EE 60N: Man versus Nature: Coping with Disasters Using Space Technology (GEOPHYS 60N)
Preference to freshman. Natural hazards, earthquakes, volcanoes, floods, hurricanes, and fires, and how they affect people and society; great disasters such as asteroid impacts that periodically obliterate many species of life. Scientific issues, political and social consequences, costs of disaster mitigation, and how scientific knowledge affects policy. How spaceborne imaging technology makes it possible to respond quickly and mitigate consequences; how it is applied to natural disasters; and remote sensing data manipulation and analysis. GER:DB-EngrAppSci
Terms: Aut
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Zebker, H. (PI)
EE 100: The Electrical Engineering Profession
Lectures/discussions on topics of importance to the electrical engineering professional. Continuing education, professional societies, intellectual property and patents, ethics, entrepreneurial engineering, and engineering management.
Terms: Aut
Units: 1-2
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Dutton, R. (PI)
EE 108A: Digital Systems I
Digital circuit, logic, and system design. Digital representation of information. CMOS logic circuits. Combinational logic design. Logic building blocks, idioms, and structured design. Sequential logic design and timing analysis. Clocks and synchronization. Finite state machines. Microcode control. Digital system design. Control and datapath partitioning. Undergraduates must enroll for 4 units.
Terms: Aut, Win
Units: 3-4
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Mitra, S. (PI)
EE 108B: Digital Systems II
The design of processor-based digital systems. Instruction sets, addressing modes, data types. Assembly language programming, low-level data structures, introduction to operating systems and compilers. Processor microarchitecture, microprogramming, pipelining. Memory systems and caches. Input/output, interrupts, buses and DMA. System design implementation alternatives, software/hardware tradeoffs. Labs involve the design of processor subsystems and processor-based embedded systems. Prerequisite: 108A,
CS 106B.
Terms: Aut, Win
Units: 3-4
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Olukotun, O. (PI)
EE 114: Fundamentals of Analog Integrated Circuit Design (EE 214A)
Analysis and simulation of elementary transistor stages, current mirrors, supply- and temperature-independent bias, and reference circuits. Overview of integrated circuit technologies, circuit components, component variations and practical design paradigms. Performance evaluation using computer-aided design tools. Prerequisite: 101B.GER:DB-EngrAppSci
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Dutton, R. (PI)
EE 122A: Analog Circuits Laboratory
Practical applications of analog circuits, including simple amplifiers, filters, oscillators, power supplies, and sensors. Design skills, computer-aided design, and circuit fabrication and debugging. The design process through proposing, designing, simulating, building, debugging, and demonstrating a project. Radio frequency and largely digital projects not suitable for
EE 122. Prerequisite:
ENGR 40 or equivalent.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Kovacs, G. (PI)
EE 152: Green Electronics
Many ¿green technologies¿ including hybrid cars, photovoltaic energy systems, efficient power supplies, and energy-conserving control systems have at their heart intelligent, high-power electronics. This course examines this technology and uses green-tech examples to teach the engineering principles of modeling, optimization, analysis, simulation, and design. Topics include power converter topologies, periodic steady-state analysis, control, motors and drives, photovol-taic systems, and design of magnetic components. The course involves a hands-on laboratory and a substantial final project. Required:
EE108A. Recommended: ENGR40 or
Terms: Aut
Units: 4
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Dally, W. (PI)
EE 169: Introduction to Bioimaging
Bioimaging is important for both clinical medicine, and medical research. This course will provide a introduction to several of the major imaging modalities, using a signal processing perspective. The course will start with an introduction to multi-dimensional Fourier transforms, and image quality metrics. It will then study projection imaging systems (projection X-Ray), backprojection based systems (CT, PET, and SPECT), systems that use beam forming (ultrasound), and systems that use Fourier encoding (MRI). Prerequisites: 102A, 102B
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Pauly, J. (PI)
EE 178: Probabilistic Systems Analysis (EE 278A)
Introduction to probability and statistics and their role in modeling and analyzing real world phenomena. Events, sample space, and probability. Discrete random variables, probability mass functions, independence and conditional probability, expectation and conditional expectation. Continuous random variables, probability density functions, independence and expectation, derived densities. Transforms, moments, sums of independent random variables. Simple random processes. Limit theorems. Introduction to statistics: significance, estimation and detection. Prerequisites: basic calculus and linear algebra.
Terms: Aut, Spr
Units: 3-4
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Ozgur Aydin, A. (PI)
EE 190: Special Studies or Projects in Electrical Engineering
Independent work under the direction of a faculty member. Individual or team activities involve lab experimentation, design of devices or systems, or directed reading. Course may be repeated for credit.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-15
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Aghajan, H. (PI)
Bambos, N. (PI)
Boneh, D. (PI)
Boyd, S. (PI)
more instructors for EE 190 »
Aghajan, H. (PI)
Bambos, N. (PI)
Boneh, D. (PI)
Boyd, S. (PI)
Bube, R. (PI)
Cioffi, J. (PI)
Cover, T. (PI)
Cox, D. (PI)
DaRosa, A. (PI)
Dally, W. (PI)
Dutton, R. (PI)
El-Gamal, A. (PI)
Ellerbee, A. (PI)
Engler, D. (PI)
Fan, S. (PI)
Franklin, G. (PI)
Fraser-Smith, A. (PI)
Garcia-Molina, H. (PI)
Gibbons, J. (PI)
Gill, J. (PI)
Giovangrandi, L. (PI)
Girod, B. (PI)
Goldsmith, A. (PI)
Goodman, J. (PI)
Gray, R. (PI)
Hanrahan, P. (PI)
Harris, J. (PI)
Harris, S. (PI)
Hennessy, J. (PI)
Hesselink, L. (PI)
Horowitz, M. (PI)
Howe, R. (PI)
Inan, U. (PI)
Kahn, J. (PI)
Kazovsky, L. (PI)
Khuri-Yakub, B. (PI)
Kino, G. (PI)
Kovacs, G. (PI)
Kozyrakis, C. (PI)
Lee, T. (PI)
Levin, C. (PI)
Levis, P. (PI)
Levoy, M. (PI)
McCluskey, E. (PI)
McKeown, N. (PI)
Meng, T. (PI)
Miller, D. (PI)
Mitra, S. (PI)
Montanari, A. (PI)
Murmann, B. (PI)
Nishi, Y. (PI)
Nishimura, D. (PI)
Olukotun, O. (PI)
Osgood, B. (PI)
Paulraj, A. (PI)
Pauly, J. (PI)
Pease, R. (PI)
Pianetta, P. (PI)
Plummer, J. (PI)
Poon, A. (PI)
Prabhakar, B. (PI)
Saraswat, K. (PI)
Shenoy, K. (PI)
Solgaard, O. (PI)
Thompson, N. (PI)
Thrun, S. (PI)
Tobagi, F. (PI)
Tyler, G. (PI)
Van Roy, B. (PI)
Vuckovic, J. (PI)
Wang, S. (PI)
Weissman, I. (PI)
Widom, J. (PI)
Widrow, B. (PI)
Wong, P. (PI)
Wong, S. (PI)
Wooley, B. (PI)
Yamamoto, Y. (PI)
Zebker, H. (PI)
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