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1 - 3 of 3 results for: MATH51

CME 200: Linear Algebra with Application to Engineering Computations (ME 300A)

Computer based solution of systems of algebraic equations obtained from engineering problems and eigen-system analysis, Gaussian elimination, effect of round-off error, operation counts, banded matrices arising from discretization of differential equations, ill-conditioned matrices, matrix theory, least square solution of unsolvable systems, solution of non-linear algebraic equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, similar matrices, unitary and Hermitian matrices, positive definiteness, Cayley-Hamilton theory and function of a matrix and iterative methods. Prerequisite: familiarity with computer programming, and MATH51.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Moin, P. (PI)

MATH 51: Linear Algebra and Differential Calculus of Several Variables

Geometry and algebra of vectors, systems of linear equations, matrices and linear transformations, diagonalization and eigenvectors, vector valued functions and functions of several variables, parametric curves, partial derivatives and gradients, the derivative as a matrix, chain rule in several variables, constrained and unconstrained optimization. Prerequisite: 21, or 42, or a score of 4 on the BC Advanced Placement exam or 5 on the AB Advanced Placement exam, or consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 5 | UG Reqs: GER:DBMath | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Bamler, R. (PI) ; Cohen, R. (PI) ; Conrad, B. (PI) ; Ganatra, S. (PI) ... more instructors for MATH 51 »
Instructors: Bamler, R. (PI) ; Cohen, R. (PI) ; Conrad, B. (PI) ; Ganatra, S. (PI) ; Ignatova, M. (PI) ; Kane, D. (PI) ; Li, Z. (PI) ; Lucianovic, M. (PI) ; McNamara, P. (PI) ; Menz, G. (PI) ; Rodriguez, N. (PI) ; Wang, Y. (PI) ; Adams, H. (TA) ; Baer, K. (TA) ; Bernstein, M. (TA) ; Booher, J. (TA) ; Goodman, E. (TA) ; Henderson, C. (TA) ; Hintz, P. (TA) ; Jerison, D. (TA) ; Kozai, K. (TA) ; Lin, Y. (TA) ; Lipnowski, M. (TA) ; Nariman, S. (TA) ; Nestoridi, E. (TA) ; Nguyen, K. (TA) ; Pang, A. (TA) ; Peng, M. (TA) ; Shao, F. (TA) ; Zhao, J. (TA) ; Zhou, X. (TA)

ME 300A: Linear Algebra with Application to Engineering Computations (CME 200)

Computer based solution of systems of algebraic equations obtained from engineering problems and eigen-system analysis, Gaussian elimination, effect of round-off error, operation counts, banded matrices arising from discretization of differential equations, ill-conditioned matrices, matrix theory, least square solution of unsolvable systems, solution of non-linear algebraic equations, eigenvalues and eigenvectors, similar matrices, unitary and Hermitian matrices, positive definiteness, Cayley-Hamilton theory and function of a matrix and iterative methods. Prerequisite: familiarity with computer programming, and MATH51.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Moin, P. (PI)
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