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1 - 10 of 10 results for: PEDS ; Currently searching autumn courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

PEDS 65Q: Understanding Children's Health Disparities

The social and economic factors that affect children and their health status. The principal sources of disparities in the health of children in the U.S. are not biologic, but social and economic. Topics include ethnic, cultural, and behavioral factors that affect children's health, both directly and indirectly; lack of health insurance; and current proposals for health care reform, focusing specifically on how they will impact existing health disparities among children. Includes instruction addressing written assignments and required oral presentations.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | UG Reqs: Writing2, GER:DBSocSci, GER:ECAmerCul | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Barr, D. (PI)

PEDS 159A: Addressing Child Health Disparities through Community-based Service Learning (PEDS 259A)

First quarter of a three-quarter service-learning practicum providing opportunities to engage in local community-academic projects aimed at reducing child health disparities. Stanford pediatric residents provide mentorship and guidance during the development and implementation of a community service and/or research project. Topics include principles of community engagement, community-engaged research methodologies, and practical aspects of working with community partners. Interest in health disparities, community engagement, community-based participatory research, reflective learning, and civic responsibility desired. Application required.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Instructors: Bruce, J. (PI) ; Chamberlain, L. (SI)

PEDS 199: Undergraduate Directed Reading/Research

Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Agarwal-Hashmi, R. (PI) ; Alexander, S. (PI) ; Alvira, C. (PI) ; Amieva, M. (PI) ; Ammerman, S. (PI) ; Amylon, M. (PI) ; Ariagno, R. (PI) ; Arvin, A. (PI) ; Aye, T. (PI) ; Bachrach, L. (PI) ; Barr, D. (PI) ; Bass, D. (PI) ; Benitz, W. (PI) ; Bergman, D. (PI) ; Bernstein, D. (PI) ; Berquist, W. (PI) ; Bhargava, S. (PI) ; Bhutani, V. (PI) ; Bland, R. (PI) ; Buckingham, B. (PI) ; Buckway, C. (PI) ; Butte, A. (PI) ; Butte, M. (PI) ; Carlson, J. (PI) ; Castillo, R. (PI) ; Chamberlain, L. (PI) ; Chin, C. (PI) ; Cho, M. (PI) ; Cohen, H. (PI) ; Cohen, R. (PI) ; Conrad, C. (PI) ; Contag, C. (PI) ; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. (PI) ; Cornfield, D. (PI) ; Cox, K. (PI) ; Crain, L. (PI) ; Crawley, L. (PI) ; Dahl, G. (PI) ; Dekker, C. (PI) ; Dubin, A. (PI) ; Enns, G. (PI) ; Feinstein, J. (PI) ; Feldman, B. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Friedman, I. (PI) ; Gans, H. (PI) ; Garcia-Careaga, M. (PI) ; Glader, B. (PI) ; Glasscock, G. (PI) ; Golden, N. (PI) ; Gould, J. (PI) ; Grady, S. (PI) ; Grimm, P. (PI) ; Gutierrez, K. (PI) ; Halamek, L. (PI) ; Hammer, L. (PI) ; Hintz, S. (PI) ; Horwitz, S. (PI) ; Hudgins, L. (PI) ; Huffman, L. (PI) ; Hurwitz, M. (PI) ; Jeng, M. (PI) ; Kache, S. (PI) ; Kahana, M. (PI) ; Kay, M. (PI) ; Kerner, J. (PI) ; Kharbanda, S. (PI) ; Krensky, A. (PI) ; Lacayo, N. (PI) ; Lee, T. (PI) ; Lewis, D. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Link, M. (PI) ; Longhurst, C. (PI) ; Loutit, C. (PI) ; Lowe, H. (PI) ; Lowe, J. (PI) ; Luna-Fineman, S. (PI) ; Magnus, D. (PI) ; Maldonado, Y. (PI) ; Marina, N. (PI) ; Mark, J. (PI) ; McNamara, E. (PI) ; Mellins, E. (PI) ; Mendoza, F. (PI) ; Milla, C. (PI) ; Moss, R. (PI) ; Murphy, D. (PI) ; Nadeau, K. (PI) ; Neely, E. (PI) ; O'Brodovich, H. (PI) ; Olson, I. (PI) ; Penn, A. (PI) ; Perry, S. (PI) ; Pertofsky, C. (PI) ; Porteus, M. (PI) ; Potter, D. (PI) ; Prober, C. (PI) ; Rabinovitch, M. (PI) ; Rangaswami, A. (PI) ; Rhine, W. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Rodriguez, E. (PI) ; Rosenthal, D. (PI) ; Roth, S. (PI) ; Ruiz-Lozano, P. (PI) ; Sage, J. (PI) ; Sakamoto, K. (PI) ; Sandborg, C. (PI) ; Sanders, L. (PI) ; Sarwal, M. (PI) ; Sharek, P. (PI) ; Shaw, G. (PI) ; Sibley, E. (PI) ; Sourkes, B. (PI) ; Stevenson, D. (PI) ; Stuart, A. (PI) ; Sweet-Cordero, E. (PI) ; Tacy, T. (PI) ; Twist, C. (PI) ; Van Meurs, K. (PI) ; Wang, C. (PI) ; Weinberg, K. (PI) ; Wilson, D. (PI) ; Wise, P. (PI) ; Wright, G. (PI) ; Yuan, N. (PI)

