ENVRES 200: Sustaining Action: Research, Analysis and Writing for the Public (EARTHSYS 200)
Preference to graduate students and senior undergraduates in environmental, natural and social sciences, engineering, journalism. Students help produce and publish SAGE, an eco advice column, by choosing, researching, and answering questions about sustainable living submitted by Stanford alumni and the general public. Prerequisite: admission by application, available from instructor, [email protected], and due 9/21/11 (Aut) or 3/28/12 (Spr). (Meets Earth Systems WIM requirement).
Terms: Aut, Spr
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Hayden, T. (PI)
ENVRES 205: Exploring Environmental Learning and Environmental Behavior
Exploration of foundational and more recent literature addressing environmental learning and environmental behavior, both as separate and intersecting concepts. Critical reading and active discussions contributing to broader and deeper understanding of how environmental learning occurs in a variety of settings and with a range of audiences, and how this environmental learning might - or might not - contribute to environmental behavior. Enrollment limited to PhD students.
Terms: Aut
Units: 1-2
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Ardoin, N. (PI)
ENVRES 225: E-IPER Current Topics Seminar
For E-IPER Ph.D and Joint M.S. students only. Weekly presentations of E-IPER students' research and other program-related projects. Occasional guest speakers. Active participation including individual or team presentation and attendance required for credit. May be repeated once for credit.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
Units: 1
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Vitousek, P. (PI)
ENVRES 270: Graduate Practicum in Environment and Resources
Opportunity for E-IPER students to pursue areas of specialization in an institutional setting such as a laboratory, clinic, research institute, governmental agency, non-governmental organization, or multilateral organization. Meets US CIS requirements for off-campus employment with endorsement from designated school official.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-9
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Vitousek, P. (PI)
ENVRES 290: Capstone Project Seminar in Environment and Resources
Required for E-IPER Joint M.S. students. Propose, conduct and publicly present final individual or team projects demonstrating the integration of professional (M.B.A., J.D., or M.D.) and M.S. in Environment and Resources degrees. Presentation and submission of final product required.
Terms: Aut, Spr
Units: 1-3
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Standridge, N. (PI)
Vitousek, P. (PI)
ENVRES 310: Environmental Forum Seminar
Required core course for first year E-IPER PhD students and Joint JD/MS students. Also required for Joint MBA/MS students who did not take
