Undergraduate Housing Draw Statistics

Notes from the 2013 Draw:

  • During the Draw, we assign all of the spaces we have available on campus. This year, approximately 95% of the students who applied for Autumn Quarter housing received an assignment in the Draw. We assign as many students as possible each year during this first round of assignments. The remaining guaranteed students are assigned in the waiting list round and later in the summer if necessary. Fortunately, we know that additional spaces will open up on campus throughout the summer, which will allow us to assign all remaining guaranteed students as long as they indicate their continued desire for assignment by applying for the next housing assignment round (waiting list) before July 7th.
  • The additional undergraduate applications for the Draw this year were due, in part, to a larger freshmen class applying for their sophomore year of housing. There were also increases in junior and senior applications. The demand for on campus housing has increased over the past few years; these increases in demand can be attributed to a rise in the number of fifth year students (unguaranteed) seeking on-campus housing, higher enrollment (especially with the class of 2016), and an increasingly competitive local rental market.
  • Admissions accepted fewer freshmen for next year to offset the larger number of freshmen admitted into the class of 2016, so we were able to assign an additional 81 upperclassmen in this Draw compared to 2012.
  • R&DE Student Housing has been able to meet the guarantee of housing to students every year and we will do so again this year. A surprising number of vacancies open up over the summer as students cancel their housing assignments to go abroad and take leaves of absence. Additionally, the number of incoming freshmen and transfers decreases as students defer their acceptance or withdraw. This allows us to assign many guaranteed students on campus during the waiting list round which is held in July.


Assignment Statistics   Applied for Housing Assigned to Housing Not assigned but Guaranteed Not assigned and no longer Guaranteed (restricted choices) Not assigned and out of guarantee years Total not assigned to housing Draw number of last person assigned
2013 Men
85 6
2734 Guaranteed
89 3 28 120
2745 Guaranteed
2012 Men
2871 Guaranteed
2818 Guaranteed
2011 Men 2138 2057 45 11 25 81 2842 Guaranteed
Women 2037 1959 34 14 30 78 2820 Guaranteed
Total 4175 4016 79 25 55 159  
2010 Men 2037 1983 22 5 27 54 2931 Guaranteed
Women 2068 2022 26 3 17 46 2943 Guaranteed
Total 4105 4005 48 8 44 100  
2009 Men 2005 1919 46 5 35 86 2905 Guaranteed
Women 2079 2012 43 3 21 67 2883 Guaranteed
Total 4084 3931 89 8 56 153  
2008 Men 1955 1862 58 5 30 93 2892 Guaranteed
Women 2043 1959 64 6 14 84 2813 Guaranteed
Total 3998 3821 122 11 44 177  
2007 Men 1959 1888 39 4 21 64 2878 Guaranteed
Women 1990 1914 37 9 21 67 2845 Guaranteed
Total 3949 3795 76 13 42 131  
2006 Men 1982 1920 26 7 29 62 2923 Guaranteed
Women 1896 1854 23 2 17 42 2899 Guaranteed
Total 3878 3774 49 9 46 104  
2005 Men 2044 2003 5 6 36 41 2972 Guaranteed
Women 1925 1896 7 5 22 29 2936 Guaranteed
Total 3969 3899 12 11 58 70  
2004 Men 1971 1942 0 5 24 29 2996 Guaranteed
Women 1954 1950 0 2 2 4 3500 No Guarantee remaining
Total 3925 3892 0 7 26 33  
2003 Men 1920 1896 1 2 21 24 2990 Guaranteed
Women 1969 1959 0 0 10 10 3008 No Guarantee remaining
Total 3889 3855 1 2 31 34  

Important Notes for Cutoff Number Charts A cutoff in italics, followed by an asterisk (*), indicates a split group — that is, some, but not all, students with this number could make it into the residence. In general, anyone with a number and guarantee pool code beyond the cutoff for "Any Residence" is outside the "assignable pool" and will not be assigned anywhere. Only the "individual" cutoff for "Any Residence" is relevant here. A cutoff value of "ALL" means that any individual or group in the assignable pool (that is, within the cutoff for "Any Residence") could make it into the residence.