PEDS 225: Humanitarian Aid and Politics

Open to medical students, graduate students, and undergraduate students. Examines the moral dilemmas and political realities that complicate the delivery of humanitarian aid, especially when undertaken by the United Nations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs). Emphasis is on what humanitarians call "complex humanitarian emergencies": crises often characterized by famine and/or epidemic disease and typically the result of war and/or civil war. Provides background into the history of humanitarian aid, though focus is on the post-Cold War era, up to the recent crises in Libya and Syria.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)

PEDS 259A: Addressing Child Health Disparities through Community-based Service Learning (PEDS 159A)

First quarter of a three-quarter service-learning practicum providing opportunities to engage in local community-academic projects aimed at reducing child health disparities. Stanford pediatric residents provide mentorship and guidance during the development and implementation of a community service and/or research project. Topics include principles of community engagement, community-engaged research methodologies, and practical aspects of working with community partners. Interest in health disparities, community engagement, community-based participatory research, reflective learning, and civic responsibility desired. Application required.
Terms: Aut | Units: 2 | Grading: Medical Option (Med-Ltr-CR/NC)
Instructors: Bruce, J. (PI) ; Chamberlain, L. (SI)

PEDS 280: Early Clinical Experience

Provides students an opportunity to see patients and correlate clinical findings with preclinical coursework. Students spend a half day or a full day in a pediatric subspecialty clinic (e.g., infectious diseases, endocrine, gastroenterology), participate in conferences and accompany attending physicians. Students have directed reading and meet with faculty for one hour per week to discuss their reading.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 2-4 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical School MD Grades
Instructors: Agarwal-Hashmi, R. (PI) ; Alexander, S. (PI) ; Alvira, C. (PI) ; Amieva, M. (PI) ; Ammerman, S. (PI) ; Amylon, M. (PI) ; Ariagno, R. (PI) ; Arvin, A. (PI) ; Aye, T. (PI) ; Bachrach, L. (PI) ; Barr, D. (PI) ; Bass, D. (PI) ; Benitz, W. (PI) ; Bergman, D. (PI) ; Bernstein, D. (PI) ; Berquist, W. (PI) ; Bhargava, S. (PI) ; Bhutani, V. (PI) ; Bland, R. (PI) ; Buckingham, B. (PI) ; Buckway, C. (PI) ; Butte, A. (PI) ; Butte, M. (PI) ; Carlson, J. (PI) ; Castillo, R. (PI) ; Chamberlain, L. (PI) ; Chin, C. (PI) ; Cho, M. (PI) ; Cohen, H. (PI) ; Cohen, R. (PI) ; Conrad, C. (PI) ; Contag, C. (PI) ; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. (PI) ; Cornfield, D. (PI) ; Cox, K. (PI) ; Crain, L. (PI) ; Crawley, L. (PI) ; Dahl, G. (PI) ; Dekker, C. (PI) ; Dubin, A. (PI) ; Enns, G. (PI) ; Feinstein, J. (PI) ; Feldman, B. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Friedman, I. (PI) ; Gans, H. (PI) ; Garcia-Careaga, M. (PI) ; Glader, B. (PI) ; Glasscock, G. (PI) ; Golden, N. (PI) ; Gould, J. (PI) ; Grady, S. (PI) ; Grimm, P. (PI) ; Gutierrez, K. (PI) ; Halamek, L. (PI) ; Hammer, L. (PI) ; Hintz, S. (PI) ; Horwitz, S. (PI) ; Hudgins, L. (PI) ; Huffman, L. (PI) ; Hurwitz, M. (PI) ; Jeng, M. (PI) ; Kache, S. (PI) ; Kahana, M. (PI) ; Kay, M. (PI) ; Kerner, J. (PI) ; Kharbanda, S. (PI) ; Krensky, A. (PI) ; Lacayo, N. (PI) ; Lee, T. (PI) ; Lewis, D. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Link, M. (PI) ; Longhurst, C. (PI) ; Loutit, C. (PI) ; Lowe, H. (PI) ; Lowe, J. (PI) ; Luna-Fineman, S. (PI) ; Magnus, D. (PI) ; Maldonado, Y. (PI) ; Marina, N. (PI) ; Mark, J. (PI) ; McNamara, E. (PI) ; Mellins, E. (PI) ; Mendoza, F. (PI) ; Milla, C. (PI) ; Moss, R. (PI) ; Murphy, D. (PI) ; Nadeau, K. (PI) ; Neely, E. (PI) ; O'Brodovich, H. (PI) ; Olson, I. (PI) ; Penn, A. (PI) ; Perry, S. (PI) ; Porteus, M. (PI) ; Potter, D. (PI) ; Prober, C. (PI) ; Rabinovitch, M. (PI) ; Rangaswami, A. (PI) ; Rhine, W. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Rodriguez, E. (PI) ; Rosenthal, D. (PI) ; Roth, S. (PI) ; Ruiz-Lozano, P. (PI) ; Sage, J. (PI) ; Sakamoto, K. (PI) ; Sandborg, C. (PI) ; Sanders, L. (PI) ; Sarwal, M. (PI) ; Sharek, P. (PI) ; Shaw, G. (PI) ; Sibley, E. (PI) ; Sourkes, B. (PI) ; Stevenson, D. (PI) ; Stuart, A. (PI) ; Sweet-Cordero, E. (PI) ; Tacy, T. (PI) ; Twist, C. (PI) ; Van Meurs, K. (PI) ; Wang, C. (PI) ; Weinberg, K. (PI) ; Wilson, D. (PI) ; Wise, P. (PI) ; Wright, G. (PI) ; Yuan, N. (PI)

PEDS 281: Childhood Chronic Illness: Impact on Family Development

The Pals Program is a volunteer activity serving Lucile Packard Children's Hospital chronically ill patients and their siblings. Modeled after the Big Brother/Big Sister Program, Pals matches first- and second-year medical students with pediatric patients or their siblings. The patients and/or their siblings enjoy the support and companionship of their Pals, and the medical students learn firsthand about the emotional and social aspects of chronic illness during childhood. Pals meet regularly throughout the year to participate in fun activities such as movies, ball games, museums, and picnics. The activities and personal relationships are overseen by the LPCH Pals social worker. Bimonthly class meetings introduce the students to pediatric chronic diseases such as leukemia, cystic fibrosis and pulmonary hypertension. The class brings in physicians to give the medical perspective as well as patients and families to get their perspective. Prerequisite: approval of the LPCH social worker for Pals.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical School MD Grades
Instructors: Berquist, W. (PI) ; Tsai, J. (TA) ; Wang, A. (TA)