OIT 538/540 or 539/540. Conceptual frameworks, analytical approaches, validity of conclusions from an interdisciplinary perspective. Participants attend various environmentally-focused seminars on campus selected by faculty and students, followed by student-facilitated discussions.
Terms: Aut
Units: 1-2
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Curran, L. (PI)
Root, T. (PI)
ENVRES 398: Directed Individual Study in Environment and Resources
Under supervision of an E-IPER affiliated faculty member on a subject of mutual interest. Joint M.S. students must submit an Independent Study Agreement for approval.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-9
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Ardoin, N. (PI)
Arrigo, K. (PI)
Arrow, K. (PI)
Asner, G. (PI)
more instructors for ENVRES 398 »
Ardoin, N. (PI)
Arrigo, K. (PI)
Arrow, K. (PI)
Asner, G. (PI)
Banerjee, S. (PI)
Barley, S. (PI)
Barnett, W. (PI)
Barry, M. (PI)
Benson, S. (PI)
Billington, S. (PI)
Bird, D. (PI)
Bird, R. (PI)
Block, B. (PI)
Boehm, A. (PI)
Boggs, C. (PI)
Caers, J. (PI)
Caldeira, K. (PI)
Caldwell, M. (PI)
Casciotti, K. (PI)
Chamberlain, P. (PI)
Cohen, J. (PI)
Criddle, C. (PI)
Crowder, L. (PI)
Curran, L. (PI)
Daily, G. (PI)
Davis, J. (PI)
Diffenbaugh, N. (PI)
Dirzo, R. (PI)
Dunbar, R. (PI)
Durham, W. (PI)
Ehrlich, A. (PI)
Ehrlich, P. (PI)
Ernst, W. (PI)
Falcon, W. (PI)
Fendorf, S. (PI)
Ferguson, J. (PI)
Field, C. (PI)
Fischer, M. (PI)
Frank, Z. (PI)
Freyberg, D. (PI)
Fringer, O. (PI)
Fukami, T. (PI)
Gerritsen, M. (PI)
Gorelick, S. (PI)
Goulder, L. (PI)
Granovetter, M. (PI)
Hadly, E. (PI)
Hayden, T. (PI)
Iancu, D. (PI)
Jacobson, M. (PI)
Jones, J. (PI)
Karl, T. (PI)
Kennedy, D. (PI)
Kennedy, D. (PI)
Kennedy, J. (PI)
Kieffel, H. (PI)
Knutson, B. (PI)
Koomey, J. (PI)
Koseff, J. (PI)
Kovscek, A. (PI)
Lambin, E. (PI)
Levitt, R. (PI)
Lobell, D. (PI)
Luthy, R. (PI)
Martinez, J. (PI)
Masters, G. (PI)
Mastrandrea, M. (PI)
Matson, P. (PI)
McAdam, D. (PI)
McGehee, M. (PI)
Meskell, L. (PI)
Michalak, A. (PI)
Micheli, F. (PI)
Miller, N. (PI)
Monismith, S. (PI)
Mooney, H. (PI)
Nall, C. (PI)
Naylor, R. (PI)
Ortolano, L. (PI)
Palumbi, S. (PI)
Pande, K. (PI)
Plambeck, E. (PI)
Powell, W. (PI)
Rafinejad, D. (PI)
Rajagopal, R. (PI)
Rao, H. (PI)
Reichelstein, S. (PI)
Reicher, D. (PI)
Robinson, T. (PI)
Root, T. (PI)
Sapolsky, R. (PI)
Satz, D. (PI)
Schoolnik, G. (PI)
Scott, R. (PI)
Sivas, D. (PI)
Soule, S. (PI)
Sprenger, C. (PI)
Stedman, S. (PI)
Sweeney, J. (PI)
Thompson, B. (PI)
Tuljapurkar, S. (PI)
Vitousek, P. (PI)
Wara, M. (PI)
Weinstein, J. (PI)
Weyant, J. (PI)
White, R. (PI)
Wilcox, J. (PI)
Wilcox, M. (PI)
Zoback, M. (PI)

ENVRES 399: Directed Research in Environment and Resources
For advanced graduate students. Under supervision of an E-IPER affiliated faculty member. Joint M.S. students must submit an Independent Study Agreement for approval.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-15
