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1 - 10 of 17 results for: SURG ; Currently searching autumn courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

SURG 111A: Emergency Medical Technician Training (SURG 211A)

Basics of life support outside the hospital setting. Topics include emergency patient assessments for cardiac, respiratory, and neurological emergencies, as well as readiness training for emergencies on- and off-campus. Lectures, practicals, and applications. Students taking the class for 4 units complete additional FEMA training and additional clinical rotations. Upon completion of SURG 111A,B,C or 211A,B,C, students are eligible to sit for the National Registry EMT licensure exam. Freshmen and Sophomores are highly encouraged to apply. Prerequisites: CPR-PR certification, application (see http://surg211.stanford.edu), and consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3-4 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

SURG 112A: Advanced Training and Teaching for the EMT (SURG 212A)

Ongoing training for current EMS providers. Students practice BLS assessments and medical care through simulated patient encounters. Topics include airway and stroke management, abdominal emergencies, prehospital pharmacology, and teaching skills. Students taking the course for 3 units also serve as teaching assistants for Surgery 111, the Stanford EMT training course. Prerequisites: SURG 111/211 A-C (or equivalent), CPR-PR certification, and consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2-3 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

SURG 199: Undergraduate Research

Investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Albanese, C. (PI) ; Auerbach, P. (PI) ; Barrett, B. (PI) ; Bonham, C. (PI) ; Bresler, M. (PI) ; Bruzoni, M. (PI) ; Busque, S. (PI) ; Chang, J. (PI) ; Chase, R. (PI) ; Concepcion, W. (PI) ; Curtin, C. (PI) ; D'Souza, P. (PI) ; Dalman, R. (PI) ; Dannenberg, B. (PI) ; Dirbas, F. (PI) ; Duriseti, R. (PI) ; Dutta, S. (PI) ; Eisenberg, D. (PI) ; Esquivel, C. (PI) ; Fuchs, J. (PI) ; Gilbert, G. (PI) ; Girod, S. (PI) ; Gosling, J. (PI) ; Greco, R. (PI) ; Gregg, D. (PI) ; Gurtner, G. (PI) ; Harris, E. (PI) ; Harter, P. (PI) ; Hartman, G. (PI) ; Helms, J. (PI) ; Hentz, V. (PI) ; Hernandez-Boussard, T. (PI) ; Jeffrey, S. (PI) ; Kahn, D. (PI) ; Khosla, R. (PI) ; Klofas, E. (PI) ; Krams, S. (PI) ; Krummel, T. (PI) ; Lau, J. (PI) ; Lee, G. (PI) ; Lee, J. (PI) ; Leeper, N. (PI) ; Longaker, M. (PI) ; Lorenz, H. (PI) ; Maggio, P. (PI) ; Mahadevan, S. (PI) ; Martinez, O. (PI) ; Melcher, M. (PI) ; Mell, M. (PI) ; Morton, J. (PI) ; Mueller, C. (PI) ; Murphy, K. (PI) ; Norris, R. (PI) ; Norton, J. (PI) ; Oberhelman, H. (PI) ; Poultsides, G. (PI) ; Quinn, J. (PI) ; Raphael, E. (PI) ; Rhoads, K. (PI) ; Rivas, H. (PI) ; Ryan, J. (PI) ; Salvatierra, O. (PI) ; Schendel, S. (PI) ; Schreiber, D. (PI) ; Shelton, A. (PI) ; Smith-Coggins, R. (PI) ; So, S. (PI) ; Spain, D. (PI) ; Srivastava, S. (PI) ; Staudenmayer, K. (PI) ; Sternbach, G. (PI) ; Sylvester, K. (PI) ; Taleghani, N. (PI) ; Visser, B. (PI) ; Wan, D. (PI) ; Wang, N. (PI) ; Wapnir, I. (PI) ; Weiss, E. (PI) ; Welton, M. (PI) ; Whitmore, I. (PI) ; Williams, S. (PI) ; Wren, S. (PI) ; Yang, G. (PI) ; Zarins, C. (PI) ; Zhou, W. (PI)

SURG 201: Basic Cardiac Life Support

All medical students must be certified in Basic Cardiac Life Support before the end of the first (autumn) quarter. Students who provide documentation of certification received within six months prior to the date of matriculation will be exempted from the requirement. The course teaches one- and two-rescuer CPR, management of an obstructed airway, and CPR for infants and children. Upon completion of the course, students receive an American Heart Association certificate in BLS.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1 | Grading: Medical School MD Grades

SURG 203A: Clinical Anatomy

Introduction to human structure and function presented from a clinical perspective. Includes clinical scenarios, frequently used medical imaging techniques, and interventional procedures to illustrate the underlying anatomy. Students are required to attend lectures and engage in dissection of the human body in the anatomy laboratory. Surgery 203A presents structures of the thorax, abdomen, pelvis, back, upper and lower limbs.
Terms: Aut | Units: 11 | Grading: Medical School MD Grades

SURG 204: Introduction to Surgery

Designed to give pre-clinical MD students a broad overview of all the surgical specialities. Lectures by leading surgeons from General Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Neurosurgery. Orthopedic Surgery, Head and Neck Surgery, Transplantation Surgery and Cardiac Surgery highlight the array of diseases and operations performed in their disciplines. In addition, each lecture gives students a "roadmap" as to how to enter that discipline.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1 | Grading: Medical School MD Grades
Instructors: Greco, R. (PI) ; Dambkowski, C. (TA)

SURG 205: Advanced Suturing Techniques

Designed for preclinical medical students. Builds upon skills taught in the Surgical Interest Group's introductory suturing workshops. Topics include knot tying, suturing, hand-sewn anastomosis, stapled anastomosis, and laparoscopic technique. Emphasizes hands-on work with live tissue and surgical simulation. Preference to second year medical students.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1 | Grading: Medical School MD Grades
Instructors: Visser, B. (PI) ; Medress, Z. (TA)

SURG 208: Plastic Surgery Tutorial

Diagnosis, theory, and practice of plastic and reconstructive surgery. Limited to two students per faculty member.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 2 | Grading: Medical School MD Grades

SURG 209: Plastic Surgery

Students participate in plastic and reconstructive surgery as functioning members of the clinical team. Students are exposed to operative surgery, emergency and trauma care, evaluation of operative candidates in the outpatient setting, and also attend teaching conferences. Limited to four students. Prerequisite: completion of first year or clinical experience.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical School MD Grades

SURG 211A: Emergency Medical Technician Training (SURG 111A)

Terms: Aut | Units: 3-4 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
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