LAWGEN 103Q: Depth Psychology
Powerful unconscious forces impact human and social life. Depth psychology, founded by Sigmund Freud, Carl Jung, Wilhelm Reich, and others, studies these forces and how they shape inner life, personal relationships, religion, politics, art, and many other domains. The course draws from the founders, particularly Jung, and then goes on to include materials from modern theorists, primarily neo-Jungian. The starting point is how the unconscious and conscious mind interact in the individual person's life. We consider the implications of this interaction for psychotherapy and pathology as well as for ordinary life. On the social side, several sessions focus on religion and, to a lesser extent, mythology from a depth psychology perspective. The inquiry is open-ended throughout, encouraging personal reflection and engagement.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Strnad, J. (PI)
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