Welcome to the MCS
Home Page
Mathematical and Computational Science is an interdepartmental
undergraduate program designed for students interested in
mathematical ideas and analysis to problems in the biological,
computational, financial or management sciences.
For more
please see our introduction
to MCS.
- See the
bulletin - M&CS; Program section.
News about former grads:
- MCS major Eric Vishria (class of 1999), whose team at RockMelt in Mountain View recently released a new Web browser NYTimes [11/08/10] that will manage users’ interactions with sites like Facebook and Twitter in its data center. “This is the beginning of what we think browsers will look like in the next decade,” Mr. Vishria said.
- A recent New York Times [06/22/11] highlighted former Math&CompSci; grad
Ren Ng (class of 2001), whose innovative camera due out later this year by Lytro allows a picture’s focus to be adjusted after it is taken. Holding a PhD in computer science from Stanford, he received his BS earlier in Mathematical and Computational Science.
- Following his MCS program at Stanford, Henry Towsner (class of 2003)
pursued a PhD at Carnegie Mellon University [2008]. He serves now as an
Assistant Adjunct Professor at UCLA’s Department of Mathematics, with
major research interests of Mathematical Logic and Foundations.
- Adam Wright’s BS in MCS (class of 2004) was followed by a PhD in Medical Informatics from the Oregon Health & Science University. He is currently an Assoc. Research Scientist in General Medicine at Brigham and Women’s Hospital, a Senior Med. Informatician in the Clinical and Quality Analysis department at Partners HealthCare and an Instructor in Medicine at Harvard Medical School.
Additional info on what our recent graduates are
Course Scheduling Information:
Past Announcements:
- All students -- not just those on Biology Track -- can take Stat 166 (Computational Biology) as an
elective course to satisfy MCS' WIM requirements.
- The MCS advisory faculty decision to change Management Science &
Engineering requirements to fulfill Math & Comp Sci major is effective
July 1, 2010:
If you have already declared your major and have taken either MS&E; 111
or 121 (with the intention of completing both), you have satisfied the
If you have not taken any MS&E;, you will have the following options:
- Take both MS&E; 211 AND 221
- Take any 3 of the following 6 courses: MS&E; 111, 121, 211, 212, 221 or 251
- Need information about Multiple Majors, Coterms, or Honors?
Check out our information page for further
University procedures
for coterminal students.
- Are you interested in actuarial science? Here is a list of courses
approved by the SOA that you can complete while pursuing your Stanford
degree: SOA
VEE courses for Stanford. For more
see the professional
interest page from the Society of Actuaries.