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Stanford Lawyer
Image from the Cover story

 Weighing In

Saturday, Mar 16

Comments on "Judge Vaughn R. Walker: Measured Justice


 Legal Aggregates

Tuesday, Apr 2

Cruel and Unusual Punishment: The Shame of Three Strikes Laws


 Video and Podcast Vault

Tuesday, Apr 2

Windsor Attorney on Supreme Court DOMA Hearing


 The Cutting Edge

Yellow is Always Good and It’s Getting Better…


Excellent article, thank you. One small query: I don’t understand the reference to “a new appeals court judge” on the Olympics case. Judge Goodwin, who wrote the panel opinion, was a Nixon appointee.

- Paul Smith


Excerpt from Rolling Stone‘s March, 2013 feature on Stanford Law’s Three Strikes Project: On July 15th, 1995, in the quiet Southern California city of Whittier, a 33-year-old black man named Curtis Wilkerson got up from a booth at McDonald’s, walked into a nearby mall and, within the space of two [...]

Matt Taibbi


March 27 (Bloomberg) — Roberta Kaplan, a lawyer representing Edie Windsor, speaks at a news conference in Washington about Supreme Court hearings into the constitutionality of a federal law defining marriage as a heterosexual union. The Defense of Marriage Act, known as DOMA, is being challenged by Windsor, an 83-year-old [...]

Go the Video post page

When the Yellow Ribbon Program was established, Stanford Law School made a commitment to provide a match up to $3000 to all students who were Yellow Ribbon eligible. Soon thereafter, we increased that match to $10500. A couple of days ago we made the following commitment: Beginning in the 2013-14 academic year, [...]

Faye Deal, Associate Dean for Admissions and Financial Aid, Stanfod Law School


From the Dean

By Liz Magill

On July 24, Stanford University announced that I would be the 13th dean of Stanford Law School. I am both thrilled and humbled by the opportunity to take the helm at this extraordinary institution. Let me share with you some of what I have experienced since late July, and some of my initial impressions from the short time that I have been here.

The first thing that became apparent to me was the depth and warmth of the Stanford community—or, as I have come to think of it, community with a capital C. In the days and weeks following the announcement, hundreds of people affiliated with Stanford called, wrote, emailed, texted, or posted on my Facebook page. I heard from what seemed to be every-one connected to SLS—faculty, administrators, staff, students, and many, many law school 
alums. But I also heard from dozens of people who are not affiliated directly with Stanford Law School, but rather with the greater university—from professors, to human resources personnel, to department chairs. I heard from people hiking in the mountains, floating down rivers on rafting trips, and traveling abroad. Without exception, they congratulated me, they offered help, and they assured me that I would love my time at Stanford.


Thursday, May 9

Stanford Law School’s Allen Weiner Files Comments on Viet Nam’s Response to United Nations Petition on Behalf of Seventeen Detained Vietnamese Social and Political Activists

STANFORD, Calif., May 9, 2013— On behalf of seventeen Vietnamese social and political activists, Allen Weiner, senior lecturer in law and director of the Stanford Program in International and Compar. […]
Tuesday, Apr 30

Deputy Secretary of the Interior and Alumnus David J. Hayes to Visit Stanford Law School

STANFORD, Calif., April 30, 2013—In fall 2013, alumnus David J. Hayes, JD ‘78, who currently serves as the Deputy Secretary of the Department of the Interior, will be at Stanford Law School as a. […]


Tuesday, Mar 5

Constitutional Law and Democracy Scholar Nathaniel Persily Joins Stanford Law School Faculty

Nathaniel Persily, JD '98, currently the Charles Keller Beekman Professor of Law and Political Science at Columbia Law School, will join the Stanford Law School faculty as a professor of law this summ. […]
Thursday, Feb 21

Leading Scholar of Comparative Constitutional and Common Law Bernadette Meyler Joins Stanford Law School Faculty

Bernadette A. Meyler, JD ’03, currently professor of law at Cornell University Law School, will join the Stanford Law School faculty as professor of law, effective in the summer of 2013. Professor M. […]
Wednesday, Feb 20

Stanford Law School Launches New Human Rights Center

Stanford Law School has announced the establishment of the Stanford Human Rights Center to promote student engagement, research, public understanding, and practical engagement in the area of internati. […]

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