APPPHYS 77N: Functional Materials and Devices
Preference to freshmen. Exploration via case studies how functional materials have been developed and incorporated into modern devices. Particular emphasis on magnetic and dielectric materials and devices. Recommended: high school physics course including electricity and magnetism.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Suzuki, Y. (PI)
APPPHYS 79N: Energy Options for the 21st Century
Preference to freshmen. Choices for meeting the future energy needs of the U.S. and the world. Basic physics of energy sources, technologies that might be employed, and related public policy issues. Trade-offs and societal impacts of different energy sources. Policy options for making rational choices for a sustainable world energy economy.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
UG Reqs: GER:DBEngrAppSci
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Fox, J. (PI)
Geballe, T. (PI)
APPPHYS 201: Electrons and Photons
Applied Physics Core course appropriate for graduate students and advanced undergraduate students with prior knowledge of elementary quantum mechanics, electricity and magnetism, and special relativity. Interaction of electrons with intense electromagnetic fields from microwaves to x- ray, including electron accelerators, x-ray lasers and synchrotron light sources, attosecond laser-atom interactions, and x-ray matter interactions. Mechanisms of radiation, free-electron lasing, and advanced techniques for generating ultrashort brilliant pulses. Characterization of electronic properties of advanced materials, prospects for single-molecule structure determination using x-ray lasers, and imaging attosecond molecular dynamics.
Terms: Aut
Units: 4
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
APPPHYS 217: Estimation and Control Methods for Applied Physics
Recursive filtering, parameter estimation, and feedback control methods based on linear and nonlinear state-space modeling. Topics in: dynamical systems theory; practical overview of stochastic differential equations; model reduction; and tradeoffs among performance, complexity, and robustness. Numerical implementations in MATLAB. Contemporary applications in systems biology and quantum precision measurement. Prerequisites: linear algebra and ordinary differential equations.
Terms: Aut, alternate years, not given next year
Units: 4
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Mabuchi, H. (PI)
APPPHYS 220: Applied Electrodynamics
Techniques for general electrodynamics, illustrated by examples from geophysics, microwave engineering, optical devices, accelerators, antennas, and plasma physics. RF/microwave structure representations, scattering matrices, treatments for periodic systems. Perturbation and variational techniques applied to approximate solutions, fundamentals of numerical techniques. Analysis methods via expansions in terms of natural modes. Introduction to finite element methods via the application of variational techniques. Laboratory experiments including time domain and frequency domain methods. Solutions of inverse electrodynamic problems via perturbation techniques coupled with lab measurements (such as estimation of a physical structure via experimental measurements and formal models). Prerequisites:
MATH 106 and
MATH 132, or equivalent experience.
Terms: Aut, alternate years, not given next year
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Tantawi, S. (PI)
APPPHYS 236: Biology by the Numbers: Evolution (BIOC 236)
Topics in biology from a quantitative perspective. Subjects vary. 2012-13 focus: evolution, from basic principles of evolutionary dynamics to fundamental quantitative questions that are far from being answered; from early life, metabolic processes, and molding of earth by microbes to spread of human epidemics; from analysis of genomes and molecular phylogenies to aspects of multi-cellular development. Prerequisite: familiarity with ordinary differential equations and probability. Biology background not required.
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Fisher, D. (PI)
APPPHYS 273: Solid State Physics II
Introduction to the many-body aspects of crystalline solids. Second quantization of phonons, anharmonic effects, polaritons, and scattering theory. Second quantization of Fermi fields. Electrons in the Hartree-Fock and random phase approximation; electron screening and plasmons. Magnetic exchange interactions. Electron-phonon interaction in ionic/covalent semiconductors and metals; effective attractive electron-electron interactions, Cooper pairing, and BCS description of the superconducting state. Prerequisite:
APPPHYS 272 or
Terms: Aut
Units: 3
Grading: Letter or Credit/No Credit
Hwang, H. (PI)
APPPHYS 280: Phenomenology of Superconductors
Phenomenology of superconductivity viewed as a macroscopic quantum phenomenon. Topics include the superconducting pair wave function, London and Ginzburg-Landau theories, the Josephson effect, type I type II superconductivity, and the response of superconductors to currents, magnetic fields, and RF electromagnetic radiation. Introduction to thermal fluctuation effects in superconductors and quantum superconductivity.
Terms: Aut, alternate years, not given next year
Units: 3
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Kapitulnik, A. (PI)
APPPHYS 290: Directed Studies in Applied Physics
Special studies under the direction of a faculty member for which academic credit may properly be allowed. May include lab work or directed reading.
Terms: Aut, Win, Spr, Sum
Units: 1-15
Repeatable for credit
Grading: Satisfactory/No Credit
Baer, T. (PI)
Beasley, M. (PI)
Bienenstock, A. (PI)
Block, S. (PI)
more instructors for APPPHYS 290 »
Baer, T. (PI)
Beasley, M. (PI)
Bienenstock, A. (PI)
Block, S. (PI)
Brongersma, M. (PI)
Bucksbaum, P. (PI)
Byer, R. (PI)
Clemens, B. (PI)
Digonnet, M. (PI)
Doniach, S. (PI)
El-Gamal, A. (PI)
Fan, S. (PI)
Fejer, M. (PI)
Fetter, A. (PI)
Fisher, D. (PI)
Fisher, I. (PI)
Fox, J. (PI)
Ganguli, S. (PI)
Geballe, T. (PI)
Goldhaber-Gordon, D. (PI)
Harris, J. (PI)
Harris, S. (PI)
Harrison, W. (PI)
Hesselink, L. (PI)
Huberman, B. (PI)
Hwang, H. (PI)
Kapitulnik, A. (PI)
Kasevich, M. (PI)
Kenny, T. (PI)
Khuri-Yakub, B. (PI)
Lev, B. (PI)
Mabuchi, H. (PI)
Manoharan, H. (PI)
Miller, D. (PI)
Moerner, W. (PI)
Moler, K. (PI)
Nilsson, A. (PI)
Osheroff, D. (PI)
Palanker, D. (PI)
Parkin, S. (PI)
Pease, R. (PI)
Petrosian, V. (PI)
Quate, C. (PI)
Raubenheimer, T. (PI)
Reis, D. (PI)
Rugar, D. (PI)
Schnitzer, M. (PI)
Shen, Z. (PI)
Solgaard, O. (PI)
Stohr, J. (PI)
Sturrock, P. (PI)
Suzuki, Y. (PI)
Tantawi, S. (PI)
Vuckovic, J. (PI)
Wiedemann, H. (PI)
Winick, H. (PI)
Yamamoto, Y. (PI)
Zhang, S. (PI)
APPPHYS 304: Lasers Laboratory
Theory and practice. Theoretical and descriptive background for lab experiments, detectors and noise, and lasers (helium neon, beams and resonators, argon ion, cw dye, titanium sapphire, semiconductor diode, and the Nd:YAG). Measurements of laser threshold, gain, saturation, and output power levels. Laser transverse and axial modes, linewidth and tuning, Q-switching and modelocking. Limited enrollment. Prerequisites:
EE 231 and
EE 232, or consent of instructor.
Terms: Aut
Units: 4
Grading: Letter (ABCD/NP)
Fejer, M. (PI)
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