CATLANG 1A: Accelerated First-Year Catalan, Part 1
First quarter of the two-quarter sequence. For students with knowledge of another Romance language, preferably Spanish. Emphasis is on developing beginning proficiency in interpersonal, interpretive, and presentational spheres. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Spr
Units: 5
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Spragins, E. (PI)
CATLANG 199: Individual Work
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite: consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
Units: 1-5
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Spragins, E. (PI)
CATLANG 395: Graduate Studies in Catalan
May be repeated for credit. Prerequisite consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr
Units: 2-5
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Spragins, E. (PI)
Tahmassian, L. (PI)
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