Spring 2013 Undergraduate Waitlist Statistics

Overall Cut-off Numbers  
Male Female        
No cut off No cut off        
Housing Status Explanation
Status Level Description Result
First Level E Students returning from a Stanford away program (Bing Overseas, Stanford in Washington) with guarantee years remaining. Guaranteed Housing These students are guaranteed housing. 100% of the men and women in this category were assigned.
Second Level G Students with guarantee years remaining but not returning from a Stanford away program. Guaranteed Housing These students are guaranteed housing but students in Level E are given a priority for housing over students at this level. 100% of students in this category were assigned.
Third Level I Students with guarantee years remaining who restricted their choices on their Waitlist applications. Not Guaranteed Housing. These students are not guaranteed housing. No students in this level were assigned.
Fourth Level N Students who have already used all their guaranteed years of housing. Not Guaranteed Housing. These students are not guaranteed housing. 100% of students in this level were assigned.
Students Seeking Assignment
      Male Female Total
Applied for Assignment  
E Students returning from a Stanford away program (Bing Overseas, Stanford in Washington) with guarantee years remaining. Guaranteed Housing 66 98 164
G Students with guarantee years remaining but not returning from a Stanford away program. Guaranteed Housing 22 9 31
I Students with guarantee years remaining who restricted their choices on their Waitlist applications. Not Guaranteed Housing. 1 3 4
N Students who have already used all of their guaranteed years of housing. Not Guaranteed Housing. 4 1 5
  Total 93 111 204
Assigned   Total 92 108 200
Not Assigned  
E Students returning from a Stanford away program (Bing Overseas, Stanford in Washington) with guarantee years remaining. Guaranteed Housing 0 0 0
G Students with guarantee years remaining but not returning from a Stanford away program. Guaranteed Housing 0 0 0
I Students with guarantee years remaining who restricted their choices on their Waitlist applications. Not Guaranteed Housing. 1 3 4
N Students who have already used all of their guaranteed years of housing. Not Guaranteed Housing. 0 0 0
  Total 1 3 4

Winter 2013 Undergraduate Waitlist Statistics

Overall Cut-off Numbers  
Male Female        
1132G 704G        
Note:  Because only juniors and seniors can live in Oak Creek, some Status Level E sophomores were unassigned in this round.
Housing Status Explanation
Status Level Description Result
First Level E Students returning from a Stanford away program (Bing Overseas, Stanford in Washington) with guarantee years remaining. Guaranteed Housing These students are guaranteed housing. 97.8% of the men and women in this category were assigned.
Second Level G Students with guarantee years remaining but not returning from a Stanford away program. Guaranteed Housing These students are guaranteed housing but students in Level E are given a priority for housing over students at this level. 32% of students in this category were assigned.
Third Level I Students with guarantee years remaining who restricted their choices on their Waitlist applications. Not Guaranteed Housing. These students are not guaranteed housing. No students in this level were assigned.
Fourth Level N Students who have already used all their guaranteed years of housing. Not Guaranteed Housing. These students are not guaranteed housing. No students in this level were assigned.
Students Seeking Assignment
      Male Female Total
Applied for Assignment  
E Students returning from a Stanford away program (Bing Overseas, Stanford in Washington) with guarantee years remaining. Guaranteed Housing 112 161 273
G Students with guarantee years remaining but not returning from a Stanford away program. Guaranteed Housing 31 37 68
I Students with guarantee years remaining who restricted their choices on their Waitlist applications. Not Guaranteed Housing. 6 3 9
N Students who have already used all of their guaranteed years of housing. Not Guaranteed Housing. 8 2 10
  Total 157 203 360
Assigned   Total 122 167 289
Not Assigned  
E Students returning from a Stanford away program (Bing Overseas, Stanford in Washington) with guarantee years remaining. Guaranteed Housing 2 4 6
G Students with guarantee years remaining but not returning from a Stanford away program. Guaranteed Housing 19 27 46
I Students with guarantee years remaining who restricted their choices on their Waitlist applications. Not Guaranteed Housing. 6 3 9
N Students who have already used all of their guaranteed years of housing. Not Guaranteed Housing. 8 2 10
  Total 35 36 71

Autumn 2012 Undergraduate Waitlist Statistics.

Overall Cut-off Numbers  
Male Female        
2988 2952        
Housing Status Explanation
Status Level Description Result
First Level G Students who selected on their Waitlist applications that they were willing to live in any residence for which they were eligible. These students are guaranteed housing. 61% of the men and women in this category were assigned.
Second Level H Students with guarantee years remaining who restricted their application choices on either their Draw or Waitlist application.  These students are not guaranteed housing but are assigned before students in Level N. No students in this level were assigned.
Third Level N Students who have already used all of their guaranteed years of housing. These students are not guaranteed housing. No students in this level were assigned.
Students Seeking Assignment
      Male Female Total
Applied for Assignment  
G Students who selected on their Waitlist applications that they were willing to live in any residence for which they were eligible. Guaranteed Housing. 74 68 142
H Students with guarantee years remaining who restricted their application choices on either their Draw or Waitlist application. Not Guaranteed Housing. 14 4 18
N Students who have already used all of their guaranteed years of housing. Not Guaranteed Housing. 28 23 51
  Total     211
Assigned   Total 55 31 86
Not Assigned          
G Students who selected on their Waitlist applications that they were willing to live in any residence for which they were eligible. Guaranteed Housing. 19 37 56
H Students with guarantee years remaining who restricted their application choices on either their Draw or Waitlist application. Not Guaranteed Housing. 14 4 18
N Students who have already used all of their guaranteed years of housing. Not Guaranteed Housing. 28 23 51
  Total     125
Students Seeking Reassignment
    Male Female Total
Applied for Reassignment Students assigned in first round who were attempting to get a more preferred assignment during the waiting list. 52 43 95
Reassigned Students who were reassigned to a more preferred residence 37 25 62
Not Reassigned Students who kept their original Draw assignment because their more preferred choice was unavailable. 15 18 33

Last modified Wed, 29 May, 2013 at 19:26