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What's a SUNet ID and am I entitled to one?
The SUNet ID is a unique 3-8 character account name that identifies you as a member of the Stanford community, with access to the Stanford University Network of computing resources and services. Full-service SUNet IDs are available to current, registered students; and to regular and emeritus faculty and staff, including SLAC staff. Hospital staff are entitled to a base-level SUNet ID. Learn more...
Why should I use my SUNet ID when placing help requests?
Authenticating with your SUNet ID has a number of advantages: all your contact information is automatically filled in for you, saving all that effort and reducing errors. And it allows you to look up, review, and update your current active help requests. View of those requests is limited to you. Parents, vendors, campus visitors, and the general public are generally not eligible for SUNet IDs, so they should simply type in their contact information when placing a HelpSU request.