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Ardoin, N. (PI)
Arrigo, K. (PI)
Arrow, K. (PI)
Asner, G. (PI)
more instructors for ENVRES 399 »
Ardoin, N. (PI)
Arrigo, K. (PI)
Arrow, K. (PI)
Asner, G. (PI)
Banerjee, S. (PI)
Barley, S. (PI)
Barnett, W. (PI)
Barry, M. (PI)
Benson, S. (PI)
Billington, S. (PI)
Bird, D. (PI)
Bird, R. (PI)
Block, B. (PI)
Boehm, A. (PI)
Boggs, C. (PI)
Brandt, A. (PI)
Caers, J. (PI)
Caldeira, K. (PI)
Caldwell, M. (PI)
Chamberlain, P. (PI)
Christensen, S. (PI)
Cohen, J. (PI)
Criddle, C. (PI)
Curran, L. (PI)
Daily, G. (PI)
Davis, J. (PI)
Diffenbaugh, N. (PI)
Dirzo, R. (PI)
Dunbar, R. (PI)
Durham, W. (PI)
Ehrlich, A. (PI)
Ehrlich, P. (PI)
Ernst, W. (PI)
Falcon, W. (PI)
Fendorf, S. (PI)
Ferguson, J. (PI)
Field, C. (PI)
Fischer, M. (PI)
Frank, Z. (PI)
Freyberg, D. (PI)
Fringer, O. (PI)
Fukami, T. (PI)
Gerritsen, M. (PI)
Gorelick, S. (PI)
Goulder, L. (PI)
Granovetter, M. (PI)
Hadly, E. (PI)
Hayden, T. (PI)
Iancu, D. (PI)
Jacobson, M. (PI)
Jones, J. (PI)
Karl, T. (PI)
Kennedy, D. (PI)
Kennedy, D. (PI)
Kennedy, J. (PI)
Kieffel, H. (PI)
Koomey, J. (PI)
Koseff, J. (PI)
Kovscek, A. (PI)
Lambin, E. (PI)
Levitt, R. (PI)
Lobell, D. (PI)
Luthy, R. (PI)
Martinez, J. (PI)
Masters, G. (PI)
Mastrandrea, M. (PI)
Matson, P. (PI)
McAdam, D. (PI)
McGehee, M. (PI)
Meskell, L. (PI)
Micheli, F. (PI)
Miller, N. (PI)
Monismith, S. (PI)
Mooney, H. (PI)
Nall, C. (PI)
Naylor, R. (PI)
Ortolano, L. (PI)
Palumbi, S. (PI)
Plambeck, E. (PI)
Powell, W. (PI)
Rafinejad, D. (PI)
Rajagopal, R. (PI)
Rao, H. (PI)
Reichelstein, S. (PI)
Robinson, T. (PI)
Root, T. (PI)
Sapolsky, R. (PI)
Satz, D. (PI)
Schoolnik, G. (PI)
Sivas, D. (PI)
Soule, S. (PI)
Sprenger, C. (PI)
Stedman, S. (PI)
Sweeney, J. (PI)
Thompson, B. (PI)
Tuljapurkar, S. (PI)
Vitousek, P. (PI)
Wara, M. (PI)
Weinstein, J. (PI)
Weyant, J. (PI)
White, R. (PI)
Wilcox, J. (PI)
Zoback, M. (PI)

ENVRES 410: Ph.D. Qualifying Tutorial
For Ph.D. students only. Under supervision of an E-IPER affiliated faculty member.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Ardoin, N. (PI)
Arrigo, K. (PI)
Arrow, K. (PI)
Asner, G. (PI)
more instructors for ENVRES 410 »
Ardoin, N. (PI)
Arrigo, K. (PI)
Arrow, K. (PI)
Asner, G. (PI)
Banerjee, S. (PI)
Barley, S. (PI)
Barnett, W. (PI)
Barry, M. (PI)
Benson, S. (PI)
Billington, S. (PI)
Bird, D. (PI)
Bird, R. (PI)
Block, B. (PI)
Boehm, A. (PI)
Boggs, C. (PI)
Caers, J. (PI)
Caldeira, K. (PI)
Caldwell, M. (PI)
Chamberlain, P. (PI)
Christensen, S. (PI)
Cohen, J. (PI)
Criddle, C. (PI)
Curran, L. (PI)
Daily, G. (PI)
Davis, J. (PI)
Diffenbaugh, N. (PI)
Dirzo, R. (PI)
Dunbar, R. (PI)
Durham, W. (PI)
Ehrlich, A. (PI)
Ehrlich, P. (PI)
Ernst, W. (PI)
Falcon, W. (PI)
Fendorf, S. (PI)
Ferguson, J. (PI)
Field, C. (PI)
Fischer, M. (PI)
Frank, Z. (PI)
Freyberg, D. (PI)
Fringer, O. (PI)
Fukami, T. (PI)
Gerritsen, M. (PI)
Gorelick, S. (PI)
Goulder, L. (PI)
Granovetter, M. (PI)
Hadly, E. (PI)
Hayden, T. (PI)
Iancu, D. (PI)
