Emergency Information       .style3 { font-size: medium; } .style4 { text-align: center; color: #800000; } .style5 { border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; }    Skip to main content.           SLAC WEB  PEOPLE     var f = document.form1; f.searchType[1].disabled = false; function doSearch() { var peopleurl = "https://www-public.slac.stanford.edu/phonebook/dirsearch.aspx?lf=1%26url=&gone=active%26NAME="+f.qt.value var fixedurl = unescape(peopleurl) if (f.searchType[0].checked) parent.location.href = "https://www-psearch.slac.stanford.edu/SLACSearch/app/slac/index?style=mainSite&qt="+f.qt.value; else if (f.searchType[1].checked) parent. else parent. }     SLAC Home | SLAC Today | For Staff | For Users | Directorates▼ ETS | Operations | LCLS | Particle Physics & Astrophysics | Photon Science | SSRL   function showDirectorates() { document.getElementById('directorates').style.display = "block"; } // not supported cross-domain, so commmented out // document.onclick = function() { // window.document.getElementById('directorates').style.display = "none"; // } // // parent.document.onclick = function() { // window.document.getElementById('directorates').style.display = "none"; // }                      dqm__codebase = "https://www-group.slac.stanford.edu/esh/menuJs/"           ESH Web  Manual     var f1 = document.form1; var f2 = document.form2; function doSearch2() { if (f2.searchType2[0].checked) document.location = "https://www-isearch.slac.stanford.edu/SLACSearch/app/slac/index?style=ESH&qt="+f2.qt.value; else if (f2.searchType2[1].checked) document.location = "https://www-isearch.slac.stanford.edu/SLACSearch/app/slac/index?style=ESHmanual&qt="+f2.qt.value; else if (f1.searchType[0].checked) document.location = "https://www-isearch.slac.stanford.edu/SLACSearch/app/slac/index?qt="+f1.qt.value; else if (f1.searchType[1].checked) document.location = "https://www-public.slac.stanford.edu/phonebook/dirsearch.aspx?lf=1%26url=&gone=active%26NAME="+f1.qt.value; else document.location = "https://www-isearch.slac.stanford.edu/SLACSearch/app/slac/index?qt="+f1.qt.value; }    generate_mainitems()       ESH Home > Emergency Information    Emergency Information              In An Emergency - What To Do  Emergency Management   Facility Emergency Plans   ESH Manual - Emergency Chapter                No emergencies to report.  

 SLAC Information Hotline 1-877-447-7522 (SLAC) 

 For Emergency Assistance Dial 911 

        In an Emergency:  Safety First! Your safety is the most important thing. Call 911  After calling 911, call SLAC Security x5555, then notify your supervisor  For advice on situations, see our "What to Do" Guides. 

 Supervisors should see Emergency Management for resources.

 Emergency Numbers  Fire and Police  911 SLAC Security  x5555 Medical Department  x2281 Radiological Incidents  650-598-8876 (Supervisor Pager) Deputy Facility Manager  650-804-5465 SLAC Status Information  877-447-7522 (toll free) (Recorded SLAC site status information)  See the Emergency Contact List for more numbers.  


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