About SearchWorks

project blog
What is Searchworks? (SULAIR's next generation search engine.)
Searching the same records as Socrates as of Monday, May 3.
The circulation status shown in SearchWorks is current.
Check out SearchWorks-TEST for a running sneak preview of ongoing development.
Socrates continues to be Stanford's active online catalog.
What's New
Whenever we update SearchWorks with new features and fixes, we'll list them here, so you'll know what to look for.
Wed, 05/26/2010 - 10:12.
SearchWorks is now updated on a nightly basis with records from Symphony. This is an improvement over the previous, manual process for updating SearchWorks on a weekly to biweekly basis, and gives patrons reliable access to the most recent additions to the the Libraries' collections. (Note that item availability information in both SearchWorks and Socrates shows an item's real time status information, not the item's availability from the previous night.)
This puts SearchWorks generally on par with Socrates for data currency, and realizes one of the most requested enhancements to SearchWorks. The advent of automated, nightly feeds comes after several months of intensive engineering on SearchWorks' back end, and realizes one of the top five development priorities for SearchWorks for the year. Three other priorities--advanced search, enhanced availability display, and a "browse nearby on shelf" panel were implemented in Fall and Winter quarters. Full support for browse by call number and enhanced request/hold forms will be released by early summer.
Thanks for the nightly feeds go to Naomi Dushay, who automated the process, with capable support from Sandy Sklar and Matthew Ahmed.
Thu, 01/21/2010 - 08:21.
A new panel on the resource detail displays items immediately adjacent to the current resource based on call number ordering, regardless of library, location or collection. Users can also browse the virtual shelf to "left" or "right" to see the next set of sequential records in either direction.
There are some known issues with this feature for items that have non-LC or non-Dewey call numbers, for single items that have multiple call numbers, for single call numbers that have multiple items, and for items shelved by title. We plan to address these issues as test cases and solutions arise over time.
Thu, 01/21/2010 - 08:14.
We have improved the display of item availability information. On the resource detail page, items are grouped by library and home location. Within each group, call numbers are sorted according to their type - serials in reverse chronological order; mutli-volume sets in ascending volume order; boxes/folders in ascending numerical order, and so on. Multiple copies of the same item are now shown individually.
If an item has a current location that's different from its home location, the current location is displayed on a second line after the call number, along with a due date, if one exists. If a hold/recall or other request is allowed for an item, a [request] link will be present. (For now, this link goes to the Socrates record; we're working hard on request forms and will include them in a later release.)
If there is a public note attached to an item (e.g. "Volume also contains..."), it is displayed on a line following the call number.
Special instructions or links can be added for a library and/or location. For example:
- SAL, SAL3, SAL Newark locations all have a "Page for delivery" link
- Special Collections, Hoover Archives have a "Request at service desk" instruction
- Lane and Jackson items have a link to the record in their respective catalogs
Status icons show more refined states - and a tooltip appears when the mouse hovers over an icon:
- available for checkout
- available for in-library use (non-circulating items)
- must be requested or paged (SALs, Special Collections, Hoover Archive, any -30 location)
- if there's an online request form, a request link will be present
- currently checked out, or otherwise unavailable (in process, out for repair, etc.)
- if holds/recalls are allowed for the item, a request link will be present
- current status unknown
- this may be because the live status lookup hasn't completed, or has timed out
- on the search results page, if there are multiple copies/volumes for a library/location with mixed circulation statuses, the overall status will appear as unknown
- Items in Lane or Jackson have unknown status (as well as a link to the same item in their respective catalogs)
On the search results page, the goal is to display a summary line for each library/location that holds the item, with a summary status for the volumes/copies at that location (e.g. all available, all checked out, or a combination - so the user must go to the item detail view for more information). We've made some big improvements in collapsing multiple items into one library/location summary line, but the work is not yet complete and some items (for example, DVDs) list all the volumes/copies, with each line showing the summary status for the group.
Thu, 01/21/2010 - 08:10.
Some issues reported by users have been addressed with today's update to SearchWorks.
- The order in which subject headings are displayed has been corrected, and now matches the order in which they were entered by the cataloger.
- "Jump to" links have been added for screen readers.
- Meyer equipment records have been added to SearchWorks (select "Meyer" in the Location facet).
- Special Collections items that are linked to a Google Books scanned copy display a note indicating that the scanned item is not Stanford's copy.
Tue, 01/19/2010 - 18:23.
