PSYC 136A: Valuescience: Shedding Illusion to Live Better (PSYC 236A)
Apply scientific methods and principles to discern and realize value. Read history, philosophy, ecology, economics, sociology, linguistics and psychology pertinent to emergence of valuescience as foundation for an increasing range of human action. Explore perceptual, cognitive, and cultural impediments to valuescience; strategies for overcoming these; and personal and social benefits of doing so. 4 units includes weekly practice (e.g., meditation, aerobic exercise).
Terms: Aut
Units: 3-4
Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Schrom, D. (PI)
Enge, N. (TA)
PSYC 195: Special Laboratory Projects
Assist Behavioral Neuroendocrinology Program with data entry, library organization, and study-related projects.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-3
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Rasgon, N. (PI)
PSYC 199: Undergraduate Research
Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-18
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Aboujaoude, E. (PI)
Agras, W. (PI)
Albucher, R. (PI)
Apple, R. (PI)
more instructors for PSYC 199 »
Aboujaoude, E. (PI)
Agras, W. (PI)
Albucher, R. (PI)
Apple, R. (PI)
Arnow, B. (PI)
Barry, J. (PI)
Birnbaum, J. (PI)
Carrion, V. (PI)
Chang, K. (PI)
Chen, L. (PI)
DeBattista, C. (PI)
Deisseroth, K. (PI)
Dement, W. (PI)
Dhabhar, F. (PI)
Etkin, A. (PI)
Feinstein, C. (PI)
Garner, C. (PI)
Gore-Felton, C. (PI)
Guilleminault, C. (PI)
Hall, S. (PI)
Hallmayer, J. (PI)
Hardan, A. (PI)
Hayward, R. (PI)
Hill, K. (PI)
Hoblyn, J. (PI)
Hu, R. (PI)
Humphreys, K. (PI)
Jo, B. (PI)
Joshi, S. (PI)
Kesler, S. (PI)
Ketter, T. (PI)
King, R. (PI)
Koopman, C. (PI)
Kushida, C. (PI)
Lazzeroni, L. (PI)
Lembke, A. (PI)
Levinson, D. (PI)
Lindley, S. (PI)
Lock, J. (PI)
Lyons, D. (PI)
Maldonado, J. (PI)
Malenka, R. (PI)
Manber, R. (PI)
Marnell, M. (PI)
McGlynn, L. (PI)
Menon, V. (PI)
Mignot, E. (PI)
Mourrain, P. (PI)
Murphy, G. (PI)
Nishino, S. (PI)
O'Hara, R. (PI)
Ohayon, M. (PI)
Ostacher, M. (PI)
Palesh, O. (PI)
Parker, K. (PI)
Pelayo, R. (PI)
Phillips, J. (PI)
Post, L. (PI)
Rasgon, N. (PI)
Reiss, A. (PI)
Roberts, L. (PI)
Robinson, A. (PI)
Rosen, C. (PI)
Safer, D. (PI)
Sanders, M. (PI)
Schatzberg, A. (PI)
Shaw, R. (PI)
Singh, M. (PI)
Solvason, H. (PI)
Sommer, B. (PI)
Spiegel, D. (PI)
Steiner, H. (PI)
Sullivan, E. (PI)
Suppes, P. (PI)
Taylor, C. (PI)
Thompson, D. (PI)
Tinklenberg, J. (PI)
Urban, A. (PI)
White-Huber, B. (PI)
Williams, S. (PI)
Yesavage, J. (PI)
Zeitzer, J. (PI)
de Lecea, L. (PI)
Gore-Felton, C. (SI)
PSYC 211: Child and Adolescent Psychopathology
Common syndromes in child psychiatry. Topics include diagnosis, epidemiology, etiology, course, outcome and therapeutic interventions. Prerequisite: familiarity with the basics of psychiatric and psychological discourse; psychiatry clerkship or course in psychology.
