PULSE Postdoctoral Fellowships
The Stanford PULSE Institute for Ultrafast Energy Science (www.stanford.edu/group/pulse_institute) an independent laboratory of Stanford University and a division of the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory, seeks exceptional candidates for Postdoctoral Fellowships in all areas of ultrafast science, with particular emphasis on research that advances the broad goals of Ultrafast Energy Science. The Institute draws its strength from the inspiration, imagination and intellectual vigor of the Stanford Academic community, and from the unique combination of research facilities at SLAC and Stanford. These include the Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS), the world’s brightest source of x-rays; the Stanford Synchrotron Radiation Lightsource; and Stanford’s other Independent Laboratories, including the Stanford Institute for Materials Energy Research. Potential Research Areas: PULSE research is focused on ultrafast structural and electronic and spin dynamics in materials science, the generation and application of laser pulses lasting only attoseconds, imaging of single molecules and non-periodic materials, and the study of ultrafast and light-induced chemical reactions. PULSE programs broadly address the following themes:
PhD’s are sought in the fields of Physics, Biophysics, Chemistry, Laser Science or related fields, with experience in one or several of the following areas: x-ray science, ultrafast lasers and ultrafast research techniques, atomic and molecular physics, condensed matter physics, FEL experimentation, mass spectrometry, scientific computing, or iterative phase retrieval algorithms for coherent diffractive imaging. PULSE Postdoctoral Fellows are expected to work independently, as well as in large multi-disciplinary project teams comprised of scientists, engineers, graduate and undergraduate students. They are expected to present research results at (inter)national science meetings and write high quality journal publications. Contact Us: The Postdoctoral Scholar position carries an initial one-year term, renewable to a maximum of three years, with competitive salary and benefits. Interested candidates should contact principal investigators and forward a cover letter and their curriculum vitae to [email protected]. If you are interested in specific PULSE research groups please include this information in the cover letter and your email. Stanford University is an equal opportunity employer and is committed to increasing the diversity of the Stanford research community. Only exceptional candidates will be contacted