SearchWorks includes the same resources as Socrates, but is slightly less current - usually within the range of a day to a week. Some on-order items may be visible in Socrates but not in SearchWorks, depending on their stage of processing. The circulation status shown in SearchWorks is current, based on a live lookup to the circulation system. We are working on increasing the frequency of updates and bringing in all on-order resources.
Thu, 01/14/2010 - 10:08.
Next week, SearchWorks will be enhanced with two of the top priorities on our list: better display of availability status (is a resource available, checked out, on the shelves, pageable, etc.) and a new feature that enables browsing a virtual shelf.
We're particularly excited by virtual shelf browse. It will allow researchers to see with a glance the resources related to an item of interest, as determined by call number. This reintroduces some of the classic serendipity in discovering useful information with a trip to the stacks. And unlike a trip to the stacks, for the first time scholars will be able to browse all resources with nearby call numbers, regardless of where the books are actually shelved (in Green or a branch library, in auxiliary storage or in the stacks), for SULAIR's entire collection.
You can get a sneak peak at both features in the test version of SearchWorks. The browse nearby a call number feature can be found in the left hand column of any detailed record display, such as in this sample record.
As always, we prize any feedback (including bugs and enhancement requests). The best way to submit input is through the Feedback link in the top right corner of every SearchWorks page.
Mon, 11/09/2009 - 10:55.
SearchWorks now has an advanced search feature, along with some other enhancements and corrections.
Now you can do multi-argument searching across multiple fields - for example, to find specific author/title combinations in multiple formats. Click the 'Advanced' link next to the search button, or go there directly at https://searchworks.stanford.edu/advanced. Click the question mark at the end of each field for more info about what is searched in that field. Note that advanced search does not currently support phrase searching (words in quotes), but phrase searching can be done in the simple search box.
Other changes:
- On the home page, the cursor is automatically placed in the search box.
- When a search finds no results, the page now offers search tips and links to retry the search in Worldcat or Google Books.
- We have added "hover" text to the subject heading links to show explicitly what will be searched when you click on each segment of the subject heading.
- We've replaced the raw MARC XML view with a standard MARC "Librarian view." The link is still in the bottom right corner of the item detail view.
- Books with multiple copies now list all copies individually.
- Subject keywords in 653$a are no longer concatenated.
- Several small changes, additions, and corrections to improve the display of MARC data in the item detail view.
Though not fully resolved, we have also made some progress in addressing performance issues. Specifically, Open Search and the live availability lookup are now faster; other performance tuning has resulted in fewer error pages. We are working hard with networking and other resources to identify and resolve these problems.
Wed, 09/23/2009 - 11:08.
The Google Books Preview button was not appearing in Internet Explorer (for books that have previews). This issue has been resolved.
Wed, 08/05/2009 - 20:10.
We've replaced the core of SearchWorks with a new, better engine. This was done partly to give us a better foundation for future development, but there are some changes you'll notice right away.
- Tag cloud of libraries and collections on the home page - let us know what you think!
- Focus/refine options in the left column can be opened and closed with a click.
- A search breadcrumb helps you build and modify your search.
- Relevance ranking is better.
- "Did you mean" suggestions are based on our own indexes (so they never give 0 results).
- All locations and call numbers for an item are shown on the search results page.
- The item detail page has a new layout, with all information about the item available on a single page.
- You can go directly to the next item in the results list on the item detail page, using the Previous/Next links.
- The "send to…" options have been collapsed into a popup so we can add more options without crowding the page.
If you are used to opening title links in a new tab - the keyboard shortcut for that action is not working in all browsers right now, but the right-click menu option does work.
For more about the work we've been doing, see the most recent entries in the project blog.
Wed, 08/05/2009 - 20:05.
We've made scores of changes to SearchWorks based on your reports and requests during the past two weeks. The most visible ones include:
- The search box has been made longer.
- The Search Subjects option is available again.
- The search selections breadcrumb appears on the item detail page as well as on the search results page.
- Search results can be sorted by date from new to old, or from old to new.
- Links to full text and related e-resources on the item detail page are displayed with their correct descriptions and notes. (Full-text links on the search results page still show only the URL; this will be addressed in a later update.)
- We are no longer displaying the complete container list in the search results for Special Collections materials.
- Many (!) MARC tags for local subject, provenance, and serials continuation links have been added, relocated, and/or relabeled according to requests.
We'll continue to address issues and make enhancements over the coming weeks, in addition to turning our development efforts to introducing better browsing to the new application.
Thu, 07/23/2009 - 13:20.
