CHEM 10: Exploring Research and Problem Solving Across the Sciences
Development and practice of critical problem solving and study skills using wide variety of scientific examples that illustrate the broad yet integrated nature of current research. Student teams will have the opportunity to explore and present on topics revolving around five central issues: energy, climate change, water resources, medicine, and food & nutrition from a chemical perspective.
Terms: Aut
Units: 2
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
CHEM 25N: Science in the News
Preference to freshmen. Possible topics include: diseases such as avian flu, HIV, and malaria; environmental issues such as climate change, atmospheric pollution, and human population; energy sources in the future; evolution; stem cell research; nanotechnology; and drug development. Focus is on the scientific basis for these topics as a basis for intelligent discussion of societal and political implications. Sources include the popular media and scientific media for the nonspecialist, especially those available on the web.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Andersen, H. (PI)
CHEM 31A: Chemical Principles I
For students with moderate or no background in chemistry. Stoichiometry; periodicity; electronic structure and bonding; gases; enthalpy; phase behavior. Emphasis is on skills to address structural and quantitative chemical questions; lab provides practice. Recitation.
Terms: Aut, Sum
Units: 5
UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Bailey, H. (PI)
Buonaiuto, M. (PI)
Deng, A. (PI)
Hendricks, O. (PI)
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Bailey, H. (PI)
Buonaiuto, M. (PI)
Deng, A. (PI)
Hendricks, O. (PI)
Klobuchar, A. (PI)
Li, X. (PI)
Lindqwister, A. (PI)
Magaoay, B. (PI)
Nguyen, T. (PI)
Palanski, B. (PI)
Ruiz, N. (PI)
Schwartz Poehlmann, J. (PI)
Waymouth, R. (PI)
Young, A. (PI)

CHEM 31AC: Problem Solving in Science
Development and practice of critical problem solving skills using chemical examples. Limited enrollment. Prerequisite: consent of instructor. Corequisite:
Terms: Aut
Units: 1
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Schwartz Poehlmann, J. (PI)

CHEM 31X: Chemical Principles
Accelerated; for students with substantial chemistry background. Chemical equilibria concepts, equilibrium constants, acids and bases, chemical thermodynamics, quantum concepts, models of ionic and covalent bonding, atomic and molecular orbital theory, periodicity, and bonding properties of matter. Recitation. Prerequisites for Autumn Quarter only: AP chemistry score of 5 or passing score on chemistry placement test. No Summer Quarter prerequisites. Recommended: high school physics.
Terms: Aut
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Adelson, C. (PI)
Cox, C. (PI)
Samanta, D. (PI)
Sneha, M. (PI)
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Adelson, C. (PI)
Cox, C. (PI)
Samanta, D. (PI)
Sneha, M. (PI)
Snyder, B. (PI)
Wilson, T. (PI)
Zare, R. (PI)
CHEM 34XN: General Chemistry Laboratory
Introduction to chemical laboratory practice. Topics include preparation of compounds and characterization of their properties by modern spectroscopic techniques. Corequisite: Chemistry 31X or the equivalent. Limited to 12 students; enrollment by consent of the instructor.
Terms: Aut
Units: 1
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Cox, C. (PI)
CHEM 35: Organic Monofunctional Compounds
Organic chemistry of oxygen and nitrogen aliphatic compounds. Recitation. Prerequisite: 33.
Terms: Aut, Spr
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Huestis, W. (PI)
Kramer, P. (PI)
Lin, F. (PI)
Ong, Q. (PI)
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Huestis, W. (PI)
Kramer, P. (PI)
Lin, F. (PI)
Ong, Q. (PI)
Schaefer, A. (PI)
Seidl, F. (PI)
Yuen, L. (PI)
CHEM 36: Organic Chemistry Laboratory I
Techniques for separations of compounds: distillation, crystallization, extraction, and chromatographic procedures. Lecture treats theory; lab provides practice. Prerequisite: prerequisite or corequisite
Terms: Aut, Spr
Units: 3
UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Huttner, M. (PI)
Jaffe, A. (PI)
McClory, M. (PI)
Moss, F. (PI)
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Huttner, M. (PI)
Jaffe, A. (PI)
McClory, M. (PI)
Moss, F. (PI)
Quiroz, R. (PI)
Ramakrishnan, S. (PI)
Robbins, T. (PI)
Smith, I. (PI)
Stevens, M. (PI)
Sultan, M. (PI)
Wu, Y. (PI)
CHEM 110: Directed Instruction/Reading
Undergraduates pursue a reading program under supervision of a faculty member in Chemistry; may also involve participation in lab. Prerequisites: superior work in 31A,B, 31X, or 33; and consent of instructor and the Chemistry undergraduate study committee.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-2
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Andersen, H. (PI)
Bent, S. (PI)
Boxer, S. (PI)
Cegelski, L. (PI)
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Andersen, H. (PI)
Bent, S. (PI)
Boxer, S. (PI)
Cegelski, L. (PI)
Chen, J. (PI)
Chidsey, C. (PI)
Cimprich, K. (PI)
Collman, J. (PI)
Cui, B. (PI)
Dai, H. (PI)
Du Bois, J. (PI)
Fayer, M. (PI)
Frank, C. (PI)
Herschlag, D. (PI)
Hodgson, K. (PI)
Huestis, W. (PI)
Kanan, M. (PI)
Karunadasa, H. (PI)
Khosla, C. (PI)
Kohler, J. (PI)
Kool, E. (PI)
Martinez, T. (PI)
Moerner, W. (PI)
Pande, V. (PI)
Pecora, R. (PI)
Solomon, E. (PI)
Stack, T. (PI)
Trost, B. (PI)
Wandless, T. (PI)
Waymouth, R. (PI)
Wender, P. (PI)
Yandulov, D. (PI)
Zare, R. (PI)
CHEM 130: Organic Chemistry Laboratory II
Diels-Alder, reduction, and Wittig reactions; qualitative analysis. Lab. Limited enrollment Autumn Quarter. Prerequisite: 36. Corequisite: 35.
Terms: Aut, Win
Units: 4
UG Reqs: GER:DBNatSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Chang, Y. (PI)
Ho, W. (PI)
Hua, Y. (PI)
McGuire, A. (PI)
more instructors for CHEM 130 »
Chang, Y. (PI)
Ho, W. (PI)
Hua, Y. (PI)
McGuire, A. (PI)
McKinlay, C. (PI)
Shi, J. (PI)
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