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1 - 3 of 3 results for: SOMGEN ; Currently searching autumn courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters


First half of a two-quarter sequence. A practical guide for career development, which includes training on career direction, communication, and the development and leveraging of relationships, all skills that are also easily translatable to many areas of life. Through conversations, self-analysis, and writing exercises, each participant designs a fulfilling and impactful vision for their career and life as a whole. Participants learn a practical, step-by-step process for living a more inspired and productive life.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit

SOMGEN 275: Leadership and Strategies for Health Care Delivery Innovation

Focus is on innovations in private, public, and academic healthcare delivery systems that achieve higher value care and the leadership needed to implement change in these organizations. Topics include cutting edge healthcare delivery strategies, lean processes, health information technology, and leading change. Guest speakers include leadership from Stanford Hospital and thought leaders from the Stanford faculty, McKinsey and Company, and venture capital. May be repeated for credit. Students enrolled for 2 units attend additional workshops and participate in quality improvement projects at Stanford Hospital.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1-2 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Instructors: Bohman, B. (PI) ; Milstein, A. (PI) ; Matesic, B. (TA)

SOMGEN 282: The Startup Garage: Design (CHEMENG 482)

(Same as STRAMGT 356) The Startup Garage is an experiential lab course that focuses on the design, testing and launch of a new venture. Multidisciplinary student teams work through an iterative process of understanding user needs, creating a point of view statement, ideating and prototyping new product and services and their business models, and communicating the user need, product, service and business models to end-users, partners, and investors. In the autumn quarter, teams will: identify and validate a compelling user need and develop very preliminary prototypes for a new product or service and business models. Students form teams, conduct field work and iterate on the combination of business model -- product -- market. Teams will present their first prototypes (business model - product - market) at the end of the quarter to a panel of entrepreneurs, venture capitalists, angel investors and faculty.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Zenios, S. (PI) ; Siegelman, R. (SI)
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