We've done a lot of work here in response to feedback from the Stanford community and usability testing conducted here and at University of Virginia.
- The complete bibliographic record is displayed in one page, no longer broken up into tabs. This means that all the information the searcher needs to make a decision about the current item is displayed on one page—no additional clicks required.
- The columnar display accommodates very long holding records and very long MARC records while maintaining consistent locations for key information.
- Subject headings are pulled out into the left column, to highlight their use in finding related materials.
- Availability information is displayed more concisely and organized in a way that will allow us to refine the display and behavior by location.
- The "Google Preview" button opens the viewer in a lightbox on top of the detail page.
We will continue to test and refine this display based on usability testing and feedback.
Thu, 07/23/2009 - 13:19.
The AND and OR Boolean operators are no longer supported in the quick search. All multi-word searches are “and” searches by default. Support for explicit AND and OR searches will be available with advanced search.
- The words 'and' and 'or' and 'not' (lower-case) are ignored as stop-words and are not considered as part of your search. Currently, 'NOT' (upper-case) can be used to exclude a word, but 'AND' and 'OR' (upper-case) are ignored.
- Minus (-) can be used as a prefix to exclude a word.
- When more than 4 words are present, the search looks for items that include at least 4 of the words. Plus (+) as a prefix makes a word mandatory.
- Quotes (" ") designate a phrase.
To search by Author or Title, click the arrow following the SEARCH button, then click the desired link. More options will be added to this search list in future updates.
To search by ckey, ISBN, ISSN, OCLC number, etc., just type in the number; no special characters or selections are required.
Thu, 07/23/2009 - 13:18.
Two features had a negative usability impact and reduced user confidence in the search results:
- the ability to search keywords "in Subject";
- the "similar items" sidebar on the item detail page.
We will continue to look for a more effective way to provide this functionality.
The "Librarian View" of the MARC record has been replaced by a link to the XML view of the record for now. The XML layout will be replaced by a more readable display.
Thu, 07/23/2009 - 13:15.
- "Did-you-mean?" suggestions are based on our own indexes rather than an external dictionary, and words are suggested only if they will return more results than the original word.
- Previous/Next links on the item detail page let you browse the result set one at a time without returning to the result list.
- Relevancy ranking is improved: exact matches are ranked before stemmed matches.
- Search breadcrumb shows the structure of your search and lets you remove elements without starting over.
- Field-level searching for vernacular scripts works.
- Diacritics sort correctly in search results.
- Results can be sorted by publication date. (And other sort options are implicitly sub-sorted by date.)
- All locations that have the item are shown on the results page, not just the first one.
- Facets:
- much faster performance
- values with diacritics work
- "accordion" facets reduce the visual overload of links
- publication year facet limits items by a range of years, then by specific year.
- Subject headings on the item detail page are correctly concatenated.
- Formerly missing MARC tags (e.g. 590) are displayed.
- Paging links are provided for SAL materials (currently the links go to the associated Socrates record to select the form; this will be made direct in a future release)
Thu, 07/23/2009 - 13:11.
SearchWorks development has been quiet on the surface for the last few months, but quite active behind the scenes. We’ve spent the last two quarters doing a technology switch "under the hood." Specifically, we replaced the VuFind engine (https://www.vufind.org/) that powered the first iteration of SearchWorks with Blacklight (https://blacklightopac.org/). Both are open-source projects with similar faceted-search features, but Blacklight has some clear advantages for Stanford, including better maintainability and a common technology platform for future digital library applications.
Blacklight provides:
- support for non-MARC records, so you can search and display materials not currently handled in Socrates, such as images, geographic data, and EADs;
- different views by domain or by discipline (e.g. Music, Earth Sciences);
- specific displays and behaviors by content type;
- some immediate benefits that greatly improve usability, such as improved facet performance and better "did you mean?" suggestions.
Perhaps most importantly, Stanford University is a full partner in Blacklight's ongoing development, which means we can both influence the future direction of the project and more easily take advantage of enhancements added by other partners.
Tue, 06/16/2009 - 11:06.
Searching and sorting of ae and oe ligatures has been corrected. For example:
- searching for Æon now gets the same results as Aeon
- searching for Coeurdevey gets the same results as Cœurdevey
These terms will also behave as equivalent values when results are sorted.
Wed, 04/22/2009 - 13:49.
SearchWorks now allows you to sort your search results by year of publication. There are more changes coming soon, but sort-by-date has been such a frequently-requested feature that we wanted to make it available immediately. Let us know what you think; and stay tuned...
