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   Filatov, M. A., F. Laquai, et al. "Strong donor-acceptor couplings in a special pair-antenna model." Chemical Communications 46(48): 9176-9178. More...

   Fischer, B., M. Kremer, et al. (2010). "Steering the Electron in $H_2^+$ by Nuclear Wave Packet Dynamics." Phys. Rev. Lett. 105(22): 223001. More...

   Galayda, J. N., J. Arthur, et al. "X-ray free-electron lasers?present and future capabilities [Invited]." J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 27(11): B106-B118.  More...

   Ghotbi, M., M. Beutler, et al. "Generation of 2.5 ?J vacuum ultraviolet pulses with sub-50 fs duration by noncollinear four-wave mixing in argon." Opt. Lett. 35(20): 3492-3494. More...

   Hädrich, S., J. Rothhardt, et al. "High harmonic generation by novel fiber amplifier based sources." Opt. Express 18(19): 20242-20250.  More...  

   Kohler, M. C., C. Ott, et al. (2010). "High Harmonic Generation Via Continuum Wave-Packet Interference." Phys. Rev. Lett. 105(20): 203902. More...

   Li, W., A. A. Jaroń-Becker, et al. "Visualizing electron rearrangement in space and time during the transition from a molecule to atoms." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 107(47): 20219-20222. More...

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   Nunn, A. D. G., R. S. Minns, et al. "Ultrafast dynamics through conical intersections and intramolecular vibrational energy redistribution in styrene." Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 12(48): 15751-15759. More...

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   Terada, Y., S. Yoshida, et al. "Real-space imaging of transient carrier dynamics by nanoscale pump-probe microscopy." Nat Photon 4(12): 869-874. More...

   Wu, J., Y. Tong, et al. (2010). "THz generation by a two-color pulse in prealigned molecules." Phys. Rev. A 82(5): 053416. More...