jeffrey michael heer

Assistant Professor
Computer Science Department
Stanford University

Human-Computer Interaction
& Visualization Groups

375 Gates Hall (3B Wing)
Stanford, CA 94305-9035

Fax: +1 650 723 0033
jheer (at)

Twitter: @jeffrey_heer

Admin: Jillian Hess
Tel: +1 650 723 3118

Office Hours
By appointment, 375 Gates


Winter 2013
CS247 Interaction Design Studio
CS547 HCI Seminar
STS1 Public Life of Science & Tech.
Fall 2012
CS448b Data Visualization

about     projects     vita     bio     students    

As digital information becomes increasingly cheap and
ubiquitous, how will we keep abreast with the rising tide of
data? My research group investigates the perceptual,
cognitive, and social factors involved in making sense of
large data collections, and develops novel interactive
systems for visual analysis and communication.
latest + greatest
Data-Driven Documents (D3) is a framework for interactive browser-native visualization that builds on the approach of our Protovis language.
Given a bitmap image of a chart, ReVision applies computer vision methods to identify the visualization type, extract the underlying data, and generate redesigned visualizations.
Wrangler is a system for data transformation that combines direct manipulation of data tables with automatic transform inference and preview visualizations.
selected projects

Interactive Visualization Systems

Over 200,000 downloads!

Data Wrangling

Tools for interactive, mixed-initiative data cleaning and transformation.

Collaborative Visualization

Social data analysis using interactive visualizations on the web.

Graphical Perception

Studying human perception to inform visualization design, often using crowdsourcing methods.

Animation in Data Graphics

Using animation to improve perception
of transitions in data graphics.