Wed, 02/18/2009 - 11:01.
We've added OpenSearch support to SearchWorks - now you can add SearchWorks to your browser's built-in search box! When you're in SearchWorks, click on the down-arrow button next to the search box in your browser's toolbar, and select "Add SearchWorks." More detailed instructions are here: https://library.stanford.edu/opensea/.
We're doing some under-the-hood work this month - more changes coming soon.
Fri, 01/16/2009 - 15:38.
We've begun a program of regular usability activities around SearchWorks to help us improve and refine the interface. These activities include:
- usability tests (you complete a list of tasks using the product being tested, while the study administrator observes and asks questions)
- card sorting (you group terms into categories that make sense to you)
- paper prototypes (you "interact" with drawings of a hypothetical interface)
- interviews
- etc.
We’ll be scheduling activities on a weekly or bi-weekly basis when the academic schedule allows it. You can participate once, or several times – it’s up to you.
Each activity will take about 45 minutes to an hour, in Meyer Library. Each time you participate, you'll receive a gift card to a campus eatery, service, or the like.
Help us shape a discovery environment that will work for you! If you want to participate, just subscribe to our mailing list: send an email to [email protected]. (The list is used only to announce upcoming usability activities - no extra noise.)
Fri, 12/12/2008 - 12:24.
We're happy to report some progress on searching and display of vernacular (HA & CJK) scripts! SearchWorks now displays vernacular title, author, and publisher information in the search results and record view pages. In the record view, only the fields that display "above the tabs" are currently shown in vernacular - the remaining vernacular fields in the MARC record will be added soon to the Details and Subject tabs. You can search by vernacular scripts in the "everything" search; they have not yet been enabled for the specific field searches. Please send us your feedback on any issues you discover.
Some additional changes & corrections:
- ISSN searches have been enabled.
- A correction has been made to searches in the Author field, so that names are no longer "stemmed" like regular vocabulary.
- Sorting search results by author has been improved, and now interfiles Meeting and Corporate authors with personal names.
- Bug fix: For searches where the default search was not by relevance, selecting the relevance sort was causing an error - this has been corrected.
Tue, 12/09/2008 - 13:24.
Several new features have been released to the production instance of SearchWorks today.
- Export to RefWorks: Available from the full record view - you’ll be prompted to login to RefWorks (if you haven’t already), then SearchWorks will pass the complete bibliographic record (MARC) to RefWorks for upload.
- Text this: You can now send information about any individual record to an SMS-capable device through the following carriers: Virgin Mobile, AT&T, Verizon Wireless, Sprint/Nextel, T-Mobile, Alltel Wireless, and Cricket Wireless. You’ll receive Title, Location, and Call Number information in the text message along with a link to the record.
- Search in… You can now limit your search to these specific fields: Title, Author, Subject, or ISBN.
- Everything: Searches everything in the bibliographic record, including notes, tables of contents, and other information that is not included in fielded searches. This option will get the largest search result.
- Title: Searches the main title of the work, as well as series titles, and titles of works contained within another title (e.g. musical works on a CD).
[Title Proper, Uniform Titles, Series Title, Title Added Entries, and Title Linking Entries]
- Author: Searches for personal author names – e.g. “John Steinbeck”. (Corporate and meeting names search options will be added later.)
[Main Author - Personal Name and Added Entry Authors - Personal Name]
- Subject: Searches subject headings, including names and titles as subjects.
[Personal, Corporate, and Meeting Name subjects, Uniform Title subjects, Topic, Genre, Geographic Region, and Era]
- ISBN: Search by a work’s standard book number. (ISSN searches will be added later.)
- Relevance-sorted results are now sub-sorted by publication date (in descending order, with recent items first).
Thu, 10/30/2008 - 11:49.
Google's new book viewer is now in SearchWorks! You'll see a new tab (labeled "Full Text" or "Preview") in the record view for any books to which Google provides access. Click the tab to view the content. Here are a couple of sample records:
These small changes have also been made:
- Corporate (110) and Meeting (111) authors have been added to the results list.
- The date sort option on the results list has been removed temporarily, as it was giving incorrect results. It will be restored as soon as the underlying issue is resolved.
Tue, 10/28/2008 - 11:36.
