BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:1.0 BEGIN:VEVENT SUMMARY;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Four Jews on Parnassus =3F A Conversation DESCRIPTION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Benjamin=2C Adorno=2C Scholem=2C Sch=3Fnberg=3A A Dispute About Art=2C Music=2C Identity=2C Wives=2C And Pornography=0D=0A=0D=0AStanford=27s Rush Rehm and Kay Kostopolous=2C along with OBIE award-winner Gerald Hiken=2C Bay Area pros Ken Sonkin and William Wolak=2C and London opera star Lor=3F Lixenberg star in this provocative world premiere=2E Directed by Vienna-based Isabella Gregor=2C this performance adaptation of Carl Djerassi=27s genre-bending book Four Jews on Parnassus - a Conversation features the imagined posthumous conversations of Arnold Schoenberg=2C Walter Benjamin=2C Gershom Scholem and Theodor Adorno=2C the art of Paul Klee=2C student improvisation commenting on the argument and the arguers=2C and pop and rap numbers=2E=0D=0A=0D=0ABased on the book by Carl Djerassi=0D=0AAdapted by Carl Djerassi and Isabella Gregor=0D=0ADirected by Isabella Gregor=0D=0A=0D=0A=0D=0A LOCATION;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:Pigott Theater=2C Memorial Hall=0D=0AStanford University DTSTART:20100207T033000Z DTEND:20100207T043000Z END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR