department libraries                    Cecil H. Green Library   Green is Stanford University's main research library, and has collections in the humanities, social sciences, area studies, and interdisciplinary areas.

         J. Henry Meyer Memorial Library     Public computers, equipment for loan, technology support, multimedia services, digital language lab, and 24-hour study locations. 

         Archive of Recorded Sound    300,000 sound recordings and related materials span sound recording history from its beginnings to the present day.

         Art & Architecture Library    Holdings in art, architecture, and design include 20th century ephemera, architectural treatises, and artists’ books. 

         Biology Library (Falconer)   Inviting study space. Collection emphasizes life sciences, including Biology course reserves and department theses.

         Business Library    Primarily serves the GSB, but open to the public as well

         Chemistry & Chemical Engineering Library (Swain)   Collection includes books, e-journals, online books, reference materials, and department theses.

         Classics Library    The Classics Library is a small departmental library open to all members of the Stanford community.

        Earth Sciences Library & Map Collections (Branner)    Map library, GIS support, and collection covering geology, seismology, energy resources engineering & more.

         East Asia Library   Social sciences and humanities for all historical periods in Chinese, Japanese, and Korean languages.

         Education Library (Cubberley)   Highlights include current curriculum materials (including children's books), historical textbooks and college catalogs.

         Engineering Library (Terman)   Engineering and physics collections; innovative “bookless” facility with attractive study space and gadget bar

         Hoover Institution Archives    Hoover Archives

         Hoover Institution Library    Among the world’s most important repositories for materials on political, social, and economic change in the modern era.

         Law Library (Robert Crown)    Well-equipped legal research library that supports the curriculum, programs and clinics of the law school.

         Marine Biology Library (Harold A. Miller) at Hopkins Marine Station    In Pacific Grove, CA; focuses on marine biology, oceanography, fisheries, and other aquatic sciences.

         Mathematics & Statistics Library    Extensive technical reports collection includes computer science, mathematics, and statistics reports.

         Medical Library (Lane)    State-of-the-art medical library with a substantial digital collection and clinical decision tools to researchers worldwide.

         Music Library    Support for all aspects of music scholarship; sound and video recordings; printed scores, monographs, and journals

         SLAC National Accelerator Lab Research Library    Supports research in photon science, particle physics and astrophysics, and more.

         Special Collections & University Archives    Acquires and preserves manuscripts, rare books, and university archives.

         Stanford Auxiliary Library 1&2    Infrequently-used books & journals from campus libraries. Visit in person, or page materials for delivery to another campus library.

         Stanford Auxiliary Library 3 (SAL3)    Off-campus holdings can be paged for delivery to campus libraries.

         Stanford Auxiliary Library, off-campus Newark    Off-campus holdings can be paged for delivery to campus libraries.

         Tanner Philosophy Library     Tanner Philosophy Library is a departmental library open to all members of the Stanford community.

                         AboutHours & locations People Contacts News Projects & innovations Blogs Jobs Supporting the Libraries Copyright reminder  Using the LibraryAccess & privileges Borrow, renew, return Interlibrary borrowing Connect from off campus Places to study Print, copy, scan Access for persons with limited mobility  LibrariesCollections  Guidesby Course by Topic  Research SupportSubject Librarians Academic Technology Specialists SearchWorks Databases Socrates eJournals  ASK US(650) 725-1064 Chat Email us Give us feedback               Stanford University Home Maps & Directions Search Stanford Terms of Use Copyright Complaints© Stanford University, Stanford, California 94305. (650) 723-2300          if(!NREUMQ.f){NREUMQ.f=function(){NREUMQ.push(["load",new Date().getTime()]);var e=document.createElement("script");e.type="text/javascript";e.async=true;e.src="";document.body.appendChild(e);if(NREUMQ.a)NREUMQ.a();};NREUMQ.a=window.onload;window.onload=NREUMQ.f;};NREUMQ.push(["nrf2","","ff6e4b123c",358267,"ZwEEYEQHWkJYBkdfDl5LM0ZfSRtYVwFWTk9ADBY=",0,21,new Date().getTime()]);