FAQ - Undergraduate
How do I apply to the Economics Department?
Students must first be admitted to Stanford University, https://www.stanford.edu/admission/. The student may declare Economics as the major after meeting the Economic Department's required prerequisites. Read the Guide for Declaring an Economics Major for details.
- What do graduates do with an Economics degree?
While many Economics majors ultimately seek a postgraduate degree in business, law, medicine or economics, some enter the labor market immediately after graduation. Our students tend to be very successful and in great demand. Undergraduate economics is a liberal arts subject, but the training it offers in systematic analysis of costs and benefits and in rational decision-making by individuals and organizations provides good preparation for careers in law, education, business and government.
Contact the Career Development Center for specific career information or employment opportunities: https://cardinalcareers.stanford.edu/default.htm. AfterCollege hosts a website, as well, called the Economics Career Network. On this site are posted jobs and internships.
- How many units does the Economics Major require?
The Economics Major requires 80 units of approved economics coursework. - Can AP/IB units be used to replace Econ 1A and or 1B?
Students scoring a 5 on both the advanced placement microeconomics and advanced placement macroeconomics exam may petition the Director of Undergraduate Studies to have the ECON 1A (but not 1B) course requirement waived. Students do not receive units credit for placing out of ECON 1A. - How do I waive the 1A course?
Students who intend to declare Economics as a Major or a Minor can petition the DUS (Director of Undergraduate Study) to waive the Econ 1A requirement for graduation and as prerequisites to other Economics courses. Petitions are available in the Economics Department's Academic Office
Students whose petitions are approved and are thus exempt from Econ 1A are required to replace the 5 units of Econ 1A credit with alternate 5 units of upper division (Econ100 - Econ199) elective credits.
- When can I declare Economics as my major?
After you complete Econ 50 with a letter grade of B or better. - What if I get a B- in Econ 50?
To declare Economics as a major or minor, you must have a grade of B or better. Students obtaining a grade of B- might consider retaking Econ 50 to obtain a grade of B or better. - I am a transfer student, what courses can I transfer in to Economics?
Our Department aims to maintain the highest possible educational standards. Hence, approval of Transfer Credit from other institutions may be granted only if it can be demonstrated that the course taken away from Stanford was taught at a high level which is compatible with the corresponding course offered at Stanford. Transfer credit for Economics Core courses will turn on whether the course at another institution was taught at high enough analytical level. Credit will never be granted for non-calculus based courses. If a student seeks Transfer Credit for an elective course the student must specify the Stanford course it most closely resembles. This includes using courses listed as field courses as elective. No course will be approved as an elective course if there is no Stanford course which it proposes to replace. All field courses must be taken at Stanford in California. No Transfer Credit for a field course will ever be approved.
- Can I transfer credit from my community college?
No, transfer credit for community colleges and city colleges will not be approved. - How can I get a minor in Economics?
Once you have completed Econ 50 with a B or better, you can declare on line using Axess. You do not need to meet the DUS and will not be assigned an advisor. - Can I take a prerequisite course at the same time I take the course requiring the prerequisite?
No, the prerequisite course must be taken in a quarter prior to taking the course requiring the prerequisite. - Can I take field courses or Econ 101 at another college?
All field courses and Econ 101 must be taken at Stanford. No Transfer Credit for a field course or Econ 101 will ever be approved. - What if a course changes from a field course to an elective (or visa versa)?
Students will get credit for field courses if they are listed in the Information Book for Undergraduate Economics Majors as field courses the year the course was taken. - When do I need to use a permission number and how do I get one?
When prerequisite courses have received approved transfer credit or course substitution petition, then a permission number is required to enroll in the course. You obtain the permission number from the Undergraduate Administrator in the Economics Academic Office. - How do I apply to graduate?
You apply for degree conferral through Axess by the deadline specified by the University Calendar. Fill out a Major-Minor or Multiple-Major Course Approval form if you are planning to graduate with more than one major or will have a minor. It must be approved by the Undergraduate Administrator and should be done at least one quarter before graduation. - How do I withdraw my application to graduate?
Students who wish to withdraw a request for conferral or make changes to the Application to Graduate should notify the Office of the University Registrar in writing. Students who withdraw their graduation applications or fail to meet degree requirements must reapply to graduate in a subsequent term. - Can I walk through the commencement ceremony even if I am not graduating until the following quarter?
Yes, you must receive departmental approval and have at least 160 units toward graduation. Complete the Office of the University Registrar's "Commencement Walkthrough Petition" found at the Office of the Registrar's website, https://www.stanford.edu/dept/registrar/pdf/walkthrough.pdf