Considering Stanford University? Come spend a day on The Farm and get a feel for academic and student life.
What to do
- Participate in our Discover Stanford program (reservations required)
or take a Campus Walking Tour (reservations not required).
- Enjoy a meal at one of our many campus eateries or dining halls.
- Visit a class. Class lists are available at the Undergraduate Admission Office or the Visitor Center shortly after the start of each academic quarter, except summer (class visits are unavailable during reading periods, final exams, holiday recesses or summer session.)
- Attend a 45-minute question and answer session with current Stanford undergraduates (Student Forum)
Additional Activities:
- Visit the Offices of Undergraduate Admission and Financial Aid to ask general questions.
- If you do not participate in our Discover Stanford program take a Campus Walking Tour.
Golf Cart Tours are also available by reservation.
- Pick up a self-guided tour map at the Visitor Center and walk around campus at your leisure.
- Explore the Cantor Arts Center.
- Meet with a faculty or staff member in an academic department of interest. (Please make an appointment directly with the department in advance of your visit.)
You should know
When planning your trip, remember your visit to campus is for your informational purposes only. Stanford does not track visitors or conduct on-campus interviews as part of the undergraduate admission process. Prospective students are encouraged to visit on a weekday because most departments, including the Undergraduate Admission Office, are closed on weekends.
See our Calendar for details.
Last update:
February 15, 2012 3:29 PM