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1 - 8 of 8 results for: EARTHSCI ; Currently searching autumn courses. You can expand your search to include all quarters

EARTHSCI 1: Current Research in the Earth and Environmental Sciences

Primarily for freshmen and sophomores. An introduction to faculty and research areas in the School of Earth Sciences, including biogeochemistry, oceanography, paleobiology, geophysics, tectonics, geostatistics, soil science, hydrogeology, energy resources, earth surface processes, geochronology, volcanoes and earthquakes, and remote sensing. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Nevle, R. (PI)

EARTHSCI 5: Geokids: Earth Sciences Education

Service learning through the Geokids program. Eight weeks of supervised teaching to early elementary students about Earth sciences. Hands-on teaching strategies for science standards-based instruction.
Terms: Aut, Spr | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Saltzman, J. (PI)

EARTHSCI 117: Earth Sciences of the Hawaiian Islands (EARTHSYS 117, EESS 117)

Progression from volcanic processes through rock weathering and soil-ecosystem development to landscape evolution. The course starts with an investigation of volcanic processes, including the volcano structure, origin of magmas, physical-chemical factors of eruptions. Factors controlling rock weathering and soil development, including depth and nutrient levels impacting plant ecosystems, are explored next. Geomorphic processes of landscape evolution including erosion rates, tectonic/volcanic activity, and hillslope stability conclude the course. Methods for monitoring and predicting eruptions, defining spatial changes in landform, landform stability, soil production rates, and measuring biogeochemical processes are covered throughout the course. This course is restricted to students accepted into the Earth Systems of Hawaii Program.
Terms: Aut | Units: 4 | Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Instructors: Fendorf, S. (PI) ; Goodfellow, B. (PI) ; Phillips, K. (PI)

EARTHSCI 211: Introduction to Programming for Scientists and Engineers (CME 211)

Basic usage of the Python and C/C++ programming languages are introduced and used to solve representative computational problems from various science and engineering disciplines. Software design principles including time and space complexity analysis, data structures, object-oriented design, decomposition, encapsulation, and modularity are emphasized. Usage of ICME and campus wide Linux compute resources: login, file system navigation, editing files, compiling and linking, file transfer, etc. Versioning and revision control, software build utilities, and the LaTeX typesetting software are introduced and used to help complete individual programming assignments and a group project.
Terms: Aut | Units: 3 | Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Instructors: Legresley, P. (PI)

EARTHSCI 300: Earth Sciences Seminar

Required for incoming graduate students except coterms. Research questions, tools, and approaches of faculty members from all departments in the School of Earth Sciences. Goals are: to inform new graduate students about the school's range of scientific interests and expertise; and introduce them to each other across departments and research groups. Panel discussions or faculty member presentations at each meeting. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Matson, P. (PI)

EARTHSCI 310: Computational Geosciences Seminar

Weekly lectures focusing on high-performance computing in geoscientific research by experts from academia, national laboratories, industry, and doctoral students. May be repeated for credit.
Terms: Aut | Units: 1 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Aboud, S. (PI)

EARTHSCI 400: Directed Research

Independent research for graduate student projects.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 3 | Repeatable for credit | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Aboud, S. (PI)

EARTHSCI 401: Curricular Practical Training

Curricular Practical Training
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum | Units: 1 | Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Instructors: Aboud, S. (PI)
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