- "Informational Equivalence of Signals", by Kenneth Arrow, February 1990.
- "Simple Efficient Rank-Order Contracts under Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection", by Jungyoll Yun, February 1990.
- "Two Surveys: Auctions and Entry Deterrence", by Robert Wilson, May 1990.
- "Two Algorithms: Stable Equilibria and Multiproduct Tariffs", by Robert Wilson, May 1990.
- "Bargaining with Private Information", by John Kennan and Robert Wilson, July 1990.
- "Multi-Task Principal-Agent Analyses: Incentive Contracts, Asset Ownership and Job Design", Bengt Holmstrom and Paul Milgrom, June 1990.
- "Nonergodic Economic Growth", by Steven Durlauf, May 1991.
- "Path Dependence in Aggregate Output", by Steven Durlauf, May 1991.
- "Evolutionary Stability with Equilibrium Entrants", by Jeroen Swinkels, May 1991.
- "Stability and Evolutionary Stability: from Maynard Smith to Kohlberg-Mertens", by Jeroen Swinkels, May 1991.
- "Monotone Comparative Statics", by Paul Milgrom and Christina Shannon, August 1992.
- "Increasing Returns, Quality Uncertainty, Product Differentiation, and Countercyclical Price Mark-ups", by Helmut Zink, June 1991.
- "The Existence of Aggregate Capital When Returns to Scale are Non-Constant", by Lawrence J. Lau, June 1991.
- "Learning, Mutation, and Long Run Equilibria in Games", by Michihiro Kandori, George Mailath, and Rafael Rob, October 1991.
- "Returns to Scale, Information, and Economic Growth", by Kenneth J. Arrow, October 1991.
- "Economic Natural Selection and Adaptive Behavior", by Lawrence Blume and David Easley, October 1991.
- "Pecuniary Externalities and Multiple Equilibria: A Competitive Economy without an Insurance Market", by Lars Ljundqvist, October 1991.
- "Efficient Resource Allocation under Increasing Returns", by Rajiv Vohra, October 1991.
- "The Capital Market, the Wealth Distribution and the Employment Relation", by Andrew F. Newman, October 1991.
- "Scale Returns in Communication and Elite Control of Organizations", by Kenneth J. Arrow, October 1991.
- "Rational Frenzies and Crashes", by Jeremy Bulow and Paul Klemperer, October 1991.
- "Nonnegative Stochastic Dynamic Preferences", by Peter A. Streufert, October 1991.
- "Existence and Characterization Results for Stochastic Dynamic Programming", by Peter A. Streufert, October 1991.
- "New Optimality Principles for Economic Efficiency and Equilibrium", by David G. Luenberger, October 1991.
- "Strong Convergence of Recursive M-Estimators for Models with Dynamic Latent Variables", by Chung-Ming Kuan and Halbert White, October 1991.
- "Recursive M-Estimation, Nonlinear Regression and Neural Network Learning with Dependent Observations", by Chung-Ming Kuan and Halbert White, October 1991.
- "On the Evolution of Optimizing Behavior", by Eddie Dekel and Suzanne Scotchmer, October 1991.
- "Ex Ante versus Ex Post Optimal Promotion Rules", by Michael Waldman, October 1991.
- "Renegotiation and Optimality in Agency Contracts", by Ching-to Albert Ma, October 1991.
- "The Dynamics of Learning with Team Production: Implications for Task Assignment", by Margaret A. Meyer, October 1991.
- "Global Environment and North-South Trade", by Graciela Chichilnisky, October 1991.
- "Rules for Changing the Rules", by Spyros Vassilakis, October 1991.
- "Functional Fixed Points", by Spyros Vassilakis, October 1991.
- "Increasing Returns in Infinite Horizon Economies", by Christina Shannon, revised January 1992.
- "Convergence of Recursive Learning Mechanisms to Steady States and Cycles in Stochastic Nonlinear Models", by George W. Evans and Seppo Honkapohja, October 1991.
- "Biased Contests and Moral Hazard: Implications for Career Profiles", by Margaret A. Meyer, October 1991.
- "Learning in an Equilibrium Search Model", by James D. Dana, Jr., October 1991.