SearchWorks has been updated with the following changes:
- uniform title (240) has been added to records in the results list;
- when a user sorts the results list by title, author, etc. the sorted field is now bolded in each record in the list;
- sorting the results list by title sorts first by uniform title, then by the title proper;
- author links in the bibliographic record now search the author's name and display the results as a standard results list, with facets and sorting options;
- imported Wikipedia content is no longer displayed in the author search results;
- corrections have been made to the library locations that display in the Access tab;
- ...and some minor layout and formatting changes.
Wed, 10/01/2008 - 11:18.
New data snapshot from Socrates as of 9/30.
New index has improved punctuation issues in facets, resolved missing titles in title-sorted search results, and added more information to the uniform title displayed in the search results.
Also added fixes for a display problem with the tabs on the individual record page, and incomplete book covers displaying in Internet Explorer.
Wed, 09/24/2008 - 16:42.
We've made some major improvements to the system performance in finding the results, loading the facets, and displaying book covers! We'll continue to work on improving the display of location and current status information in the search results.
The Call Number facets now include only Stanford-assigned call numbers. Library of Congress and Dewey numbers have been separated into two lists - let us know what you think about this.
Sort by Title has been added to the sort options on the search results page.
Every record now has a direct link to the same record in Socrates. You can find the link in the Access tab on the item page.
The Access facet options have been changed to "At the library" and "Online".
Much more information now is displayed on the item page, in the Details tab. (We're still working to get all the right information displayed in the right places.)
Latest update of items from Socrates/Unicorn was September 08, 2008. Status information is current via live lookup.
Wed, 09/24/2008 - 16:35.
These are things we are working to resolve.
- No export to RefWorks. [resolved]
- Results pages don't display non-Roman characters, except in the Librarian view. [in progress]
- Issues with searching and displaying diacritics. [resolved]
- Search results paging is not working on the Author page. [resolved]
- Punctuation errors in facets and displays. [resolved]
- "Did You Mean" sometimes suggests odd/confusing alternatives.
Wed, 09/24/2008 - 16:21.
Our current priorities are:
- Call number access, including a cross-library virtual shelf-browse, the ability to display books close to this one on the shelf, and the ability to sort search results by call number.
- Author search: make it easier to find books by a specific author, as opposed to books about that author; and filter the list in useful ways (e.g. by language).[fielded author search]
Other things on our list:
- Advanced search feature or ability to search specific fields [done]
- HA & CJK vernacular script search, sorting & displays [in progress]
- Ability to mark items for later reference
- Enriched bibliographic records, including more book covers, abstracts, table of contents, and reviews
- Adding resources that are not in Socrates, such as finding aids, images, full text.
What People are Saying
User feedback is our compass: all development in SearchWorks is being guided by the feedback we get - both good and bad. Let us hear from you!
Mon, 02/01/2010 - 11:29.
A recurring question we get from the feedback form is why clicking on a link in SearchWorks does not automatically open in a new tab or window. Many users are used to links that leave the current website by opening in new windows; but in fact the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines recommend against it.
When you force a link to open in a new tab or window, you remove the user's ability to choose the action that they desire. There is no facility for the user to override a link's default behavior if it is set to open in a new tab or window. As it is in SearchWorks now, the user always has a choice whether to open the link in the same window or a new one.
There are a couple ways to control where a link opens. To open a link in a new tab, simply ctrl-click (on Windows) or cmd-click (on Macs) on the link. To open a link in a new window, right-click on the link to pull up the right-click menu (the context menu) and select "Open in new window."
Allowing the user to choose the action of the link is a best practice in web design and not doing so can pose some accessibility issues. There are many different ways a user can be affected by randomly opened windows. For people using screen readers, it is difficult to navigate once the new window or tab is opened. You can find more examples at the Stanford Online Accessibility Programs' website. As with all SULAIR web sites and applications, SearchWorks is designed to accommodate all users. SearchWorks follows best practices for web user interfaces and adheres to the ethical obligations of libraries to provide access to all users.
Wed, 10/07/2009 - 13:11.
Based on user feedback and advice from the SearchWorks steering committee, we have prioritized these work efforts:
- Advanced search (here is a preview; work is still in progress)
- Improvements to access/availability information on the item detail page
- "Nearby on shelf" functionality - browsing by call number around a selected item
- Nightly catalog updates (currently the catalog is updated approximately weekly; circulation information is live)
- Request forms for paging materials from SAL/SAL3, requesting holds & recalls, etc.
We will fit smaller changes in around these priorities as time permits, so please continue sending in your comments and requests!
Thu, 07/23/2009 - 13:23.