PEDS 299: Directed Reading in Pediatrics

Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Agarwal-Hashmi, R. (PI) ; Alexander, S. (PI) ; Alvira, C. (PI) ; Amieva, M. (PI) ; Ammerman, S. (PI) ; Amylon, M. (PI) ; Ariagno, R. (PI) ; Arvin, A. (PI) ; Aye, T. (PI) ; Bachrach, L. (PI) ; Barr, D. (PI) ; Bass, D. (PI) ; Benitz, W. (PI) ; Bergman, D. (PI) ; Bernstein, D. (PI) ; Berquist, W. (PI) ; Bhargava, S. (PI) ; Bhutani, V. (PI) ; Bland, R. (PI) ; Buckingham, B. (PI) ; Buckway, C. (PI) ; Butte, A. (PI) ; Butte, M. (PI) ; Carlson, J. (PI) ; Castillo, R. (PI) ; Chamberlain, L. (PI) ; Chin, C. (PI) ; Cho, M. (PI) ; Cohen, H. (PI) ; Cohen, R. (PI) ; Conrad, C. (PI) ; Contag, C. (PI) ; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. (PI) ; Cornfield, D. (PI) ; Cox, K. (PI) ; Crain, L. (PI) ; Crawley, L. (PI) ; Dahl, G. (PI) ; Dekker, C. (PI) ; Dubin, A. (PI) ; Enns, G. (PI) ; Feinstein, J. (PI) ; Feldman, B. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Friedman, I. (PI) ; Gans, H. (PI) ; Garcia-Careaga, M. (PI) ; Glader, B. (PI) ; Glasscock, G. (PI) ; Golden, N. (PI) ; Gould, J. (PI) ; Grady, S. (PI) ; Grimm, P. (PI) ; Gutierrez, K. (PI) ; Halamek, L. (PI) ; Hammer, L. (PI) ; Hintz, S. (PI) ; Horwitz, S. (PI) ; Hudgins, L. (PI) ; Huffman, L. (PI) ; Hurwitz, M. (PI) ; Jeng, M. (PI) ; Kache, S. (PI) ; Kahana, M. (PI) ; Kay, M. (PI) ; Kerner, J. (PI) ; Kharbanda, S. (PI) ; Krensky, A. (PI) ; Lacayo, N. (PI) ; Lee, T. (PI) ; Lewis, D. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Link, M. (PI) ; Longhurst, C. (PI) ; Loutit, C. (PI) ; Lowe, H. (PI) ; Lowe, J. (PI) ; Luna-Fineman, S. (PI) ; Magnus, D. (PI) ; Maldonado, Y. (PI) ; Marina, N. (PI) ; Mark, J. (PI) ; McNamara, E. (PI) ; Mellins, E. (PI) ; Mendoza, F. (PI) ; Milla, C. (PI) ; Moss, R. (PI) ; Murphy, D. (PI) ; Nadeau, K. (PI) ; Neely, E. (PI) ; O'Brodovich, H. (PI) ; Olson, I. (PI) ; Penn, A. (PI) ; Perry, S. (PI) ; Porteus, M. (PI) ; Potter, D. (PI) ; Prober, C. (PI) ; Rabinovitch, M. (PI) ; Rangaswami, A. (PI) ; Rhine, W. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Rodriguez, E. (PI) ; Rosenthal, D. (PI) ; Roth, S. (PI) ; Ruiz-Lozano, P. (PI) ; Sage, J. (PI) ; Sakamoto, K. (PI) ; Sandborg, C. (PI) ; Sanders, L. (PI) ; Sarwal, M. (PI) ; Sharek, P. (PI) ; Shaw, G. (PI) ; Sibley, E. (PI) ; Sourkes, B. (PI) ; Stevenson, D. (PI) ; Stuart, A. (PI) ; Sweet-Cordero, E. (PI) ; Tacy, T. (PI) ; Twist, C. (PI) ; Van Meurs, K. (PI) ; Wang, C. (PI) ; Weinberg, K. (PI) ; Wilson, D. (PI) ; Wise, P. (PI) ; Wright, G. (PI) ; Yuan, N. (PI)