Jacobson, M. (PI)
Jones, J. (PI)
Karl, T. (PI)
Kennedy, D. (PI)
Kennedy, D. (PI)
Kennedy, J. (PI)
Kieffel, H. (PI)
Koomey, J. (PI)
Koseff, J. (PI)
Kovscek, A. (PI)
Lambin, E. (PI)
Levitt, R. (PI)
Lobell, D. (PI)
Luthy, R. (PI)
Martinez, J. (PI)
Masters, G. (PI)
Mastrandrea, M. (PI)
Matson, P. (PI)
McAdam, D. (PI)
McGehee, M. (PI)
Meskell, L. (PI)
Micheli, F. (PI)
Miller, N. (PI)
Monismith, S. (PI)
Mooney, H. (PI)
Nall, C. (PI)
Naylor, R. (PI)
Ortolano, L. (PI)
Palumbi, S. (PI)
Plambeck, E. (PI)
Powell, W. (PI)
Rafinejad, D. (PI)
Rao, H. (PI)
Reichelstein, S. (PI)
Robinson, T. (PI)
Root, T. (PI)
Sapolsky, R. (PI)
Satz, D. (PI)
Schoolnik, G. (PI)
Scott, R. (PI)
Sivas, D. (PI)
Soule, S. (PI)
Sprenger, C. (PI)
Stedman, S. (PI)
Sweeney, J. (PI)
Thompson, B. (PI)
Tuljapurkar, S. (PI)
Vitousek, P. (PI)
Wara, M. (PI)
Weinstein, J. (PI)
Weyant, J. (PI)
White, R. (PI)
Wilcox, J. (PI)
Zoback, M. (PI)

ENVRES 801: TGR Project
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 0
Repeatable for credit
Grading: TGR
Ardoin, N. (PI)
Arrigo, K. (PI)
Arrow, K. (PI)
Asner, G. (PI)
more instructors for ENVRES 801 »
Ardoin, N. (PI)
Arrigo, K. (PI)
Arrow, K. (PI)
Asner, G. (PI)
Banerjee, S. (PI)
Barley, S. (PI)
Barnett, W. (PI)
Barry, M. (PI)
Benson, S. (PI)
Billington, S. (PI)
Bird, D. (PI)
Bird, R. (PI)
Block, B. (PI)
Boehm, A. (PI)
Boggs, C. (PI)
Caers, J. (PI)
Caldwell, M. (PI)
Casciotti, K. (PI)
Chamberlain, P. (PI)
Christensen, S. (PI)
Cohen, J. (PI)
Criddle, C. (PI)
Crowder, L. (PI)
Curran, L. (PI)
Daily, G. (PI)
Davis, J. (PI)
Diffenbaugh, N. (PI)
Dirzo, R. (PI)
Dunbar, R. (PI)
Durham, W. (PI)
Ehrlich, A. (PI)
Ehrlich, P. (PI)
Ernst, W. (PI)
Falcon, W. (PI)
Fendorf, S. (PI)
Ferguson, J. (PI)
Field, C. (PI)
Fischer, M. (PI)
Frank, Z. (PI)
Freyberg, D. (PI)
Fringer, O. (PI)
Fukami, T. (PI)
Gerritsen, M. (PI)
Gorelick, S. (PI)
Goulder, L. (PI)
Granovetter, M. (PI)
Hadly, E. (PI)
Hayden, T. (PI)
Iancu, D. (PI)
Jacobson, M. (PI)
Jones, J. (PI)
Karl, T. (PI)
Kennedy, D. (PI)
Kennedy, D. (PI)
Kennedy, J. (PI)
Kieffel, H. (PI)
Knutson, B. (PI)
Koomey, J. (PI)
Koseff, J. (PI)
Kovscek, A. (PI)
Lambin, E. (PI)
Levitt, R. (PI)
Lobell, D. (PI)
Luthy, R. (PI)
Martinez, J. (PI)
Masters, G. (PI)
Mastrandrea, M. (PI)
Matson, P. (PI)
McAdam, D. (PI)
McGehee, M. (PI)
Meskell, L. (PI)
Michalak, A. (PI)
Micheli, F. (PI)
Miller, N. (PI)
Monismith, S. (PI)
Mooney, H. (PI)
Nall, C. (PI)
Naylor, R. (PI)
Ortolano, L. (PI)
Palumbi, S. (PI)
Plambeck, E. (PI)
Powell, W. (PI)
Rafinejad, D. (PI)
Rao, H. (PI)
Reichelstein, S. (PI)
Robinson, T. (PI)
Root, T. (PI)
Sapolsky, R. (PI)
Satz, D. (PI)
Schoolnik, G. (PI)
Scott, R. (PI)
Sivas, D. (PI)
Soule, S. (PI)
Sprenger, C. (PI)
Stedman, S. (PI)
Sweeney, J. (PI)
Thompson, B. (PI)
Tuljapurkar, S. (PI)
Vitousek, P. (PI)
Wara, M. (PI)
Weinstein, J. (PI)
Weyant, J. (PI)
White, R. (PI)
Wilcox, J. (PI)
Wilcox, M. (PI)
Zoback, M. (PI)

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