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1 - 10 of 11 results for: FINANCE ; Currently searching autumn courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

FINANCE 221: Finance for Non-MBAs

This course, intended for graduate students and advanced undergraduates, covers the foundations of finance with applications in corporate finance and investment management. It discusses many of the major financial decisions made by managers and investors, emphasizing the process of valuation. Topics include criteria for making investment decisions, risk and return, market efficiency, capital structure, and the valuation of derivative securities (e.g., options). The course also provides coverage of the major financial instruments issued by corporations including debt, equity, and convertible securities. Prerequisite: ability to use spreadsheets, knowledge of basic probability and statistics concepts, including random variables, expected value, variance, covariance, and simple estimation and regression. For registration questions about this course, please contact the Graduate School of Business at academic_operations@ gsb.stanford.edu.
Units: 3 | Grading: GSB Student Option LTR/PF
Instructors: Admati, A. (PI)

FINANCE 319: Private Equity Investing Seminar

This seminar focuses on private equity investing, including investments with control, buyouts, and minority investments at various stages in a company's life. Private equity investing activity has grown significantly over the past decade. This seminar explores selected topics in private equity investing for those MBA students who take the corequisite course FINANCE 321, Investment Management and Entrepreneurial Finance. Private equity includes both established and early stage companies. The course extends and deepens the entrepreneurial finance area for those with an interest in private equity, venture capital and principal investing, taking a global view. Utilization will be made of original case studies and lecture-discussions, building on the framework of FINANCE 321. The Seminar meets with outstanding investors. All those registered in F321.1 will also be registered in F319. See yellow Term Sheet put in MBA Boxes in early May. All those registered in F321.2 will also be registered in F329. See yellow Term Sheet.
Units: 4 | Grading: GSB Pass/Fail
Instructors: McDonald, J. (PI)

FINANCE 321: Investment Management and Entrepreneurial Finance

Equity investment in companies, common stocks, early/growth stage ventures, deals, partnerships, hedge funds, or other entrepreneurial opportunities will be immediately or eventually important for most MBAs--either on the investing side or on the fund-raising financing side. This investment course discusses many practical and conceptual factors influencing the analysis and value of companies and deals, including publicly listed and private equity investments, and on success of investment approaches. The focus of this course is on quoted and private equity investments and on entrepreneurial finance. The format of the class is primarily case discussions and lecture discussions led by the professor and investors/principals who were involved in the case. This course enables MBA students to learn a broad investing skill-set and to study outstanding investors. See yellow Term Sheet put in MBA Boxes in early May.
Units: 3 | Grading: GSB Letter Graded
Instructors: McDonald, J. (PI)

FINANCE 329: Investment Seminar

"Global Principal Investing/Hedge Funds" is a seminar on selected topics in masterful investing in publicly traded and private equity/venture capital investments, with focus on the principal's point of view. We study hedge funds and mutual funds and meet with outstanding investors. The scope and context is global including emerging markets. The Seminar is taught by a founding director of one of the largest international investment funds. All those registered in F321.1 will also be registered in F319. See yellow Term Sheet put in MBA Boxes in early May. All those registered in F321.2 will also be registered in F329. See yellow Term Sheet.
Units: 4 | Grading: GSB Pass/Fail
Instructors: McDonald, J. (PI)

FINANCE 346: Institutional Money Management

The object of this course is to study the money management industry from the perspective of the user --- an investor who wants to invest money. This course will study the main components of the money management industry: mutual funds, hedge funds, private equity funds and venture capital funds. It will also examine important users of the industry such as non profits, endowments and defined benefit pension funds. The emphasis of the course will not be on how fund managers make money, but rather on how the industry is organized, how managerial skill is assessed, how compensation is determined, and how economic rents are divided between managers and investors. The course will explore how competitive market forces interact with managerial skill and other market frictions to give rise to the observed organization of the industry.
Units: 4 | Grading: GSB Student Option LTR/PF
Instructors: Berk, J. (PI)

