Current Major
Students majoring in Economics are welcome to stop by the Economics Academic Office, located on the first floor of the Landau Economics Building. The office hours are 8:30 am to 12noon and 1:00 pm to 4:30 pm. The Undergraduate Administrator is available on a drop-in basis to meet with students.
The Economics Department has compiled a comprehensive information book for students majoring or minoring in Economics. Sections of the information book include: declaring Economics as a major or minor, requirements for completion of the program, the Honors Program, graduating with distinction, types of undergraduate degrees and transfer credit, to name a few. The information is reviewed annually to update any changes to the undergraduate program.
Information Book for Undergraduate Economic Majors 2011-12
- A Guide for Declaring an Economics Major
- Proposed Program form
- Advisor Assignment form
- A Guide for Transfer Credit
- Transfer Credit Evaluation Request form
- Stanford Course Substitution Petition
- Fast Track Waiver Petition
- Honors Program Application form
- Honors Thesis Requirements and Deadlines
- Omicron Delta Epsilon website and membership application form