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e-learning courses for
gifted and talented students

The Education Program for Gifted Youth (EPGY) at Stanford University is a continuing project dedicated to developing and offering multimedia computer-based distance-learning courses. Combining technical and instructional expertise, EPGY provides high-ability students of all ages with an individualized educational experience, optimized in both pace and content. Through EPGY, students have access to courses in a variety of subjects at levels ranging from kindergarten through advanced-undergraduate. Since its inception over 50,000 students from 35 countries have taken courses from EPGY.

EPGY offers online courses year round (apply now).

A limited number of online courses are offered through the Open Enrollment Program.

Learn about the Stanford University Online High School.

Virtual Open Houses offer an opportunity to learn about EPGY Online Courses for individuals in elementary, middle and high schools. The Virtual Open House schedule for the coming months will be posted soon.

Note: EPGY has recently updated its policy on transcripts and credit.

enrolled students login to view your student pages with course and instructor information.
Student Login:
EPGYID or Student Number

Web Password:

New students first set your Web Password.
I have forgotten my student # or password  

© Stanford EPGY 2012