Terms: Aut
Units: 1
Grading: Medical School MD Grades
Daniels, W. (PI)
Hinman, K. (PI)
PSYC 225: Stanford Klingenstein Fellowship Program
A mentoring program designed to expose first and second year medical students to the rewarding field of child and adolescent psychiatry, and to increase awareness and education about child and adolescent mental health issues. Offers a year-long program wherein medical students are paired with child and adolescent psychiatrists, meeting bimonthly for clinical experiences and mentoring. Also provides opportunities for the students to get involved in cutting-edge scientific research, networking opportunities, and opportunities to attend professional conferences.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
Units: 1
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Medical School MD Grades
Joshi, S. (PI)
Li, D. (TA)
PSYC 233: Mindfulness: An Awareness-Based Stress Reduction Program in Medicine
An experiential program in which the participants learn the techniques of mindfulness meditation. Modeled after the program started by Jon Kabat-Zinn and featured on Bill Moyers' Healing and the Mind, there are approximately 400 hospitals around the world that provide mindfulness-based programs. Courses are designed to work with the mind/body relationship to stress and chronic illness. Participants are involved in a class with patients and observe the impact of the program on a variety of medical conditions. Requires daily practice of mindfulness meditation, attendance at weekly class meetings and the all day retreat, home reading, and a final paper covering the student's observations.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 3
Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit
Spiegel, D. (PI)
PSYC 236A: Valuescience: Shedding Illusion to Live Better (PSYC 136A)
Apply scientific methods and principles to discern and realize value. Read history, philosophy, ecology, economics, sociology, linguistics and psychology pertinent to emergence of valuescience as foundation for an increasing range of human action. Explore perceptual, cognitive, and cultural impediments to valuescience; strategies for overcoming these; and personal and social benefits of doing so. 4 units includes weekly practice (e.g., meditation, aerobic exercise).
Terms: Aut
Units: 3-4
Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Schrom, D. (PI)
Enge, N. (TA)
PSYC 250: Methodology of Research in Behavioral Sciences
Statistical and methodological issues in twomajor psychiatric research themes: clinical psychiatric research (Aut) neuroimaging research (Win). Autumn series includes: basics of inferential statistics, group comparison, analysis of variance, regression analysis, multivariate analysis, and longitudinal analysis in the context of psychiatric and behavioral research. Also included are conceptual topics such as risk factors, mediation, moderation, and causal inference. Winter series includes: functional and structural neuroimaging research methods (e.g. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), structural MRI (sMRI), diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS), near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS), electroencephalogram (EEG)). Basic principles, statistical analysis methods, advantages and limitations, and applications are discussedPrerequisite: Some exposure to statistical methods, either from course work or from participation in research having some behavioral aspects, or consent of instructor. 1 unit for class participation only, 2 units includes weekly assignments, 3 units includes a final project.
