Yomiuri Shinbun Online (読売新聞)

Full-text and page images of the Yomiuri shinbun from Meiji 7 (1874) to Showa 35 (1960). Searchable by keyword, date, subject or type of article.

Connect to Yomiuri Shinbun Online

Note: Please e-mail Naomi Kotake or call (650) 725-3437 for user name and password.  Available only to the
Stanford academic community.

Help: Instructions for Using the Yomiuri Shinbun Online (PDF file)

System Requirements:

  1. Windows OS and Internet Explorer only.
  2. Downloading and installing the Microsoft software, “ActiveX” on your computer.  Follow the simple steps outlined in the user guide. (Please note that if you use a computer with a high level of security, you may need to change the security level on your computer or ask your technical support person to assist you.)

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