Software and Computers
ChemBioOffice at Stanford
ChemBioOffice at Stanford |
Download and Install |
Reactivate |
Software Included |
Databases Included
The Stanford University Libraries and Academic Information Resources
(SU*LAIR) / Academic Computing has paid for a campus-wide site license to
a chemistry and biology suite by CambridgeSoft.
This site license allows all current Stanford students, faculty, and staff
to download the program FOR FREE to their home, office, or personal
computer. Users must have an email address that ends with:
Note that after downloading, no Internet connection is required for use.
The license key you will receive as part of the registration process does
include a timer that corresponds to the time frame of the annual site
license agreement.
- Download and Install ChemBioOffice
- Reactivating Your Current Copy of ChemBioOffice Ultra
- For users who have previously downloaded ChemBioOffice Ultra, because there has been a major upgrade of the
software, we recommend downloading the latest version rather than simply reactivating the older
- Software Included in ChemBioOffice Ultra 2008
- Scientific Databases Included in ChemBioOffice Ultra 2008
Access without Downloading
Mac and PC users, it is possible for you to use ChemBioDraw Ultra and ChemBio3D Ultra without
downloading the software. The software is accessible via a Web browser and Citrix plugin on
Step-by-step instructions for accessing CDSERVER are available at
Swain’s Off-Campus Resources page.
ChemBioOffice Ultra is also loaded on the computers at Swain and Lane Libraries and will be available
beginning this quarter on computer cluster machines in Green and Meyer Libraries and the residence halls.
For questions or assistance, please contact Grace Baysinger
(, 650-725-1039).