PEDS 370: Medical Scholars Research

Provides an opportunity for student and faculty interaction, as well as academic credit and financial support, to medical students who undertake original research. Enrollment is limited to students with approved projects.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 4-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical School MD Grades
Instructors: Agarwal-Hashmi, R. (PI) ; Alexander, S. (PI) ; Alvira, C. (PI) ; Amieva, M. (PI) ; Ammerman, S. (PI) ; Amylon, M. (PI) ; Ariagno, R. (PI) ; Arvin, A. (PI) ; Aye, T. (PI) ; Bachrach, L. (PI) ; Barr, D. (PI) ; Bass, D. (PI) ; Benitz, W. (PI) ; Bergman, D. (PI) ; Bernstein, D. (PI) ; Berquist, W. (PI) ; Bhargava, S. (PI) ; Bhutani, V. (PI) ; Bland, R. (PI) ; Buckingham, B. (PI) ; Buckway, C. (PI) ; Butte, A. (PI) ; Butte, M. (PI) ; Carlson, J. (PI) ; Castillo, R. (PI) ; Chamberlain, L. (PI) ; Chin, C. (PI) ; Cho, M. (PI) ; Cohen, H. (PI) ; Cohen, R. (PI) ; Conrad, C. (PI) ; Contag, C. (PI) ; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. (PI) ; Cornfield, D. (PI) ; Cox, K. (PI) ; Crain, L. (PI) ; Crawley, L. (PI) ; Dahl, G. (PI) ; Dekker, C. (PI) ; Dubin, A. (PI) ; Enns, G. (PI) ; Feinstein, J. (PI) ; Feldman, B. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Friedman, I. (PI) ; Gans, H. (PI) ; Garcia-Careaga, M. (PI) ; Glader, B. (PI) ; Glasscock, G. (PI) ; Golden, N. (PI) ; Gould, J. (PI) ; Grady, S. (PI) ; Grimm, P. (PI) ; Gutierrez, K. (PI) ; Halamek, L. (PI) ; Hammer, L. (PI) ; Hintz, S. (PI) ; Horwitz, S. (PI) ; Hudgins, L. (PI) ; Huffman, L. (PI) ; Hurwitz, M. (PI) ; Jeng, M. (PI) ; Kache, S. (PI) ; Kahana, M. (PI) ; Kay, M. (PI) ; Kerner, J. (PI) ; Kharbanda, S. (PI) ; Krensky, A. (PI) ; Lacayo, N. (PI) ; Lee, T. (PI) ; Lewis, D. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Link, M. (PI) ; Longhurst, C. (PI) ; Loutit, C. (PI) ; Lowe, H. (PI) ; Lowe, J. (PI) ; Luna-Fineman, S. (PI) ; Magnus, D. (PI) ; Maldonado, Y. (PI) ; Marina, N. (PI) ; Mark, J. (PI) ; McNamara, E. (PI) ; Mellins, E. (PI) ; Mendoza, F. (PI) ; Milla, C. (PI) ; Moss, R. (PI) ; Murphy, D. (PI) ; Nadeau, K. (PI) ; Neely, E. (PI) ; O'Brodovich, H. (PI) ; Olson, I. (PI) ; Penn, A. (PI) ; Perry, S. (PI) ; Porteus, M. (PI) ; Potter, D. (PI) ; Prober, C. (PI) ; Rabinovitch, M. (PI) ; Rangaswami, A. (PI) ; Rhine, W. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Rodriguez, E. (PI) ; Rosenthal, D. (PI) ; Roth, S. (PI) ; Ruiz-Lozano, P. (PI) ; Sage, J. (PI) ; Sakamoto, K. (PI) ; Sandborg, C. (PI) ; Sanders, L. (PI) ; Sarwal, M. (PI) ; Sharek, P. (PI) ; Shaw, G. (PI) ; Sibley, E. (PI) ; Sourkes, B. (PI) ; Stevenson, D. (PI) ; Stuart, A. (PI) ; Sweet-Cordero, E. (PI) ; Tacy, T. (PI) ; Twist, C. (PI) ; Van Meurs, K. (PI) ; Wang, C. (PI) ; Weinberg, K. (PI) ; Wilson, D. (PI) ; Wise, P. (PI) ; Wright, G. (PI) ; Yuan, N. (PI)

PEDS 399: Graduate Research

Students undertake investigations sponsored by individual faculty members.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1-18 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Medical Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Agarwal-Hashmi, R. (PI) ; Alexander, S. (PI) ; Alvira, C. (PI) ; Amieva, M. (PI) ; Ammerman, S. (PI) ; Amylon, M. (PI) ; Ariagno, R. (PI) ; Arvin, A. (PI) ; Aye, T. (PI) ; Bachrach, L. (PI) ; Barr, D. (PI) ; Bass, D. (PI) ; Benitz, W. (PI) ; Bergman, D. (PI) ; Bernstein, D. (PI) ; Berquist, W. (PI) ; Bhargava, S. (PI) ; Bhutani, V. (PI) ; Bland, R. (PI) ; Buckingham, B. (PI) ; Buckway, C. (PI) ; Burgos, A. (PI) ; Butte, A. (PI) ; Butte, M. (PI) ; Carlson, J. (PI) ; Castillo, R. (PI) ; Castro, C. (PI) ; Chamberlain, L. (PI) ; Chin, C. (PI) ; Cho, M. (PI) ; Cohen, H. (PI) ; Cohen, R. (PI) ; Conrad, C. (PI) ; Contag, C. (PI) ; Contopoulos-Ioannidis, D. (PI) ; Cornfield, D. (PI) ; Cox, K. (PI) ; Crain, L. (PI) ; Crawley, L. (PI) ; Dahl, G. (PI) ; Dekker, C. (PI) ; Dubin, A. (PI) ; Enns, G. (PI) ; Feinstein, J. (PI) ; Feldman, B. (PI) ; Feldman, H. (PI) ; Frankel, L. (PI) ; Friedman, I. (PI) ; Gans, H. (PI) ; Garcia-Careaga, M. (PI) ; Glader, B. (PI) ; Glasscock, G. (PI) ; Golden, N. (PI) ; Gould, J. (PI) ; Grady, S. (PI) ; Grimm, P. (PI) ; Gutierrez, K. (PI) ; Halamek, L. (PI) ; Hammer, L. (PI) ; Hintz, S. (PI) ; Horwitz, S. (PI) ; Hudgins, L. (PI) ; Huffman, L. (PI) ; Hurwitz, M. (PI) ; Jeng, M. (PI) ; Kache, S. (PI) ; Kahana, M. (PI) ; Kay, M. (PI) ; Kerner, J. (PI) ; Kharbanda, S. (PI) ; Krensky, A. (PI) ; Lacayo, N. (PI) ; Lee, T. (PI) ; Lewis, D. (PI) ; Lin, M. (PI) ; Link, M. (PI) ; Longhurst, C. (PI) ; Loutit, C. (PI) ; Lowe, H. (PI) ; Lowe, J. (PI) ; Luna-Fineman, S. (PI) ; Magnus, D. (PI) ; Maldonado, Y. (PI) ; Marina, N. (PI) ; Mark, J. (PI) ; McNamara, E. (PI) ; Mellins, E. (PI) ; Mendoza, F. (PI) ; Milla, C. (PI) ; Moss, R. (PI) ; Murphy, D. (PI) ; Nadeau, K. (PI) ; Neely, E. (PI) ; O'Brodovich, H. (PI) ; Olson, I. (PI) ; Penn, A. (PI) ; Perry, S. (PI) ; Porteus, M. (PI) ; Potter, D. (PI) ; Prober, C. (PI) ; Rabinovitch, M. (PI) ; Rangaswami, A. (PI) ; Rhine, W. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Robinson, T. (PI) ; Rodriguez, E. (PI) ; Rosenthal, D. (PI) ; Roth, S. (PI) ; Ruiz-Lozano, P. (PI) ; Sage, J. (PI) ; Sakamoto, K. (PI) ; Sandborg, C. (PI) ; Sanders, L. (PI) ; Sarwal, M. (PI) ; Sharek, P. (PI) ; Shaw, G. (PI) ; Sibley, E. (PI) ; Sourkes, B. (PI) ; Stevenson, D. (PI) ; Stuart, A. (PI) ; Sweet-Cordero, E. (PI) ; Tacy, T. (PI) ; Twist, C. (PI) ; Van Meurs, K. (PI) ; Wang, C. (PI) ; Weinberg, K. (PI) ; Wilson, D. (PI) ; Wise, P. (PI) ; Wright, G. (PI) ; Yuan, N. (PI)
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