HUMBIO 2A: Genetics, Evolution, and Ecology
Introduction to the principles of classical and modern genetics, evolutionary theory, and population biology. Topics: micro- and macro-evolution, population and molecular genetics, biodiversity, and ecology, emphasizing the genetics and ecology of the evolutionary process and applications to human populations.
Terms: Aut
Units: 5
UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Castillo, A. (PI)
Durham, W. (PI)
Preston, K. (PI)
Talbot, W. (PI)
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Castillo, A. (PI)
Durham, W. (PI)
Preston, K. (PI)
Talbot, W. (PI)
Albers, A. (TA)
Castillo, A. (TA)
Fausone, M. (TA)
Watt, J. (TA)
HUMBIO 2B: Culture, Evolution, and Society
Introduction to the evolutionary study of human diversity. Hominid evolution, the origins of social complexity, social theory, and the emergence of the modern world system, emphasizing the concept of culture and its influence on human differences.
Terms: Aut
Units: 5
UG Reqs: GER:DBSocSci
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Klein, R. (PI)
Scheidel, W. (PI)
Crane, S. (TA)
Gupta, R. (TA)
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Klein, R. (PI)
Scheidel, W. (PI)
Crane, S. (TA)
Gupta, R. (TA)
Huh, G. (TA)
Swenson, S. (TA)
HUMBIO 79Q: Sexuality and Society
This course will explore how sexual identity, attitudes, and behaviors are shaped by the messages sent by the various agents of society such as schools, family, peers, media, and religious, medical, and political institutions. The interaction of biology, psychology, and socio-cultural factors, such as gender roles and sexual/relationship scripts will be discussed, as will the intersection of sexuality and notions of love, romance, and commitment. Critical developmental periods, such as adolescence and emerging adulthood will be examined in depth. Students will explore their own values and feelings about sexuality and come to an understanding of how their beliefs were formed. We will discuss how information about sexuality is disseminated in our society and what we can do to help ensure that such information is used in a way that promotes healthy self-conceptions, behavior, and relationships.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Medoff, L. (PI)
HUMBIO 80N: From Farm to Fork: The Science and Practice of Growing and Cooking Food
The science and the practice of growing and preparing nourishing food. Course imparts gardening and cooking skills and explores theoretical topics including the evolution and ecology of agricultural systems; reproductive biology, chemistry, and culinary properties of plants; plant-insect interactions; and modern food systems and their health and environmental consequences. Class meetings alternate between classroom discussions and practical experiences at the Stanford Farm and the Arrillaga Dining Commons. See syllabus for details.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Preston, K. (PI)
Rothe, M. (PI)
HUMBIO 82B: Advanced Data Analysis in Qualitative Research
For students writing up their own qualitative research. Students prepare a complete draft presenting their own qualitative research study including results, with reports drafted section by section, week by week. Class provides feedback, guidance, support.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Wolf, J. (PI)
HUMBIO 97Q: Sport, Exercise, and Health: Exploring Sports Medicine (ORTHO 97Q)
Preference to sophomores. Sports medicine is the practice of clinical medicine at the interface between health and performance, competition and well-being. While sports medicine had its origins in providing care to athletes, medical advances developed in care of athletes exerted a great effect on the nature and quality of care to the broader community. Topics include sports injuries, medical conditions associated with sport and exercise, ethics, coaching, women's issues, fitness and health, and sports science. Case studies.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
Units: 3
UG Reqs: Writing2
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Matheson, G. (PI)
HUMBIO 99Q: Becoming a Doctor: Readings from Medical School, Medical Training, Medical Practice
Preference to sophomores. For students considering medicine as a career. Goal is to acquaint students with medical school, training in medicine and surgery, and the practice of medicine and surgery. Topics include: how to pick a medical school and a residency; how medicine affects family life, especially children; the differences between surgical and medical specialties; the advantages and disadvantages among academic/teaching, pure research, group practice, HMO, hospital staff, or private practice; malpractice concerns; and financial considerations.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Zaroff, L. (PI)
HUMBIO 116: Controlling Climate Change in the 21st Century (BIO 147, BIO 247, EARTHSYS 147, EARTHSYS 247)
Climate change is a global environmental, social, cultural and economic challenge. Responding to this challenge requires a paradigm shift which will alter energy production, transport, industry, politics, development strategies, north/south equity, and individual freedom and responsibilities around the world. Given the short term planning horizon of the majority of political, economic and social institutions, the slow burn of climate change presents major policy challenges. The course is designed to clarify the primary issues embedded in these challenges.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Mastrandrea, M. (PI)
Salinger, M. (PI)
HUMBIO 120: Health Care in America: An Introduction to U.S. Health Policy
Health policy and health care delivery from a historical and a current policy perspective. Introduces cost, quality, and access as measures of health system performance. Considers institutional aspects of health care reform.
Terms: Aut
Units: 4
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Barr, D. (PI)
Duffy, M. (TA)
McCain, T. (TA)
HUMBIO 121: Critical Issues in Child Health
Integrated picture of the physical and psychosocial health factors that result in a healthy child building on principles taught in the Human Biology core. Students apply basic human physiology to the physiology of the child to develop perspective on global pediatric health challenges and how the cultural context influences and defines the child living within it.
Terms: Aut, Spr
Units: 4
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Adam, M. (PI)
Olveda, R. (TA)
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