Triwit Ariyathugun
Revenue‐Maximizing Mechanism Choice in Divisible Good Auctions: An Empirical Analysis of the Thai Treasury Auction Market
May 2013
Andrew Boothe |
How Young Basketball Players Can Maximize Their Value |
May 2013 |
Jean Guo |
Barker’s Hypothesis and the Selection Effect: The Repercussions of Fetal Malnutrition in the Context of the Great Chinese Famine in 1959‐1961
May 2013 |
Virginia Hogan |
Matching in Groups: A Theoretical and Empirical Study |
May 2013 |
Emilie Jackson |
The Efficiency of Wikipedia's Evolution |
May 2013 |
Ganesh Kumaraguru |
How Do Students Value Time? An Examination of the Factors that Correlate With a Student’s Perceived Valuation of Time and the Link Between Perceived Value of Time and Time Management Prowess
May 2013 |
Cynthia Liu |
Using Empirically Estimated Efficiency Frontiers to Gauge Central Bank Performance and Effectiveness
May 2013 |
Zachariah Lott |
Exchange Rate Pass-Through on EBay |
May 2013 |
Larissa Muramoto |
Impact of Federal Work Study on Postgraduation Outcomes |
May 2013 |
Venussa Poovudhikul |
The Effects of the Thai College Admissions System on Private Tutoring Expenditure, Income and Achievement Disparities
May 2013 |
Rebecca Marqusee Sachs |
Job‐Lock and Health Insurance Premiums: Evidence from the Massachusetts Health Care Reform
May 2013 |
Sam Shapiro |
Federal R&D: Analyzing the Shift From Basic and Applied Research Toward Development |
May 2013 |
Evan Storms |
Incentives and Manipulation in Large Market Matching with Substitutes |
May 2013 |
Mohit Thukral |
Bank dominance: Financial sector determinants of sovereign risk premia |
May 2013 |
Rhampapacht (Joy) Vorapatchaiyanont |
Design of Online Peer‐to‐Peer Investment Platform Offering Incentive‐Compatible Revenue‐Sharing Innovation
May 2013 |
Edward Zhu |
The Case for Free Trade Agreements: Historical Perspectives and a Projection for China, Japan, and Korea |
May 2013 |