Terms: Aut, Win
Units: 1-3
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit
Jo, B. (PI)
PSYC 290: Teaching in Psychiatry
Practical experience in teaching by serving as a teaching assistant in a psychiatry course. Unit values are allotted individually to reflect the level of teaching responsibility assigned to the student.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-10
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Agras, W. (PI)
Arnow, B. (PI)
Barry, J. (PI)
Carrion, V. (PI)
more instructors for PSYC 290 »
Agras, W. (PI)
Arnow, B. (PI)
Barry, J. (PI)
Carrion, V. (PI)
Chang, K. (PI)
Chen, L. (PI)
DeBattista, C. (PI)
Deisseroth, K. (PI)
Dement, W. (PI)
Dhabhar, F. (PI)
Feinstein, C. (PI)
Garner, C. (PI)
Gore-Felton, C. (PI)
Guilleminault, C. (PI)
Hall, S. (PI)
Hallmayer, J. (PI)
Hardan, A. (PI)
Hayward, R. (PI)
Hu, R. (PI)
Jo, B. (PI)
Joshi, S. (PI)
Kesler, S. (PI)
Ketter, T. (PI)
King, R. (PI)
Koopman, C. (PI)
Kushida, C. (PI)
Lazzeroni, L. (PI)
Levinson, D. (PI)
Lindley, S. (PI)
Lock, J. (PI)
Lyons, D. (PI)
Maldonado, J. (PI)
Malenka, R. (PI)
Manber, R. (PI)
Menon, V. (PI)
Mignot, E. (PI)
Mourrain, P. (PI)
Murphy, G. (PI)
Nishino, S. (PI)
O'Hara, R. (PI)
Ohayon, M. (PI)
Parker, K. (PI)
Pelayo, R. (PI)
Rasgon, N. (PI)
Reiss, A. (PI)
Rosen, C. (PI)
Safer, D. (PI)
Schatzberg, A. (PI)
Shaw, R. (PI)
Singh, M. (PI)
Solvason, H. (PI)
Sommer, B. (PI)
Spiegel, D. (PI)
Steiner, H. (PI)
Sullivan, E. (PI)
Suppes, P. (PI)
Taylor, C. (PI)
Thompson, D. (PI)
Tinklenberg, J. (PI)
Williams, S. (PI)
Yesavage, J. (PI)
Zeitzer, J. (PI)
de Lecea, L. (PI)
PSYC 299: Directed Reading in Psychiatry
Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-18
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit
Aboujaoude, E. (PI)
Agras, W. (PI)
Albucher, R. (PI)
Apple, R. (PI)
more instructors for PSYC 299 »
Aboujaoude, E. (PI)
Agras, W. (PI)
Albucher, R. (PI)
Apple, R. (PI)
Arnow, B. (PI)
Bale, R. (PI)
Barry, J. (PI)
Birnbaum, J. (PI)
Carrion, V. (PI)
Chang, K. (PI)
Chen, L. (PI)
DeBattista, C. (PI)
Deisseroth, K. (PI)
Dement, W. (PI)
Dhabhar, F. (PI)
Etkin, A. (PI)
Feinstein, C. (PI)
Garner, C. (PI)
Gore-Felton, C. (PI)
Guilleminault, C. (PI)
Hall, S. (PI)
Hallmayer, J. (PI)
Hardan, A. (PI)
Hayward, R. (PI)
Hill, K. (PI)
Hoblyn, J. (PI)
Hu, R. (PI)
Humphreys, K. (PI)
Jo, B. (PI)
Joshi, S. (PI)
Kesler, S. (PI)
Ketter, T. (PI)
King, R. (PI)
Koopman, C. (PI)
Kushida, C. (PI)
Lazzeroni, L. (PI)
Lembke, A. (PI)
Levinson, D. (PI)
Lindley, S. (PI)
Lock, J. (PI)
Lyons, D. (PI)
Maldonado, J. (PI)
Malenka, R. (PI)
Manber, R. (PI)
Marnell, M. (PI)
McGlynn, L. (PI)
Menon, V. (PI)
Mignot, E. (PI)
Mourrain, P. (PI)
Murphy, G. (PI)
Nishino, S. (PI)
O'Hara, R. (PI)
Ohayon, M. (PI)
Ostacher, M. (PI)
Palesh, O. (PI)
Parker, K. (PI)
Pelayo, R. (PI)
Phillips, J. (PI)
Post, L. (PI)
Rasgon, N. (PI)
Reiss, A. (PI)
Roberts, L. (PI)
Robinson, A. (PI)
Rosen, C. (PI)
Safer, D. (PI)
Sanders, M. (PI)
Schatzberg, A. (PI)
Shaw, R. (PI)
Singh, M. (PI)
Solvason, H. (PI)
Sommer, B. (PI)
Spiegel, D. (PI)
Steiner, H. (PI)
Sullivan, E. (PI)
Suppes, P. (PI)
Taylor, C. (PI)
Thompson, D. (PI)
Tinklenberg, J. (PI)
Urban, A. (PI)
Williams, S. (PI)
Yesavage, J. (PI)
Zeitzer, J. (PI)
de Lecea, L. (PI)
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