- "Designing a Private Industry: Government Actions with Endogenous Market Structure", by James D. Dana, Jr. and Kathryn E. Spier, October 1991.
- "On the Structure and Diversity of Rational Beliefs", by Mordecai Kurz, November 1991.
- "On Rational Belief Equilibria", by Mordecai Kurz, November 1991.
- "Wealth Dynamics and the Market Selection Hypothesis", by Lawrence Blume and David Easley, January 1992.
- "Does a Good Place Values News?" by Kenneth J. Arrow, January 1992.
- "Arbitrage and Existence of Equilibrium in Infinite Asset Markets", by Donald J. Brown and Jan Werner, January 1992.
- "Dynamic Regulation, Demand Information and Market Prices", by John M. Litwack, January 1992.
- "Land Ownership and Development Incentives: The Capitalization Externality", by David Starrett, January 1992.
- "On the Social Costs of Global Crowding", by David Starrett, January 1992.
- "A Theory of Persistent Income Inequality", by Steven N. Durlauf, March 1992.
- "Existence and Optimality of Equilibria in Markets with Tradeable Derivative Securities", by Philippe Henrotte, August 1992.
- "Believing in Multiple Equilibria", by Graciela Chichilnisky, Geoffrey Heal, Peter Streufert & Jeroen Swinkels, August 1992.
- "Financial Innovation and Endogenous Uncertainty in Incomplete Asset Markets", by Graciela Chichilnisky & Ho-Mou Wu, August 1992.
- "Entry Deterrence in Oligopolistic Spatial Competition", by Shlomo Weber, October 1992.
- "Aggregation, Learning and Rationality", by Jean-Michel Grandmont, October 1992.
- "Option and Non-Use Values of Environmental Assets", by Andrea Beltratti, Graciela Chichilnisky and Geoffrey Heal, October 1992.
- "On the Equilibrium, Size and Composition of Communities", by David A. Starrett, January 1993.
- "On Population Externalities and the Social Rate of Discount", by David A. Starrett, January 1993.
- "Behavioral Heterogeneity and Cournot Oligopoly Equilibrium", by Jean-Michel Grandmont, July 1992, revised February 1993.
- "Computing Equilibria in the GEI Model", by Donald J. Brown, Peter M. DeMarzo and B. Curtis Eaves, July 1993.
- "Walrasian Comparative Statics", by Donald J. Brown and Rosa L. Matzkin, December 1993.
- "On Monotone Comparative Statics: Monotonicity of the Walras Correspondence", by Thorsten Hens, December 1993.
- "Methodological Individualism and Social Knowledge", by Kenneth J. Arrow, January 1994.
- "A Note on Freedom and Flexibility", by Kenneth J. Arrow, February 1994.
- "Edgeworth's Ethics", by Kenneth J. Arrow, February 1994.
- "Existence of Comparative Statics for General Equilibrium Models", by Susan K. Snyder, April 1994.
- "Refutable Implications of the Hecksher-Ohlin Model", by Uday Rajan, August 9, 1994.
- "What is Sustainable Development?" by Graciela Chichilnisky, August 23, 1994.
- "Option Values and Endogenous Uncertainty in ESOPS, MBOS and Asset-Backed Loans", by Graciela Chichilnisky, Geoffrey Heal and D.P. Tsomocos, August 23, 1994.
- "Property Rights and Returns to Scale: Patents, Firms and Market Failure", by Graciela Chichilnisky, Geoffrey Heal and Ugo Pagano, August 23, 1994.
- "Valuing the Very Long Run: Discounting and the Environment", by Geoffrey Heal, August 23, 1994.
- "A Unified Perspective on Resource Allocation: Limited Arbitrage is Necessary and Sufficient for the Existence of a Competitive Equilibrium, the Core and Social Choice", by Graciela Chichilnisky, October 11, 1994.
- "Diversification and Equilibrium in Securities Markets", by Jan Werner, February, 1996.
- "Notes on Sequence Economies, Transaction Costs and Uncertainty", by Kenneth J. Arrow and Frank H. Hahn, August, 1996.
- "Computing Models with Multi-Product Firms and Other Complex State Spaces", by Gautam Gowrisankaran, October 16, 1996.