We really appreciate all the "AWESOME!" comments, but it's your requests and critiques that help set our development priorities. These are your (and our) top issues:
- Advanced search. (We are actively working on this, and plan to have it available in a Fall release.)
- View nearby items on shelf. (Actively working on this.)
- Select multiple items to send/cite/print, etc.
- Incremental updates to pick up new materials faster.
- More "cite this" formats.
- Better holdings and availability info for periodicals.
- Inaccurate status and misleading availability information. (Some work has been done on this; more improvements are pending.)
- Clarity and priority of ebook & full-text links.
- Links to special actions and forms such as paging from SAL, ILL requests, etc.
Fri, 02/13/2009 - 11:46.
More people are using SearchWorks now, and we're getting some very useful feedback. Thanks, and keep it coming!
- Is there a way to mark and mail/text a series of results? I can see how you can do the whole search or individual records but not a selected number.
- It's important to have the ability to select individual records from a search result and then be able to print, mail, etc. the selected list, not just item by item.
- Texts should include the call number. I would text myself the information so I could find it in the stacks, but just having the name is more or less usless--I might as well use paper if I have to use a piece of paper to write down the call number anyway. [Note: Texts do include the call number, but on some phones that portion of the message is truncated. We'll find a way around this.]
- It will be important to have a BROWSE function in searchworks, as relevance is a nice feature but doesn't always work well with common titles, like zeitschrift, etc.
- The NEARBY ITEMS ON SHELF feature is one of the most important to Stanford researchers using Socrates. This is especially important when they are looking for just the right volume to page from SAL-3.
- It would be useful to have a request page link for items at SAL and SAL3 right under the access tab instead of having to use [email protected] two extra clicks.
- Thank you! I haven't had time to play around too much, but it is MUCH IMPROVED from the former jenson.stanford.edu search. Thank you!
- The faceted searching is nice but if I want to limit my results via my search query, I cannot because there is no "advanced" search like with Socrates. It is not explicit if I can use the search box to search for only items in a particular library; I will have to enter my search term and then wait for the results to appear before being able to refine the search by clicking on the links that appear to the left of the results.
- It should be possible to request the next item in the results list without needing to go back to the results list.
Mon, 02/02/2009 - 12:51.
- The "cite this" feature is awesome. Having this will make life a lot easier. It definitely deserves a very hearty thank you.
- The browse function is really useful. Congrats on the good job there. Consider offering a text only version and/or a one-line version once the user makes a search, so as to have a quicker grasp of related titles. An advanced search option where one can delimit the search by date, language, etc. would be useful. Also an "exact title" option.
Fri, 01/23/2009 - 19:19.
We've had multiple requests for the ability to sort results by publication date! (And we will add it.)
- Great product. Will there be the option to filter or sort results according to publication date?
- Are there plans to be able to sort results by publication year?
- We must have date added to the sorting. Hugely important.
- It would be helpful to sort by date. I'm looking for old travel books on Africa.
- Please enable sort by publish date in the results field.
- I would like to sort search results by several other fields including year, location, status, call number and format.
Some recent feedback from a PWR class, summarized by a librarian:
- Unanimous preference for look and feel of Searchworks over Socrates
- Loved the ability to limit search results by facets – especially for Video
- Loved the Cite This feature
- Liked the Text Citation feature
- Like book covers because it helps them find book on shelf
- Like Relevance sorting, want Publication Date sorting
- Liked Preview this feature
- Liked easy link to e-books
And other comments we've received via the Feedback option:
- This is the search engine we wish we had in grad school.
- Could you indicate what "relevance" means in terms of sorting?
- All in all, SearchWorks is a much more sophisticated search and viewer for bibliographic data than the Socrates.
- Would be nice to be able to browse new items added in the last day, last week, last month.
- It is very fast and very nicely organized. I really like the refine panel on the left to further limit searches to specific Topics, Formats, Authors etc. It lets me know all the of possible subtopics in a context specific way which is very helpful to someone searching a corpus in which they are not an expert.
- I would like to save or download multiple selected search results, not just one at a time.
- I would like to be able to output search results in a variety of formats - the email just giving the search URL is not sufficient.
- The Did you mean suggestions seem dumb sometimes...
- Hebrew and Arabic fields in SearchWorks are left-aligned, and the punctuation for these fields it not all handled correctly.
- Searching in vernacular scripts in SearchWorks brings up different results than in Socrates.
- I recommend that you include faculty advisor in author search results for theses and dissertations.
- Will there eventually be a way to request off-campus items?
- Where is the Advanced Search feature? If there isn't one, why not?