Transfer Credit



A. University Credit

Rules and conditions for approval of transfer credit from other academic institutions are listed under Transfer Credit in the Stanford University Bulletin.


B. Credit for Prerequisite Requirements of Economics Courses

Economics Department course prerequisites are enforced through Axess.  Students, who have not taken the prerequisites or equivalent, cannot enroll in these courses. Students who have taken courses equivalent to the prerequisites either at Stanford or at other academic institutions, may petition for prerequisite course approval. If an equivalent prerequisite course was taken at Stanford, a Course Substitution Request form for a Stanford course must be submitted to the Director of Undergraduate Study (DUS). If an equivalent prerequisite course was taken elsewhere, a Transfer Credit Evaluation form must be submitted to the Associate Director of Undergraduate Study.


C. Course Transfer Credit For Economics Degree Requirements

C.1 General Department Policy

Our Department aims to maintain the highest educational standards. Approval of Transfer Credit from other institutions may be granted only if it can be demonstrated that the course content corresponds to the Stanford course.


C.2 Specific Guidelines

The following guidelines should be consulted before you file your application for credit.

C.2.1 Core Courses

Transfer credit for Economics Core courses will be determined on the analytical content of the course taken elsewhere. Credit will not be granted for non-calculus based courses.

C.2.2 Elective Courses

If a student seeks transfer credit for an elective course, the student must specify the Stanford course it most closely resembles. This includes using courses listed as field courses as electives. No outside course will be approved as an elective course if there is no equivalent Stanford course.

C.2.3 Field Courses

All field courses must be taken at Stanford. No transfer credit for a field course will be approved.

C.2.4 Stanford Overseas Studies

Students intending to take Economic courses at Stanford Overseas Campuses, which are not listed in the Bulletin, can file a Transfer Credit Evaluation form for pre-approval with the Economics Department.  This should be done prior to attending the Stanford Overseas Campus. Most courses and tutorials are developed well in advance. A student planning to take a non-listed course at an overseas campus may obtain detailed information about the course, including a syllabus, and obtain pre-approval for that course before departing.

C.2.5 Special Problems

  • Transfer credit for Econ 1 is based on the appropriate Micro and Macro material covered in the course.  The class must be taught in the same depth as a Stanford course.  
  • Many institutions offer only one Micro course. One quarter or one semester courses are typically not sufficient to cover the combined material covered in Econ 50 and Econ 51, and thus transferring these courses might not be approved.
  • Economics 102A is taught at a higher analytical level at Stanford than either basic statistics or non-major courses taught at most other statistics departments.  If you seek to replace Econ 102A with statistics courses of a more advanced analytical level, you should compare the content of their course with that of Econ 102A.  Transferring these courses might not be approved.
  • Econ 118 - Economic Development and Econ 165 - International Economics. These courses have many different names at other institutions. If you seek credit for such courses, it is especially important for you to examine the content and the analytical level of the course taken elsewhere to receive transfer credit.

C.3 Procedure and Contact

  • Credit for courses taken at other institutions and applied towards the Economics major must first be approved for general University credit by the Registrar's Transfer Credit Evaluation Office in the Registrar's office. The student must arrange for an official transcript to be sent from the school attended. A student should apply for department transfer credit approval only after University approval has been granted and the course has been completed. It is the student's responsibility to have a copy of the transcript sent from the Transfer Credit Evaluator in the Registrar's Office to the Undergraduate Administrator in the Academic Office.
  • Department credit will be granted if the course taken was similar in content and depth to Stanford's class.  This will be determined by reviewing a course description, syllabus, textbook, and other evidence the student can provide. For this reason applications must include the syllabus of the non-Stanford course you are seeking credit for, the Professor who taught the course, complete information on the textbook(s) used, and the Stanford course you believe it parallels. The more information you can provide on a course the better your chances are for receiving credit for the course.
  • Completed Transfer Credit Approval Request form and required material should be submitted to the Undergraduate Administrator in the Academic Office. You can turn in this application at any time during the year. However, Transfer Credit forms will be evaluated in the second week and in the seventh week of Autumn, Winter, and Spring quarters, so plan accordingly!
    Transfer Credit Evaluation Form
  • It is important that you consult a sample list of courses which have already been approved since similarity to the course for which you seek approval will cut down the process of evaluation. A sample list of courses approved in the past and the courses which they aimed to replace is as follows:
  • Other University Course Stanford Economics Course  
    Victoria University of Wellington Econ 201 Microeconomics Econ 50
    Vanderbilt Econ 231 Intermediate Micro Econ 50
    Vanderbilt Econ 226 The Economic History of the US Econ 116
    Vanderbilt Econ 150 Economic Statistics Econ 102A
    University of Virginia Econ 303 Money and Banking Econ 111
    University of Texas - Arlington Econ 3312 Intermediate Macro Econ 52
    UCLA Econ 170 monopoly and competition econ 157
    UCLA Econ 160I Organization of the firm Econ 149
    UCLA Econ 130 Public Finance Econ 141
    UCLA Econ 160 Money and Banking Econ 111
    UCL Economics B25 Economics of Labor Econ 145
    UC-Berkeley Econ136 Financial Economics Econ 140
    UC Davis Econ 140 Econometrics Econ 102B
    UC Berkeley Economics 100B Intermediate Macro Econ 52
    UC Berkeley Economics 100A Intermediate Micro Econ 50
    UC Berkeley Stat 21 Intro to Probability and Statistics Econ 102A
    Tufts EC12 Intermediate macro Econ 52
    Tufts EC13 Statistics Econ 102A
    Queens College Econ 215 Money and Banking Econ 111
    Queens College Econ 249 Economic Statistics Econ 102A
    NYU C31.0238 International Economics Econ 165
    NYU C31.0205 Economic History of the US Econ 116
    Northwestern Econ 311 Intermediate macro Econ 52
    Northwestern Econ 118 Economic Growth and Development Econ 118
    Northwestern Econ 281-0 Intro to Applied Econometrics Econ 102B
    Northwestern Stat 210-0 Social Science Statistics Econ 102A
    LSE Econ 202 Intermediate Macro Econ 52
    LSE EC 312 Advanced Econometrics Econ 102C
    LSE EC 235 Economics of the European Union Econ 167
    LSE MA300 Game Theory Econ 160
    LSE Ec270 Public Finance Econ 141
    LSE AF355 Financial Markets Econ 135
    LSE EC307 Development Economics Econ 118
    LSE Econ 350 Finance and Financial Markets Econ 140
    Harvard University Econ S-1012 Intermediate Macro Econ 52
    Harvard University Statistics 100 Statistics 102A
    Boston College Ec150.05 Statistics Econ 102A