FINANCE 562: Financial Trading Strategies

The purpose of this course is to familiarize students with the different types of trading strategies employed by various money management institutions. These financial trading strategies are used to manage the risk and return profiles of specific portfolios. Throughout the sessions, students will be challenged to understand and explore the application and implementation of these different strategies. This course specifically focuses on the execution, mechanics, and measurement of financial trading strategies. It does not, for example, teach students "how to make money playing the market." The decision making and analytical process of investing (finding alpha strategies) is a distinct process that is somewhat removed from implementation and measurement (how to execute and evaluate your alpha strategies). The focus of the course concepts will include, but not be limited to: * Market Microstructure and Market Liquidity- VWAP, sourcing liquidity, and algorithmic strategies * Portfolio Hedging and Risk Management- portfolio insurance and delta hedging * Hedge Fund Strategies- inter-listed arbitrage, risk-arbitrage, trading volatility Trading simulations employed on the Rotman Interactive Trader and Rotman Portfolio Manager (using real market data and computer generated data) will be used extensively in this course as a way to learn and test different strategies. All classes will be held in the new "Real-time Analytics and Investment Lab" (the GSB's own Hi-speed R.A.I.L), located on the third floor of the Bass Building (B312). Students are expected to attend all sessions. Students will be graded based on their in-class trading results and two assignments. Final grades will be given on a pass/fail basis. Kevin Mak is the co-inventor of the Rotman Interactive Trader and Rotman Portfolio Manager applications. Previously, he has taught in various courses relating to financial securities, risk management, and trading at the University of Toronto's Rotman School of Management. Kevin also develops and delivers trading simulations and trading models for various financial institutions.
Units: 2 | Grading: GSB Letter Graded
Instructors: Mak, K. (PI)

FINANCE 620: Financial Markets I

This course is an introductory PhD level course in financial economics. We begin with individual choice under uncertainty, then move on to equilibrium models, the stochastic discount factor methodology, and no-arbitrage pricing. We will also address various empirical puzzles relating to asset markets, and explore the models that have been developed to try to explain them.
Units: 3 | Grading: GSB Letter Graded
Instructors: Breon-Drish, B. (PI)

FINANCE 622: Dynamic Asset Pricing Theory

This course is an introduction to multiperiod models in finance, mainly pertaining to optimal portfolio choice and asset pricing. The course begins with discrete-time models for portfolio choice and security prices, and then moves to a continuous-time setting. The topics then covered include advanced derivative pricing models, models of the term structure of interest rates, the valuation of corporate securities, portfolio choice in continuous-time settings, and general-equilibrium and over-the-counter asset pricing models. Students should have had some previous exposure to general equilibrium theory and some basic courses in investments. Strong backgrounds in calculus, linear algebra, and probability theory are recommended. Problem assignments are frequent and, for most students, demanding. Prerequisite: F620 or permission of instructor.
Units: 4 | Grading: GSB Letter Graded
Instructors: Duffie, J. (PI)

FINANCE 691: PhD Directed Reading (ACCT 691, GSBGEN 691, HRMGT 691, MGTECON 691, MKTG 691, OB 691, OIT 691, POLECON 691, STRAMGT 691)

This course is offered for students requiring specialized training in an area not covered by existing courses. To register, a student must obtain permission from the faculty member who is willing to supervise the reading.
Units: 1-15 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: GSB Pass/Fail
Instructors: Admati, A. (PI) ; Berk, J. (PI) ; Bernstein, S. (PI) ; Beshears, J. (PI) ; Breon-Drish, B. (PI) ; DeMarzo, P. (PI) ; Duffie, J. (PI) ; Grenadier, S. (PI) ; Ishii, J. (PI) ; Jenter, D. (PI) ; Korteweg, A. (PI) ; Koudijs, P. (PI) ; McDonald, J. (PI) ; Nagel, S. (PI) ; Perez-Gonzalez, F. (PI) ; Pfleiderer, P. (PI) ; Rauh, J. (PI) ; Singleton, K. (PI) ; Strebulaev, I. (PI) ; Zwiebel, J. (PI) ; van Binsbergen, J. (PI)

FINANCE 692: PhD Dissertation Research (ACCT 692, GSBGEN 692, HRMGT 692, MGTECON 692, MKTG 692, OB 692, OIT 692, POLECON 692, STRAMGT 692)

This course is elected as soon as a student is ready to begin research for the dissertation, usually shortly after admission to candidacy. To register, a student must obtain permission from the faculty member who is willing to supervise the research.
Units: 1-15 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: GSB Pass/Fail
Instructors: Admati, A. (PI) ; Berk, J. (PI) ; Bernstein, S. (PI) ; Beshears, J. (PI) ; Breon-Drish, B. (PI) ; DeMarzo, P. (PI) ; Duffie, J. (PI) ; Grenadier, S. (PI) ; Ishii, J. (PI) ; Jenter, D. (PI) ; Korteweg, A. (PI) ; Koudijs, P. (PI) ; McDonald, J. (PI) ; Nagel, S. (PI) ; Perez-Gonzalez, F. (PI) ; Pfleiderer, P. (PI) ; Rauh, J. (PI) ; Singleton, K. (PI) ; Strebulaev, I. (PI) ; Zwiebel, J. (PI) ; van Binsbergen, J. (PI)
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